Plug in and disconnect.

in #psychology6 years ago

So we get back from our trip up north emotionally exhausted. It was good to see all of my family, my mom, my grandparents and cousins. My brother seemed to be doing quite well and for that I’m thankful. Upon our return, I hit the ground running so by Wednesday I was feeling a little drained. My husband called me and told me to meet him at the house that we were going to spend the rest of the day recharging on a bike ride. (Only a very small reason why I love him so much)

We headed to the boardwalk and kept on riding. We found ourselves downtown where we got to check out some more street art. (I’m always so amazed with how much talent there is in the world) As we ride, we are talking about the phenomenon where everyone is so plugged in and yet so very disconnected.

The access we all have to information, social outlets, google and Instagram might be the very reason we have such a tough time connecting with one another. I got to thinking how I put my phone down when we arrived to my home town and never picked it back up until four days later when we returned home. The feeling of freedom, liberation, connection to the people around us was a welcomed change. I’ve decided that staying unplugged from my phone has allowed me to plug into my life in a more authentic way. Tv, social media, and being constantly accessible might as well be another form of pharmaceuticals for all of it promotes us sleep walking through life.
I know we all like to take a lazy day here and there, binge watching Stranger Things on Netflix while losing an entire day to hiding in melancholy and guilt. But at what cost? What are we missing while our heads are veiled by medications, eyes buried in the sands of Instagrams and Kardashian’s and minds occupied by followers rather than friends? Is human connection on the brink of extinction?
Our ability to communicate with one another is what separates us from other species. We are able to genuinely empathize with people around us which creates a lot of room for us to bond and connect. These connections that we sew through life add immeasurable amounts of value to our spirits, to our beings. Forever growing, evolving and becoming the most pure version of ourselves should be the goal. I don’t know that our current culture of instant gratification supports such blossoming.
The days of friends hanging out looking like this are over. Vitamin D has morphed into a supplement that is swallowed, connections have become reliant on 4G and our collective children are going to replace all of us with robots that seduce us with connection only to keep us disconnected from all that is real.

As my husband and I approach the end of our bike ride, we stop to catch the days magnificent sunset. To the west we see yet another beautifully orchestrated day come to an end and to the south are beach birds enjoying the show with us.
Thanks for reading! Pura Vida ✌️


You got a lot of emotion in your journey. And share good emotions and beautiful photos with your subscribers. Thank you!

Thank you for reading @irinal. My hope is that it inspires people to put down their phones and enjoy the moment with others. ✌️

Emotionlessness...the state of mind where everything is emotionless. It is easily obtained by gazing at ones phone for hours and communicating by merely using text messaging.

You’re spot on carklevicci. Will fluency in emojis soon count as being bilingual? People still write in hyroglifics right? Haha… thanks for reading my friend.

Nice way to recharge. It is so true, in fact, today we went to the "cabane à sucre"(a sugar house I guess, that is where we make our maple syrup directly from trees), as we were sitting there, most adults had they phone out and at one point, my brother in law ask me if i could lend him my data plan so that the kids could watch youtubes videos....yup, we are in the woods, surrounded by sugar and people still want to get 'connected'. Great post

How cool… do you happen to be in Canada? I just watched a documentary about maple syrup production in Canada and it was fascinating. You know, I bartend and often see couples walk up to the bar, order their drinks and whip out their phones. I’ll ask them “are you guys texting each other” which usually gets them to put em away but not always. It’s a strange world we live in now.

Ahah and yes I am Canadian ;-) also one of those french canadians one too, our Province (equivallent to a state for USA) is actually the main producer. Its really great. And the taste when it is fresh is incredible. We actually pour some on snow and the we eat ot with a stick (...clean home made snow..not the one that falls!)

Nice! It sounds delicious.

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