What Sets Star Performers Apart From The Rest Of The Pack?.....Emotional Intelligence!

in #selfreflection6 years ago (edited)

"Once you are real, You can't become unreal again. It lasts for always." by Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit - full text


Sure, It's great to have a high IQ but at the end, it all comes down to L.O.V.E.

I received an amazing article today from @sciencevienna with one of the most incredible compliments everrrrr! Thank You so so so much! Our new friendship means the world to me in so many ways. Thanks mostly to @steemit to meet so many unique humans.

I started to explore what he meant : "See Silvie, the world has so much more to learn from you."

I suggest you click the link and read it as well HERE because I don't feel to copy/paste it.

When dealing with human beings, we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.—Dale Carnegie

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE "What is it and why you need it?"

EQ = The capacity to be aware of, and control, express one's emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. How much of an impact does emotional intelligence have on your professional success? The short answer is: a lot! - Source
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I didn't really understand much about this term, I never gave too much thought before. I was curious to find out more.

Emotional intelligence is measured by a person’s ability to identify and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

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Decades of research point to emotional intelligence as the critical factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack.
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Emotional intelligence is the “Something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. Emotional intelligence is made up of four core skills that pair up under two primary competencies: personal competence and social competence. - Source


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It's not just a BUZZWORD!


Everything started when I had an interesting conversation with Alexander the other day, questioning my personal approach here on @steemit regarding my blog and what difference I actually make, publishing my kind of articles? I do not feel that I am an exceptional author nor do I find the proper vocabulary most of the time. I am not a professional photographer or tech savvy. I am even a lousy trader :) and have no idea to operate my apple pro as I should. I still don't understand how the voting and reward system works and don't really care.

I taught myself to become a digitalised being since my 40th birthday and sometimes wonder, how did I even get that far. I still don't know how to create a footer or write a text on images. How do I format my blog? I have no idea!

I am successful on steemit, I was told many times. I truly did well and can't complain, for sure I am not a "Star" but I try to shine, send my light and rays, I humbly catch at sunrises as well as sunsets.

Somehow, I realised through so many incredible comments on my posts that some of YOU feel me. Is this what Alexander tries to tell me? Oh yes, I have learnt so many lessons throughout my life and for sure I am true to myself, therefore I am true to You as well!

I adore honesty, integrity, loyalty and simplicity.

I do know and feel it deep in my heart that I have a message for humanity, men, women and children of our future. I share my soul on the blockchain through my experiences and that living our lives might not always turn out to be a pink cloud but as long as we are breathing, waking up every morning, we are alive to have another chance to make it better and better. It's all up to us if we choose hell or heaven on earth.

Trust me....I have been to hell more than once but I prefer to remember how joy and happiness felt in paradise and then I know that we have all reasons to be thankful for our challenges we face.

I have learnt to have faith in myself and the universe's vibrations to keep me strong in admitting my weaknesses. I made many mistakes and wish I could turn back time to correct and fix my wrong doings, change bad decisions, choosing the difficult path rather than the easy way.

I had and still have an amazing life! Soon I will turn 60 and I can say that my mirror is still not blurry. I smile right after shedding tears once in a while. I am proud of myself because I became my best friend I count on.

That's all I wanted to say today.....

One of the most beloved children's stories

Yours @mammasitta
@onartbali & @massivevibration curating your music and sounds.



I adore honesty, integrity, loyalty and simplicity.

I think that, with those words, you not only encapsulate why you are successful on Steemit, but how some people seem to have an unknown "it factor" that sets them apart from others.

I remember running into "EQ" some years ago, and a lot of pieces seemed to fall into place. I think prior to EQ, it was simply called "people reading," but nobody took it seriously. You and I are both "of an age" where we probably had parents who operated more "by logic" than by feel. I remember having older relatives who eyed feelings with some suspicion... not that they didn't exist when your dog died or something good happened; but they were not seen as a predictor of behavior and how your lie might turn out.

Anyway, thanks for being an authentic voice on Steemit. The community needs people like you!

That’s such a perfect and last good night comment I read for today.
Thank you for taking time to spread some love and understanding. Means so much!
I am hanging in there for quite some time, even though motivation is much lower recently.
You are special! I just wish, that I would not miss out on so many good articles.

people reader! Yes!

