Oh, Brave New Science: Same-Sex Mouse Parents Give Birth Via Gene-Editing

in #science6 years ago


Hello people! VenomnymouS here. Been sitting on this post for awhile. Now, in the wake of all my recent gene-edited posts. I felt what better time than now to address this (Brave New World) science story.

Well isn’t that just fantastic! What an accomplishment! Surely, this is the science that will progress humanity forward, and in no way will be used to completely control human reproduction in the future.

Well that’s just it, right? “The birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees, the moon up above and a thing called love”

“The Bees and The Bees” by Dean Martin

Human reproduction is beautiful thing (done naturally). It’s supposed to be an act of love between a man and woman (traditionally). No offence to same-sex couples. I don’t doubt your love. I’m just saying this act between traditional couples is what nature intended. There’s not a single human being alive today without a mom and dad.

Man + woman = baby, and that was via them having sex. Well, it’s the man and woman part they want to eliminate.


“Well, from population control, the natural next step then was sex. He said sex must be separated from reproduction. Sex is too pleasurable, and the urges are too strong, to expect people to give it up. Chemicals in food and in the water supply to reduce the sex drive are not practical. The strategy then would be not to diminish sex activity, but to increase sex activity, but in such a way that people won't be having babies.” - The New Order of Babarians

Sorry papas, but at the very least females are designed to host a baby. Even if it is just a freak-of-nature imprint from another female.

Something that really bothers me about this whole this (aside from its crazy!) the bipaternal pups were made without an maternal genes. However, they still had to use a surrogate (female) mouse in order to grow the pups. Which begs the question, will they attempt to put a uterus in a male mouse? If not what about a man?

A uterus transplant has worked between female to female surgery. Uterus transplant results in successful birth

Uterus transplants could let men get pregnant — but there's a catch

”Here's what Rebecca Flyckt, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Cleveland Clinic who is part of the team that plans to perform a uterus transplant in the US, told the Times:

Although theoretically this would be possible, it would be a huge surgical and endocrinologic undertaking and involve not just the creation of a vagina but also surgical reconstruction of the whole pelvis by someone skilled in transgender surgery“

Just some unintended side effect. Irreversible changes to the genome that passed on from one generation to the next. Plus other unpredictable negative side effects. Bet!

You gotta love how these people are always putting it out their like they really considering the ethical side of what they are doing. Yet they make no attempt to stopping what they are doing.

“Foregoing fatherhood” but why? Had I not been aware of the agenda to take over human reproduction. I’d still be asking why? Why would they want to forego what has worked just fine for centuries and would still work if allowed to.

Poor little thing, never had a chance. No doubt, dying was better than living to become part of ‘the study’. Poked and prodded relentlessly for your entire life span.

So they had to “foster” the egg’s growth outside the uterus, before they could put it in a surrogate host. That would be a lot easier than trying to create a womb-like environment inside of a male specimen. I still wonder though how they will approach the process in humans. Will same-sex males want to experience pregnancy like a female or will they prefer a surrogate to host the freak of natu... err nope. The genetic test tube freak of science?

A third possibility is an artificial uteral-pod. It is something that scientists/techs have been working on for a long time. I did a whole post on this years back. So you might want to check it out.

“The End If Natural Motherhood”

Probably because it’s not a very good way to go about producing offspring! That’s why your freak mice pups cannot survive more than 48 hrs!

They’re really concerned people. See how they struggle so with the ethics of their work. We should feel bad for these poor scientists who are constantly whipping themselves as they poke and prod and knock these mice up. OH WHY! DO THESE POOR SCIENTISTS HAVE TO BARE SUCH GREAT BURDENS OF CREATING FREAKS! I MEAN BREAKTHROUGHS IN SCIENCE!


Gawd! Really think about what you scientists are doing. Stop faking ethics and seriously question it.

Hey well they are already gene-editing monkeys, giving them mental disorders. Covered that one too. Oh yeah! Damn right I did. 👇

🎵Five Little Monkeys Were Gene-Edited, One Might Be Picked and Blueprinted🎵

Well why shouldn’t it be limited. It’s such a big ethical question right?

“Adequate justification for its use” I don’t think same sex couples having genetically related children is one of those justifications. #sorrynotsorry.

Oh well there it is! “ But...But some couples of the opposite sex need fertility assistance, so why not same sex couples.” Well there’s a vast difference in the technology required to assist them for one. For two, why is fertility on such a steep decline here in North America? Down by 60% in the last 40 years. There’s a reason for this drop and making freak mice pups in a lab is not going to lead to an answer.

Conspiracy and Predictive Programming:

To understand what this is all about we need to once again head back to the book Brave New World by: Aldous Huxley. A future society where the concept of mother and father (family) have been completely eradicated. All human reproduction is done in a laboratory. Instead of babies being born, they are decanted. They are genetically altered in order serve specific castes.


In addition they used a series of psychological conditioning, including a thing called Hypnopaedia or sleep-teaching.

”Hypnopaedia or sleep-teaching is a way that the governing bodies in Brave New World teach children about morality and class distinctions. To impart information onto a child, speakers placed next to the child repeat slogans and messages while they sleep in order to ingrain those messages in the child's memory.“ - source

Now in having control over human reproduction, the “world controllers” had complete control of how big or small the population size at any given time.

With that in mind think about one of the biggest issues in the real world today, overpopulation. Think about all the campaigns discouraging people from having families. Feminism, planned parenthood/abortion, eugenics, Climate change, mental illness, vaccines, agenda 2030, GMOs, lgbt agenda, tiny homes, etc

“The ‘Jaffe Memo’ is an infamous document produced by Planned Parenthood in 1969 which, in a single page, conveys the lengths that elitists are willing to go to ‘manage’ the U.S. Population.”

The LGBT Agenda: Pride&Population Control

It’s just goes on and on they are doing as much as they can to discourage population growth. However, what it all comes down to, the ultimate goal is to control human reproduction. That’s where they will be able to achieve their agenda of rule the whole world.

With that said I appreciate those of you took the time look at this post. Have anything to add to the thoughts expressed in this post? Please don’t hesitate to share them below.

Swab New World: Have Your DNA and Charge You Too

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CRISPR looks to 'edit out' rodent populations. Fails miserably

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