Work in Progress Painting : An Android dreamt from a power outage

in #slothicorn6 years ago (edited)

A bit of my working painting of Singularity Dream detail of filing in body.


My obsession with an android life or the culmination of human machine pairing has increased.

I did a sketch and watercolour study of this darling during our first big power outage. Our generator was working then, so the biggest annoyance during that three day power sebatical was the loud sound of the generator and the loss of internet save some very spotty phone data.

That time I sat and looked out onto our view and dreamt of the android machine girl out there free of worry of storms and power. It had a lighter feel. Here is that sketch:

That storm had no snow. It was threat of floods and endless rain. In that chaos of power outage we had green grass and of course diesel created power. There was some frustration but not the cold frigid angst of our last storm which involved snow and cold and no power. Thus the automaton created in that piece and worked on yesterday had a very different feel. The cold silence of the heavy snow-laden trees and her powerful beacon eyes piercing the powerless silence of it all.

Now, back to this piece I am currently working on in digital oil. As I said, I sketched and did a watercolour study. This is often my steps towards a more finalized piece usually either in oil or oil pastel or a combination of the two.

After looking over the study I made I realized the branch from our beloved pine tree looked to be coming out of her head. And as it was a quick scribble study as I am often wont to do, I thought it seems to be the dream of the machine coming out her her subconscious.

Sometimes I feel when I am sketching or drawing there is a sense of automatic writing in it.

That old belief that opening oneself up and letting a pen go on a page will result in communications with the otherside. In a way, when sketching out environment or settings for my figures sometimes I feel like my own subconscious takes charge of the pen. Then my conscious mind has a little wander around the page and that branch I meant to draw becomes the dream state of my androids mind.

Here is the new rough sketch I am using for the current painting.
march17robotsketch1 (1).jpg

The butterfly has often been the symbol for the human mind or soul.

A representative of humanity and the idea that my lovely hybrid is dreaming of or attracting to her such a symbol plays on the spirit or soul of the new machines of my imagined future.

After studying it this morning whilst working on it I realized I think I want to add an animal to it and will most likely do so. I'll share that bit if I do decide before the finished piece. I picturing a dog companion for some reason, I often do love to include dogs, but their symbolism as the companion of man would not go amiss in this piece, I think.

I like to block out the background a bit and try out the colours I found I liked in my watercolour study.


I find in digital oil I can have the freedom to take a break from backpainting and go in, as I have done here, to really focus on how I want to paint up and fill in the details of the final piece. I like the idea of using a delicate touch of brush work on something so futuristic as an android/humanoid.

In this fantasy world where my mind has taken me, the future world seems to be longing or looking for some antiquity of humanity. As if the machine, conversely to the space age future dreaming of man, is looking for the delicacy and archaic intricacy of a past pre-machine.

Maybe it's that representation of the human condition of never being happy with what we have and longing for the world through rose-tinted glass.

Well, I have waxed poetic enough this morning. I just wanted to share my progress on this piece.

If you like my work please upvote, resteem and by all means comment, I love comments!

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You know... I could definitely see this robowoman as the new character of a comic book.
As for your animal companion, I picture a fierce animal by her side (a fox, a wolf... or an animal that needs its pack, but is also very independent).
Another beautiful piece Donna :)

I love that idea, but I wouldn't have the focus to do a comic book series of drawings. I'd get distracted and throw some chickens in there. Unless the comic book is about a series of random events involving robots, animals, chairs, and coffee there a story in there? ;)

I went with dog because really trying to show the human connection and the dog is the human companion since the beginning, so I wanted a feel of the dog using it's smarts to sort of show up the andorid owner, letting it's find it's humanity in there somewhere (i.e. the butterflies coming out of the skirt).

I'd get distracted and throw some chickens in there

Haha! Fair enough.
Chickens, robots, chairs and coffee cups... i think you're onto something there 😉

Oh and I loved what you did with the dog in your following post a few days ago. Makes total sense (I still want to read a whole story with the characters you are making though.. what do you think about collaborations? creating a steemit comic book type of thing with your drawings and someone's help to create the story... that would be soooo cool!)

Possibly I suppose it would depend on the story, if I'm inspired by it, most definitely. :)

Great detail! I love the blue behind her head <3

Thanks it started as a tree branch and has morphed into the ephemera and ectoplasm of a robots manifested desire for humanity :)

This is STUNNING. Wow, I would love to see this on something... like a badass girl's tee shirt or as a MASSIVE gallery canvas installation (like 5 x 5 feet or larger). I am stoked to see it finished. ☺️

Thanks, I am going to start putting my robot series on my tshirts and items in my society6 shop and probably redbubble. When Summer arrives and I open my summer studio I am already planning a very large scale robot/singularity painting :)

amazing art :D
profesional art ,

Thank you so kindly.

Wow! I love seeing your creative process! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm a new follower and so glad to discover your blog. To me, this piece highlights contrast between the delicate, living butterflies and the mechanic "alive" android. Blending and blurring nature and machine. Much love!

The android girls are a lot of blue thoughts fading away.
Brilliant again!

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