Such a heart-warming, authentic post @mammasitta! I felt that you really wrote it out of your heart :)
And I can just agree with it, you have so much to give to the world!
It is not hard to notice that you live your life in an open-minded, real way - and this is remarkable. I am sure that many of your readers will follow that direction too and their lifes will change!! Thank you for your awesome work here on Steemit! :))

Wow! You have no idea how happy your charming and uplifting words make me feel in a moment when I feel a bit weak to be honest, also disappointed at times, dealing with lots of ego driven minded people, friends and also family. I always try to look for the beauty around us, walking through the mud and there it is : a beautiful flower smiling at us!
It means so so so much to be understood through my articles.

Nothing but my heart and soul for this world and YOU!
Danke Dir vielmals!!!!

I know this feeling! But yes, we have to give a look to the beauty in our world, which we overlook too often , when life stresses us! :)

Danke dir!! Sehr gerne :)

Yesterday was such a special day, visiting the animal shelter here in Vienna with you and @coneptgarage, simply dropping off food for those in need. I feel RE-energized! Collecting SBD made it possible!
How cool is THAT:)

@Mammasitta ich glaube du meinst den lieben @reconnectnature :D

Trotzdem sehr coole Aktion von euch!! :)

Ahahaaa upssssss habe mich vertan 😂

And there it is again:

Ordinary Reading Flow, reading through the following sentence:

"Somehow, I realised through so many incredible comments on my posts that some of YOU feel me."

Reading flow interrupted, trying to proceed with reading but not as easy as before because something has changed

This is what I mean, when reading your blogposts

Of course experiencing you live is much more fun, esp. when environment is rough

Hmmmm....I’m not sure if I did understand what you mean.
Life is damn rough! That’s for sure but accepting it makes it easier to flow.

If one has a choice to choose between a rough environment and a comfy environment, I will always choose the latter one, but if you're together with someone who can paint the sky in a friendly color than one will think about maybe to take the rough path, maybe to win something more. Life is not always damn rough, it can be sometimes a hell of boring as Silvia Weiss said

I don’t like to admit it but Silvia is right....sometimes life can be boring indeed and skies too grey! I am trying to find a way, how to make it more colourful, once again.

Its just the way you express yourself and how honest and transparent you are with your readers makes you special on here. Personally every time i meet you, i just love the positive energy that comes from you ! I remember once we talked with @sciencevienna and he say " You need to meet mammasitta she is awesome !" Now i understand what he meant and i'm happy i know you :) !

Oh dear! You have no idea how happy you make me, waking up at noon 🙈 after falling asleep very late because I ended up in a so called trap by a Narcissist friend. I lost myself and screamed, felt so bad after. I tried so hard to help her but instead I feel drained of my energy I rather keep for my sweet new friends, like you and @sciencevienna
Thank you @STEEMIT for meeting ALL OF YOU!

Inspiration + Imagination = Emotional Intelligence
Have a wonderful day

Those palm trees, I imagine right now so well via Austria, too far away in Thailand, would be perfect for my inspiration. 💃 I will be back in Bali very soon. Thanks for dropping by Tom. Alles Liebe!

I havent read many of your posts but this time you found exactly the right words, very good article! You can feel the love in every single word and as you said: its all about it! Congratulation, be proud of your success and everything you went trough! :) cheers annika

I am thankful that you passed by to catch some of my thoughts. Sometimes I do forget to be proud of myself because uncomfortable circumstances overshadow the All overall success. It can never be enough 🧡 around us but that’s not always the case.......

Kann dazu fast nix sagen - bist ne Granate in allen Aspekten und den meisten hier was EI angeht weit voraus - ich hau mich ins Bett mit paar Vibes.

Hahhaa! Was heißt eigentlich EI ANGEHT.....ist das Chinesisch oder Byrisch ? 🙈

Spreche weder bayrisch noch chinesisch - EI steht für Dein Thema hier "Emotional Intelligence" - was hast denn Du verstanden :-)?

Da war was anderes in dem Brownie glaube das ich, den ich gerade gegessen habe Hahhaa sorry I was just joking around

kein Problem meine Hübsche - ich bin mal im Bett - guts Nächtle

Na das war nun Schwäbisch?
😂 schlaf gut Liebes!

Sending some more love 🧡 to you for this article.

Many years ago here was this book about " emotional intelligence" and this understanding changed a lot for me.

smile and enjoy your day

That’s so sweet of you to send an orange heart. You get my purple one thrown right back at you!
Back in the days we would say ....We got the right feeling for people, good instincts.....jetzt ist es halt EQ :)

Dear @mammasitta. I was late again with a reading.
I just do not have words to write a comment. I have only one request to you: please stay as you are, do not change : *

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