Introduce Myself To @slothicorn - Part 3:3

in #slothicorn6 years ago (edited)

Get it? Slothicorn!

Thank you for following along this week as I introduced myself to @slothicorn, I appreciate your support! This introduction turned out to be a lot more fun than I expected. Danget, it’s over Good times! Those of you who missed Part 1 or 2, there’s a link to them at the bottom of this post. Below is a recap of the series of drawings that led us to the cover image you just clicked on. Welcome to Part 3 - The part where I show my appreciation:










”One at a time......”

Introduce Myself To @slothicorn - Part 3:3

Those of you who are going to skip the mushy part - No worries, I get it! Before you split, you should click on the names below, they’re all worth keeping an eye on. :wink:
Thanks a lot for stopping by! 👊

You know you’re first. Not just because you cut out the ICO either. Co-pilot. Summa Cum Laude. Half of this smash ball duo! You’re Everything. Those of you who want to know how cool my wife is, check out Plug In And Disconnect. I’m the luckiest guy I know.

Thank you for providing this community. Having a platform to post these projects means everything. Those of you who aren’t familiar with the goal of #slothicorn community, Click Here and add @slothicorn to the list of people you follow. You’ll be glad you did.

Thanks for being wise and cool at the same time. We felt your grandfather pride when you posted Sea Of Futility however long ago that was. What’s with the delays in between your writings? Bring down the Mendo and some cartridges, there’s a sunset with your peddles all over it.

It was that sloth you draw that originally got my attention, I’ve been following you ever since. You gave me my very first Resteem, I won’t forget that. All of your artwork is impressive, if I had to pick a favorite, I would be stuck between your Slothicorn Library and the Lady In Lines. “Both!”

The first time I saw my blockchain light up is when I did that Image Request for you. Man I felt like a rockstar when your followers were upvoting me! Thanks for showing me the benefit of deadlines, I have a feeling the benefit of requests are next. In fact, this whole 3-part introduction was your idea. Thanks Ed! You give me confidence. Believe me when I say South Africa is on our radar. Whoever hasn’t yet, check out Spirit In The Sky by @edprivat. He did that one per our request. His rendition of Nothing Compares 2 U RIP Prince is even better!

Thanks for the white gel pen trick! It was when you posted that drawing of This Old Man and you made his beard white and coarse. That’s probably the nicest drawing of a beard I’ve ever seen. Really, I have no desire to attempt drawing a beard after seeing that one. Thanks for the trick, I use it all the time.

I was looking at these 3D drawings one time, it took me a minute to figure out how you did it. “He cut the paper!” I knew I’d use that one eventually - Neat trick! 👍🏿 That one you did awhile back called Gaia - I can’t say enough about that one.

One of this dudes very first posts he ever did here at Steemit hit the Trending section and made $15 USD. He went from a reputation of 25 to a 45 on his first day. I haven’t seen him since! Thanks for being my on-call photoshop, sir! Tomato toemawtoe.

All of you who click on these posts through the link I send you via text:
Decentralize with the rest of us and open a account. It’s cooler than all that Instabookogram stuff you’re currently censoring yourself to. You’ll still comment with your phone. I’ll still read your comments and reply from the screen of my phone. It just won’t be in the body of a text message, that’s all, come tell me about it at and we all cash in.



Welcome to Steem Community @dandays! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

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I couldn't help but click on every markdown links, every time it felt that I was eating a chocolate on the Christmas calendar, don't listen to me I am a bit high right now !

"You give me confidence" I truly appreciate the shout out , but you are the one creating that amazing art, taking the pictures, and pressing the publish button, and actually the 3 parts was your idea all along as well...
I am amazed how humble you are, taking the time thank each one of us!

"Believe me when I say South Africa is on our radar" it's a lovely place but it's gangster too, I would love for us to meet halfway , right in the middle of the atlantic ocean maybe... :P, but it might get gangster in a totally different way with hungry sharks...

Thanks for the ad for my music :)

About censorship on Facebook, yes It's been happening for a while now, and on Youtube as well, there has been a crackdown on every politically incorrect media outlets, so mainly propaganda articles will be accepted on these platforms, the pressure comes from above, and everyone has to abide...
I am currently disgusted by the war propaganda on Syria, France paving the way, they are the real criminals, and we the people just sit and watch...

