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RE: Empath

Years ago, when I first learned about the personality of the Empath, it explained so much to me that I hadn't been able to get anyone else to understand or resonate to in the same way I did. It explained why relative strangers would open up and confide in me, secrets they had trouble telling anyone else. I was constantly hearing You're so easy to talk to. I never said these things to anyone before in my life.

It explained why being alone for extended periods of time was so necessary for me. It explained my extraordinary need for privacy. It explained why I couldn't stand "small talk" or parties or crowds. It explained why just going out shopping could be exhausting (when some people find that therapeutic.) It explained why being forced to be around "too many people" for too long was "just a huge opportunity to feel bad." It explained my strong and immediate reactions to meeting someone (sometimes just hearing their name was enough.) Facebook gave me the creeps the moment I heard the name ... and I cannot stand being in places like the casinos in Reno or Las Vegas.

It explained why I was (and still am) often so despairing at the state of the world and appalled at how brutally people treat other human beings, animals and other lives. Sometimes I don't even want to be part of the human race. And because I believe in reincarnation I am disturbed by the idea of having to return to this ever again ... and deal with it all over. There are times I actively wish I were tougher. (I tell @catweasel all the time ... "I need to be a whole lot meaner.")

It explained why the wrong environment ... bad colors, bad "atmosphere," unpleasant odors, lots of noise, even "jittery music" (like some classical pieces and composers ... Bach, for example) are sometimes just impossible to take. It sets my teeth on edge and makes me really irritable. It explained why I consider my pets my best friends ... "because they've treated me far better than most people I know."

It explained why "hurt feelings" over small things can stay with me for weeks! I agonize over them ... and replay them in my head until even I am totally fed up with myself. I have asked myself, "Why do the bad things hurt so much worse than the good things feel good?" It is truly not easy being one of us. Thank you so much for your splendid and detailed article that shows a mirror of myself -- and others I have known. It was honestly comforting to read it all again. (And BTW, the "love and light" crowd often make me want to hurl.)

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. He's really not as annoying as you might think. <--- He always makes me say that.)


First, I would like to say WOW. Second, I would like to say WOW again @enchantedspirit. I had to wait almost 24 hours to respond because I was a little intimidated by this huge comment. If this is the kind of comments you all are talking about, then My goodness I have a lot to do!
Now, to responding to your most amazing and wonderful comment. It is amazing how we have the gift to be able to just have someone open to us like a can of worms. I say worms because most of the time it's like a confession of sorts. It took me a long time not to have a look of horror every time this happened to me, ever since I was a kid. That is how I know you are the real deal. People like to say they are an Empath, but it isn't until I hear the same exact experiences do I know someone is my true kin in this life.

I appreciate you sharing your experienced throughout life, it's amazing to me how many of us have the same types of experiences. Feelings of being outside of the crowd or maybe seen as someone who did not want to participate, but it wasn't that at all. The ability to read someone right on the spot, knowing their mind and soul is totally deep and sometimes feels like the wind is being knocked out of you. It is not an easy thing to deal with, especially as a young pre-teen and teen. That time period was the worst for me.

To touch a little bit on reincarnation, I believe as well. My next question would be, have you settled all human debt. Have you made peace, and ensured that you have completed all jobs and ties in this lifetime? This is my first time here in this realm, and it will be my last. I do not make strong ties, and I have not made serious vows that will not end at death. Have you taken the strands of obligation off of your soul as not to have to come back to this realm? I have to tell you, that I never want to return here again. This is one of the toughest places my soul has existed and it has not been pleasant. We are all being watched for how our soul lives in this realm and we are honored. Through my empathic ability this grew into so many more abilities. Have you figured out your path and are you on it? Have you completed what your soul's intent was from its origination until now? Sorry for all the questions, but this is what my reading is concluding. Hugs.

If I may also say that the "hurt feelings" is so common with us, even after grounding and centering, I still have issues sometimes, but then I know I need to balance my chakras out. We all have our methods and I have posted some ways in my next blog post on grounding and centering. These methods help with the subject of the sensitivity so much. It is definitely NOT easy being one of us.

LMAO! Regarding the love and light crowd. I feel exactly the same way. One of my very good friend's calls it the "goody goody" crowd, and I just saw someone join yesterday to Steemit. All I could do was roll my eyes. This person even used a term I have been using for years and that is we live in our shell. Our shell is our body, skin and bone. What is inside is our true inner Being, this is the one we must listen too 100 percent. That inner voice that tells us what the right thing is to do. I am so happy you connected to my post, I am always hesitant to share such intimate information and if I can connect to amazing people like you and your husband, it is all worth taking that chance.

Yay, The Magnificent Seven. Woop. Woop. ("not as annoying." LOL!! ) You two kill me. xx

I keep trying to find time to get in here and answer this ... and I haven't managed that yet. But I'm here to let you know it's still on my list. I appreciate the depth and concern reflected in your answer. I keep saying I need to be triplets. This is an example of why. Also, the world needs at least three of me. That's another reason.

Lol!!! True that!! Although this world couldn’t handle three of you!! 🤣🤣 @enchantedspirit.

I certainly couldn't.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


@enchantedspirit, did you see what CW posted? xx


I gave this to @sultnpapper, but I'm sure he'll let you use it from time to time.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Why did you give @sultnpapper a wooden spoon? Discipline? :)

To stir things up with, of course.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


You called me amazing!!! I love you.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Do you do your little comment illustrations?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Yes, I do them myself with Bitmoji.

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