Introduction To Link-Building Strategies - Blogs Commenting Explained - SEO Tutorial Series - # 16th

in #seo7 years ago

Welcome to the sixteenth episode of my SEO tutorial series. From the last 3 tutorials, we have already started to discuss the second core part of SEO and that's "Off-Page SEO". So far, we've covered the introduction of what are social signals and their importance, what are backlinks and their importance and what are its types.

It simply means that we are ready to take one step further and move to some intermediate level discussion just like we did in our On-Page tutorials. That's to ensure that you understand every single basic of the important strategies so that you would know what you are doing when you'll start to build backlinks for your site.

Image Credits: Medium

In this episode, we'll start to discuss the methods of building backlinks OR if you want me to use purely SEO terms then we call them "link-building strategies" in the SEO language. There are a lot of strategies and of-course we won't discuss all of them today. Rather, we'll go step by step, take each one for the detailed explanation of what it does and how it works.

In SEO, the ways of link-building are countless that includes:

  • Blogs commenting
  • Purchasing services to get an opportunity of including your link in testimonial
  • Guest posting
  • Buying the links from external sites on cash
  • Links exchange
  • Buying links from press sites to boost your site's authority
  • Building your own private blogs network (PBN)
  • Forum signatures
  • Forum posting
  • Posting your site's URL to directories

Each method has its pros and cons. Some of the above methods are pure black-hat. Some are grey-hat and some are white-hat methods. As I said many times in my SEO tutorial series, it is difficult to control every aspect of Off-Page SEO because that's something out of your control except for reporting abuse.

The following strategies can be considered black-hat:

  • Blogs commenting *
  • Buying backlinks from someone else
  • Private Blog Network (PBN)

*It should be noted that if the blogs commenting is done in a legit manner without spamming sites with useless comments that are full of links then it will be considered white-hat.

The following strategies can be considered gray-hat:

  • Buying links from press sites
  • Purchasing services to get an opportunity to include your link in testimonial page

And the following strategies are considered white-hat:

  • Blogs commenting (if done without spamming)
  • Guest posting
  • Forum signatures
  • Forum posting
  • Links exchange (there are exceptions)
  • Posting your site's URLs to directories (the least effective way)

In this tutorial, we'll discuss the method called "Blogs commenting". Though some experts reported that blogs-commenting is not that effective nowadays and it doesn't add much value to your link profile and helps to push your ranking a little bit upwards but I believe that if you're following the proper strategies of On-Page SEO, then even little efforts to make quality link-profile can get your site in Top 10 results of Google for your desired keyword/phrase.

Blogs commenting & How it works:

Blog commenting
Image Credits: AdNewbie

Blogs commenting is an old method to build some backlinks for your domain or any page of the domain. In the past, it was really easy to find quality blogs and building quality backlinks from them but now the competition is huge and it has become very hard to find quality blogs and getting quality links.

In order to create a backlink from blogs-commenting, you should follow these 7 steps very carefully:

  • You must have your desired page ready (i.e the page that you want to rank on search engines)
  • You must identify the category of your post carefully
  • You must find relevant blogs or topics that are similar to your article. (That's because a backlink from irrelevant page will be surely considered a spam)
  • You must make sure that your comment adds value to the blog that you are using for building backlinks
  • You should make sure that the page of that blog wasn't used for the same purpose. (That brings us to an important point. I will discuss it in my coming tutorials for the sake of simplicity)
  • You must make sure that the metrics of the blog such as Domain Authority and Trust Flow is high enough. Also, the citation flow of that blog shouldn't be high or else it can negatively affect your site's ranking.
  • You must take care of the anchor text. (We will discuss it in my coming tutorials)

Important Info:

I know that it is a bit incomplete but I purposely did that. I know that you want to know how to find quality blogs and how to spot the high metrics blog that can be useful for your sites' ranking. Also, there's a way to search for "do-follow" or "no-follow" specific sites with the help of footprints. I will write all of that in detail for you. Just be patient and support this series.

Previous Tutorials:

1st: How to Optimize Your Steemit Content for Search Engines
2nd: How To Give Your Steemit Content Even More Visibility In Search Engines And Beat Your Competitors
3rd: How To Benefit From Images You Use In Your Steemit Content - Internal & External Links - The Proven Method
4th: How To Generate Steemit Content Ideas - Keyword Research - Exact Search Volume Of Keywords From Google!
5th: Turn One Keyword Into Thousands Within Minutes - Long Tail Keywords - The Proven Keyword Research Technique
6th: Understanding The Leading SEO Metrics - Domain Authority And Page Authority
7th: Understanding The King Of Metrics In SEO Industry - Majestic - Trust Flow And Citation Flow
8th: An Introduction To Semrush - Keyword Estimated Traffic Calculation And Difficulty Score By Semrush
9th: Keyword Difficulty Analysis - The Second Core Part Of SEO - How To Find Out Your Ability To Compete - Steemit Metrics
10th: How To Perform Keyword Difficulty Analysis - The First Complete Strategy Explained - Can You Beat Your Competitors?
11th: Keyword Analysis Made Easy - Find Out The Competition Of Keywords In One-Click - The Proven Method Revealed
12th: How To Automate Your Keyword Analysis Task - Analyze Thousands Of Keywords With The Blazing Speed
13th: The Summary Of All The Proven Strategies Related To On-Page SEO
14th: Introduction To Off-Page SEO & The Strategy Of Social Networks To Boost Rankings With Social Signals
15th: Introduction To Backlinks And The Backlinks History
16th: Introduction to No-Follow and Do-Follow Backlinks & Their Importance

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