Anyway good post broh , and please more and more and more of anything and everything!

So.....hhahahahaha I laughed a little , because I just got it ! SLOTH ICO CORN , SLOTHICORN!!!! You damn genius!!!

I was wondering... but why ICO (Initial coin offering)

How awesome is that?? 3 hours in between your responses. Even If that’s the only time someone thinks of me when they see ‘ICO’ it worked! It was worth it.
Edit: did you see this one yet? Hopefully I showed It to you first. Congrats!

Yes < i've become the music curator on for @Artzone, I didn't want to make it a big thing, but I am actually so damn excited about it, especially because this is something I wanted to do since I've joined the platform, I am really thankful to @surfyogi and I know I am gonna get it right!
I am thankful to you too bro , I really feel that your art mirrors mine , and I would love to see some daily actually , I don't know if it's possible with all the charity work and pyramid making that you guys are doing.

"me when they see ‘ICO’ it worked! It was worth it" i am still quite embarrassed about the fact that I didn't get it right away , I always pride myself being the witty-and-quick to react but 3 hours, like come one!
Blame it on the weeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!

looking goooood that grow - and the art-work ;)

Hey check you out. Welcome to Steemit @devmo, happy to have you!

Hahaha - yea, look at me go ;D

Thank you @dandays - already feeling right at home! ;)

I love your work! very talented ! welcome to steemit @devmo!!


@artzone’ Congratulations on the curator! Your name in lights like that introducing everyone’s music is something to be proud of.
‘Thankful’ Thank you! I’d love to get to one a day, that would be incredible. I was barely doing one a week for a long time, then last week is the first time I did 3 so 1/day may actually be on the horizon. Thank you, again.
You and your have a great weekend.
(Ima go find an old page of yours right quick)

I think once a day is totally doable , the first few weeks will feel painful but then you will get into a routine
You guys have a dope weekend toO!

Let me catch up so I can hear you better....
Now you’re the one being humble!
‘Pressing the the publish button.’ Man you read that hu? Frikkin awesome.
‘Gangster.’ Ya.. So I really dig scuba diving. A sport where one leg is good enough! I’ve only seen 2 sharks down there and they were only a couple feet long. Certainly that’s not the case in the middle of the Atlantic.
‘Censorship.’ Who knows how cough real This Is bit you mentioned Syria and I was reminded.
Thanks @edprivat! Now I have to pay respects on your page.

In Capetown there's awesome scuba spots ( haven't done some yet), though I live in Johannesburg which is the city.
We are actually entering the winter, which is a little cold here in the highfeld

it can get even colder in Lesotho and see some snow :)

"Censorship.’ Who knows how cough real This Is" : Few families controlling the world and shaping history , it's like Game of Thrones but with "Clean" bombs...

You haven’t done those particular dive spots? Or you’ve never dove? Ain’t it great communicating with another human when they don’t speak your language? It’s so fun. Like speaking in tongues but thumbs.... Bare with me, it’s safurday and I’m freshly tuned up.
Where was I? Oh ya! If you’ve never dove ‘that’ spot, sounds like you have a good excuse to now. If you’ve never dove before, as in scuba dive, don’t worry. We got this!

I did scuba in the south of France but without the oxygen bottles, so it was not very deep, I've always had compression issues in my ear, and actually quite an issue from my right ear that prevent to do so because of the pain...
I would freaking love to do some casual diving at where the depth is not crazy
You sound like you've been diving a lot?

I just started a couple years ago. My wife has ear problems too man. Ya, that’s too bad. For her, diving isn’t an option.

Happy Safurday!

Wonderful drawings! I like your art.

Thank you @alla-kopica. I appreciate your attention. I’ll put up some more for you next week.

I will wait)

This is only one of the reasons you are so cool. You are so creative, continue to keep that free spirit because it’s so refreshing to witness its manifestation in your art. Free bird!!! Great post.

Darth Dog Bear. Love the art and I draw too. A masterpiece.

Thank you @joeyarnoldvn. Thank you for continuing to stop by and drop lines.

Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!

Thank you @dandays for having me in your list. 😊 .. and great work done there and like tattoos on your hand would love to see it.

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