in #spanish6 years ago


Est publicación la dedico a @simplymike, para darle las gracias y demostrarle mi agradecimiento por la gran ayuda que me ha dado, ya sentía que me ahogaba, en este inmenso mar de steemit, sin poder votar, comentar, sin poder nadar cómodamente, para mí ha sido un salvavida, que me ha sacado a flote. También agradezco y doy las gracias a @macoolette, por recomendarme y avisarme de esta publicación. https://steemit.com/steempress/@simplymike/redfishrocketcontest3winadelegation-f8etvpas9p Mike está haciendo una excelente labor, ayudando con delegación de SP, a una gran cantidad de peces rojos, ya que HF20 ha tenido un impacto negativo en todas las cuentas pequeñas como la mía.
This publication is dedicated to @simplymike, to thank him and show my appreciation for the great help he has given me, I already felt that I was drowned, in this immense sea of steemit, without being able to vote, comment, without being able to swim comfortably, I have been a lifesaver, who has brought me afloat. I also thank and thank @macoolette, for recommending me and letting me know about this publication. https://steemit.com/steempress/@simplymike/redfishrocketcontest3winadelegation-f8etvpas9p

Mike is doing an excellent job, helping with SP delegation, a lot of red fish, since HF20 has had a negative impact on all small accounts like mine.

¿Cómo lo está haciendo?
Este es uno de sus comentarios

How are you doing?
This is one of your comments

Como ayudar

Hace 5 días, lancé un concurso en el que prometí delegar mi SP a 10 peces rojos que están en problemas. La idea es llevar su SP hasta 100, para que puedan funcionar correctamente y hacer crecer su cuenta publicando y participando.

No fueron 10 peces, fueron 12, gracias por tu generosidad @simplymike

How To Help

5 days ago, I launched a contest in which I promised to delegate my SP to 10 redfish who are in trouble. The idea is to bring their SP up to 100, so they will be able to function properly and grow their account by posting and engaging.

There were 10 fish, it was 12, thank you for your generosity @simplymike

En esta otra publicación anuncio a los ganadores del concurso, donde fui una de las seleccionadas. Estos son los ganadores del concurso del Redfish Rocket Contest 3.

¿A quién le aumentará su SP hasta 100 y no volverá a tener problemas con RC?


@zanetaviz, @cortar, @talhatariq

@vliet. @obsesija, @celinavisaez

@aurodivys, @cendrinemedia, @paramimd

@shadown99, @georgipraskov, @vimukti-ananda

In this other publication I announce the winners of the contest, where I was one of the selected ones. These are the winners of the Redfish Rocket Contest 3 contest.

Who will increase your SP to 100 and will not have problems with RC again?


@zanetaviz, @cortar, @talhatariq

@vliet, @obsesija, @celinavisaez

@aurodivys, @cendrinemedia, @paramimd

@shadown99, @georgipraskov, @vimukti-ananda

Muchas bendiciones, y abrazos desde lo más, profundo de mi Corazón, al bendecirlas, me bendigo a mí misma. ¡Gracias muchas gracias!

Many blessings, and hugs from the deepest part of my Heart, by blessing them, I bless myself. Thank you thank you very much!

Este post de agradecimiento sera mi entrada en el CONCURSO - GRACIAS SEMANA ECONÓMICA 12 | 6+ SBI SHARES

This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)
the latest update <<< please click to read.




Hi @celinavisaez, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @cortar doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @costar ?

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Impresionante entrada es la número dos para @simplymike ... Me encanta este concurso.
Awesome entry it's number two for @simplymike... I love this contest.

You're welcome, @celinavisaez. I hope things are working out for you now.
Thanks for doing such a sweet thing as write a post. I think this is the first post that is attended to me. I feel flattered :0)

Oh, before I forget. I'm a girl, lol.
Everybody thinks I'm a guy, because of my username, of course.
The reason why I have my username is a too long story to tell, but I know I brought it on myself by choosing simplymike for my username, haha. Don't worry about it, it happens all the time, and I don't mind :0)

I'm a girl, lol.


Soy una niña, lol.
Todo el mundo piensa que soy un chico, por mi nombre de usuario.

por la foto siempre pense que eras una chica, luego dude un poco, gracias por la aclaratoria, un fuerte pero cariñoso abrazo.

Eres bienvenido
Disfruta de tu delegación y aprovecha al máximo.

traductor Google

Hola @macoolette! eres una persona muy, especial en mi camino, en mi siempre dejaras una huella de bondad y gratitud, cariños y besos.

Are you aware of this contest: https://steemit.com/curie/@curie/curie-comment-contest-october-7th-october-14th-2018 ?

This requires heavy engagement through good quality comment and replies. I noticed that there are many Spanish entries for Steemit Open Mic. Many are even from Venezuela. I think you can participate here too even if you just pick the Spanish entries. Go check it out.

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