Introduction To Off-Page SEO And The Strategy Of Social Network To Boost Rankings With Social Signals - SEO Tutorial Series - # 13th

in #seo7 years ago

Welcome to the SEO tutorial series. I am pleased to announce today that we're now starting to learn about the second core part of SEO which is Off-Page SEO. We've already completed On-Page SEO and I've shared most of the strategies with you which perfectly ensure your success in the SEO field.

As I mentioned several times before, SEO is the name of "On-Page and Off-Page" strategies. Therefore, you can't just rely on On-Page SEO to achieve high rankings. You'll have to master the art of Off-Page SEO.

Introduction To Off-Page SEO:

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Image Credit: BizPenguin

Before we move forward, you must admit that Off-Page SEO is not something we could completely control, unlike On-Page SEO where everything can be controlled by us. Your competitors sometimes use bad Off-Page strategies to apply on YOUR sites so that you lose your reputation in the eyes of Google and therefore, lose rankings. What they do and how, we'll discuss in my coming tutorials. But for today, let's focus on Off-Page SEO.

Off-Page SEO consists of the following strategies:

  • Social Network
  • Link Building
  • Filter existing backlinks which are of low quality

All of those parts are broad enough. We'll have to spend a lot of time to learn about those strategies and let's not forget, Link Building is the core part of Off-Page SEO and if you do well in building quality links from quality sites, then you can be successful in the long run. Social network strategies act as a shield for your site, and thus, its importance cannot be ignored.

In this tutorial, we'll learn about how to make use of Social networks for SEO purpose and how to use them as your sword against others.


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Image Credit: ProBlogger

In SEO world, there are a lot of myths spread by the scammers and so-called experts who want to sell their BS products to people, and how successful they are in their strategy, you can find out by doing a survey asking about how important Social Networks can be for SEO purpose. Then I assure you, there will be a mixed group of people. One will underestimate its power while the other group will exaggerate. That's to ensure that they reduce the competition in SEO world.

When it comes to social network, there are few important sites which are key to success, and those sites are the following:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Google +

Why should you build Social Network?

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Image Credit: LiveChat

When you post something on your site and let's assume that your article is properly optimized with On-Page SEO strategies. How is Google supposed to know that your post is valuable? You should give them a good reason to rank you!

For the same purpose, you'll have to share your post/article through your social network. Once you start to get several likes and shares on your post through social networks, Google will receive some signals and they are known as "Social Signals".

How to build Social Network?

Building social network for your site is not a rocket science. It simply means that you'll have to create and design a dedicated page which is related only to your site (or at-least related to your niche). You need:

  • Facebook Page (Important)
  • Twitter Page (Less Important)
  • Pinterest (Less Important)
  • Google + network. (Important)

It can be a pain in the ass to build a large network. If you're still confused by word "network", then let me explain in plain words. The word "Network" refers to your audience. In case of Facebook, your network is your friends/audience. Similarly, on Twitter, they are your followers. The more legit shares you get, the more social signals you produce.

Important Info:

In my coming tutorials, I'll try to show some good strategies to build your social network in shortest possible time, and we will also talk about the legit vs spammy way of building the social network.

Just remember one thing, "Hard work always pays off, it's just a matter of time".

Previous Tutorials:

1st: How to Optimize Your Steemit Content for Search Engines
2nd: How To Give Your Steemit Content Even More Visibility In Search Engines And Beat Your Competitors
3rd: How To Benefit From Images You Use In Your Steemit Content - Internal & External Links - The Proven Method
4th: How To Generate Steemit Content Ideas - Keyword Research - Exact Search Volume Of Keywords From Google!
5th: Turn One Keyword Into Thousands Within Minutes - Long Tail Keywords - The Proven Keyword Research Technique
6th: Understanding The Leading SEO Metrics - Domain Authority And Page Authority
7th: Understanding The King Of Metrics In SEO Industry - Majestic - Trust Flow And Citation Flow
8th: An Introduction To Semrush - Keyword Estimated Traffic Calculation And Difficulty Score By Semrush
9th: Keyword Difficulty Analysis - The Second Core Part Of SEO - How To Find Out Your Ability To Compete - Steemit Metrics
10th: How To Perform Keyword Difficulty Analysis - The First Complete Strategy Explained - Can You Beat Your Competitors?
11th: Keyword Analysis Made Easy - Find Out The Competition Of Keywords In One-Click - The Proven Method Revealed
12th: How To Automate Your Keyword Analysis Task - Analyze Thousands Of Keywords With The Blazing Speed
13th: The Summary Of All The Proven Strategies Related To On-Page SEO


It's great to see you continuing this wonderful series. The information is extremely valuable!

Thanks, Tom. Much appreciated!

Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

this is a great intro series, but may I ask your qualifications/portfolio of putting this into action for clients or yourself? Respectfully, of course.

If you've read all of my tutorials (or most of them) then you'd know that I mostly speak out of my own personal experience. I've not performed SEO for my clients. Instead, I am doing it on my own site with success.

I've done SEO for Steemit with my colleagues and shared the results with reputable members of Steemit. One of our work on Steemit is ranked on 1st page of Google, Bing, Yahoo and AOL. I'm looking forward to prepare reporting series where I'd keep the record of success. (but I am only thinking on it right now, nothing final yet)

So, rest assured. If you're following the series, then you're cutting your journey short and will shortly achieve success. It requires patience and as you know, SEO is time-consuming by nature. You'll have to spend a lot of time on Keyword Research and Analysis. (read the summary of On-Page SEO for more info)


Google+ should be on a different level then the rest of the social networks in my opinion. Unless your focusing on ranking in bing.

Hi @wetthebeak

Google+ is necessary because when Google department will manually check your site and statistics, your Google+ will give transparency to them because it's all related to Google.

And I am not a fan of chasing the majority because we all know that majority lose in the long run. :)

Hello Steemit friend, Yes, of course... How are you?

Hello Steemit friend, How are you? It is Good post.

This is like gold mine for me! I'm always trying to learn as much as possible :)
Thanx! Best wishes, - @splendorhub

how to know a quality backlink?

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