How To Benefit From Images You Use In Your Steemit Content - Internal & External Links - The Proven Method - SEO Tutorial Series - # 3

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians!

Welcome to the third tutorial in my SEO Tutorial Series (and first post after HF 19). In my past tutorials #1 and #2, we covered few most important strategies like:

  • Basic Keyword Research
  • Basic Related Keywords Research
  • Title
  • Description
  • H1 Tag
  • Keyword in Tags option of Steemit

It's time to get slightly advanced. When a post is properly optimized for SEO, then sometimes On-Page SEO suffice to rank on the top page of Google depending on the competition of keyword you chose. As I mentioned in my previous tutorial, you should focus more on your main keyword, and you shouldn't pick more than 3 related keywords, and do not mention each keyword more than twice in your post. It will help you keep your content natural and effective.

enter image description here
Image Credit: TheNextWeb

Today, we're going to focus on some advanced strategies that will help you grab one of the top 10 positions on Google SERP (Search Engine Result Page), and we'll also discuss the best post length for SEO purpose. Let's study those strategies:

Images with Alt Text tag:

enter image description here
Image Credit: MIB

One of the most important thing which Google looks for in content, are images. But including images alone isn’t enough to benefit from Google’s search. In order to get any benefit from your images, you must include "alt” text because Google's bot is unable to load images, so instead it looks for “alt" text. That’s why you should include your "Main" keyword in your "Alt" text. That’s one of the proven techniques to increase your chances of a better ranking.

*(<)img src="Your Image Link (which ends with image format like .jpg or .png)" alt="YOUR MAIN KEYWORD" 'Chicken Biryani' "(>)

*Remove brackets from (<) and (>).

Too much is bad in everything. Remember this rule.

Internal Links:

Image Credit: NeilPatel

Google usually ranks pages with internal links more often. Internal links are links that refer to your own post (within your own domain). In the case of Steemit, internal links are the post of yours or others, and you can link them "Genuinely". If there is no need, then do not spam. Google's staff manually review the content sometimes if the content look spam, to make sure that they rank high-quality content only.

External Links (Citation):

enter image description here
Image Credit: SHCDN

External links are those which you use for your reference purpose. And Google's algorithm is seen to emphasize on this quality a lot, and it is one of their tactics to determine whether the content really serves the searcher. If you linked or used a famous site for your reference which is the gem for Google (like NYTimes, Big Magazines etc) within your content, then chances of getting ranked on Top 10 is higher.

BUT, that doesn't mean that you start using irrelevant sources in your article, or you start to put dozens of external links in such a short and trash article/post. Always remember a general rule for anything in life: "Take measured actions and do not use anything in an excessive way as it can cause harm".

Google is seen to take opposite action for those who use dozens of external links. They are called "Outbound links" because it reduces the quality of your content. Too many outbound links mean that user will spend "less" time on your site and move "elsewhere", and Google doesn't like that. Actually, in another sense, it is "spam of links".

Post Length:

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Image Credit: ContenderContent

My research indicates that Google favors healthy and lengthy posts more than short posts. Lengthy posts are those which are at-least 1,000 words long. They are good for the following reasons:

  • You get more chances of mentioning your main keyword organically.
  • More than 3 related keywords can be optimized.
  • You can optimize more images in your content than smaller content.
  • People usually prefer to read posts which are well-explained.

So, if your main keyword has high search volume, and if you believe that's your opportunity, then you should try to lengthen your post with important information only. Do not stretch your post unnecessarily. Your main goal should be to serve your audience. If your content is good, you can rank even for high competition keyword, because more people would like to share your post which will get you some great link juice. For now, we're discussing On-Page SEO. We'll discuss link juice etc in coming tutorials.

Page Loading Time:

enter image description here
Image Credit: Youtube

This is one of the most important factors which can decide your post's fortune because Google pays attention to this factor if your content passes all other criteria of Google. That's the time for Google to decide whether to get your post to 1st page or not.

The higher loading time of your post, the less will be the chances to rank for your desired keyword. Therefore, you should try to reduce the loading time of your overall post. You might be questioning yourself, how it is possible if you're not a developer, right?

These are two ways to do that:

  • You can reduce the loading time of your post easily by making sure that your images (which you used in your content) are not that heavy.
  • If you're posting on sites other than Steemit, make sure your host is fast. (Steemit is pretty fast already if you intend to post here)


enter image description here
Image Credit: iGem

Generally, you need to make as many opportunities as possible for mentioning your main keyword and at the same time, you need to maintain the quality of your post. By using Alt technique and post length, you'll get this edge. Internal links and external links can be fortune-changing if you use these techniques properly. On-Page SEO is completed though, but to increase the chances of better ranking, we'll have to cover the core part once again with advanced techniques (Keyword Research & Analysis)

If you follow all the strategies mentioned in my SEO tutorial series, then I am sure that you'll be amazed at the results. The majority of people do not pay attention to these main factors. Even if there is low competition (where a keyword can be ranked with little efforts), you should make sure to optimize your post by using all strategies so that you could stay on the 1st page of Google for a long time otherwise someone can easily outrank you.

Important Info:

In my next tutorial, we'll discuss effective keyword research and analysis methods, and we'll get advanced. Without a good keyword in your hand, you won't be able to rank. That's the reason why Keyword Research & Analysis is the core part of SEO. And believe me, if you do well in Keyword Research & Analysis, then you'll do much better overall and your difficulty level will be reduced.

Please make this SEO Tutorial Series a huge success by showing your vote-love, comment, and shares. Also, follow me at @princewahaj for more updates. I would like to thank specially @andrarchy @donkeypong @zurvanic @gavvet @trafalgar @theprophet0 @dragonslayer109 and all supporters for showing full support for SEO tutorial series. Keep supporting this series and let's make Steemit great together!


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