SAM - Why I'm Unhappy Before The Happy Holidays!

in #sam-saturday5 years ago (edited)

A new Saturday! A Saturday when we meet and tell about us. A Saturday that I like.

It's SAM, Something About Me ... a challenge that wants to get us closer!

Obviously we are closer when we know each other better.

So, let's talk about us!

The subject of today should have been another one. I had to talk about my passion for cinema. Recent encounters forced me to change... The lack of time makes me make an easier but seasonal posting!

To understand the title of this post more quickly, look at the photos!



Because those who have read SAM up to now know that my great passion is music, music that has enjoyed my life so far, somewhat old music because I can also consider myself old.

That's why I'm trying to insert a dear little song into each post as much as possible. Now there will be something about Christmas, obviously ...

Greg Lake - I Believe In Father Christmas

Source-Click here if the video don't play

Because I love E,L&P and Lake's voice, this song couldn't be missed. But let's get to my pain ...

As I think you've already learned from the pictures, my unhappiness before the holidays is due to the general cleanliness of the house.

For my wife is almost an obsession! My problem is that she wants to do this one week before we get our guests.

Of course the cleaning done a week before doesn't last and we have to repeat it a few times. That's what I always do, along with the preparation of specific meals. I don't have time for my passions.

That makes me unhappy before the happy holidays, winter or spring.

Some might say I have no reason to complain, and they are certainly right! But like any man I'm not happy to work on cleaning the house ...

I have only one consolation. My house is relatively small, the European style, it would be hard if I were living in a specific American house. These seem enormous to me, at least as I saw them in the movies.

It's Sunday morning, I'm already posting late. The advantage of having initiated SAM, I allow some delays.It's good to be King! I'm kidding ... Any delay is granted to all, of course.

Cleanliness is almost over, family gifts are already ready!



I don't have to say anything other than the Queen says!

Thank God It's Christmas

Source-Click here if the video don't play

It was a play and I must confess that it's a pleasure to finish chores and wait for Christmas in a house clean, refreshed and decorated. This day is even a #beautifulsunday and #sublimesunday! I hope that @ace108 and @c0ff33a will agree!.


Challenge name is Something About Me (SAM) with the tag: #sam-saturday.

This challenge I’m proposing is because I think we should get to know each other better. When we entered Steemit we made a first information post. That #introduceyourself. The problem is that for many of us months or years have passed since that post, and nobody can see it anymore.

This challenge could recall weekly who we are and from where we are from.

This can be done by telling in each post some personal information: the city and country where you live (if you can with more precision and more details than in the profile) and a few more about you, if you want. In a few sentences that can be used for each post in this challenge.

This is a suggestion, I know that many don’t want to give this information. In this case you can ignore this part.

At the same time, this challenge can provide a wealth of ideas and themes for posts. It's an open challenge, not focused on a single theme!

Something About Me... is about:

  • A recent happening that you think deserves to be told.
  • A past event, a memory that you want to share.
  • A hobby, a passion ... photography, walk, sport, music, cinema, gardening, flowers, animals, cooking, painting, travel, friends, family... It's your imagination to find many others.

Rules of the challenge

  • I think the best day to post in this challenge is Saturday.

  • Use the tag #sam-saturday on a post that you think it fits this challenge.

  • To comply with this general rule in all challenges, please indicate the name of the initiator, @bluemoon. It's not an obligation, just a request!

I intend to make every Monday a recapitulative post with all the posts in the challenge of the previous week.

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Please cheer up! 😀 Cleaning is never pleasant but then you can enjoy your holidays in piece. I hope. 😉

We have divided the chores at home and after while I am on my way to finish the cleaning too.

I feel better when I see it as a general action that no one escapes. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas dear friend!

Thank you! I wish you joy, pleasure and inner peace in this end of year.

Thank you! I wish you
Joy, pleasure and inner peace
In this end of year.

                 - bluemoon

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Hahaha... What a typical man. Of course cleaning the house is not one of the men passions. 😂
Let me tell you a trick: while dusting and organising stuff, I listen to music. As loud as possible. When using a vacuum cleaner, I simply switch to my iPod. Problem solved. 🙂

Of course it's typical. I'm glad I'm not "different"! Thanks for the trick. Without music I'd be dead by now.

I think every family has someone like your wife.
For mine, it's my wife too. :-)

I figured I wasn't the only one ... I don;t know if I can say I'm glad you're in the same situation!

As long as we can be "patient" with the needs for cleanliness. :-)

Yes, of course!

My mother taught me to spruce-up the home a bit before guest arrive and to clean up after the party is over.

Hang on in there music can be heard even while home cleaning is being completed.


Ah, you reminded me she had to clean up and after leaving the guest ... I forgot.

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Thank you, I will follow the ... followers!

Haha ! this is precisely what we have done today, my man and me, cleaning the house ! ^_^ But I find it great to make it together, it gives some motivation more and some emulation as

and to encourage ourselves, we listen to christmas songs, but not the slow ones, we play some rhythmical ones ;-) It's not about being lulled, but dynamic and cleaning 6impffaua4.png

So this is what I had selected today for the christmas cleaning :

(I confess I also paint and draw with this on the background until christmas ^_^)

I have the impression everyone is cleaning up. That means my pain is smaller now.
Thanks for the music. The most pleasant gift!

As long as you cheer up during Christmas and while being with your guests, maybe it's worth it. Of course, it would be better not to be unhappy at all, and if you can manage that, that's an achievement. But I am also one who cannot be happy all the time, even though I see some people can manage that. In a way, I'm envious on them, but not in a bad way. I just wished I could be like them, when I have my down moments.

Oh! I'm far from being happy all the time. I hate positivism at any price, from American consumption positivism to the Orthodox Christian positivism ... where everything that is bad ... is actually good! Within a few days I am 65 years old. The future doesn't look good for me.

Yeah, sometimes I keep wondering: why is this guy/gal so happy about? It often doesn't seem like a good enough reason to be happy to me, but maybe that's their secret: they don't think too much, they are just happy.

Posted using Partiko Android

After all, happy may be too much to say.

Aaah you had me right to end, I always put you down as being very specific about keeping a tidy home - but sometimes as Queen said

I want to break free!

Festive wishes to you and your family and friends, as the great Dr Seuss said

It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.

Family, friends and those you hold close - that's our Merry Christmas for us all too adore.

#thealliance #witness

Thank you! I want to tell you something ... this song of Queen I wanted to put it in the post. Thank you for contributing and completing my post. Yes, I totally agree with what Dr. Seuss said.
Thanks a lot for inspiration and help, for your extensive comments!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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