The Road to SteemFest3 | Just a trip, or actually quite the challenge?

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: The Road to SteemFest3 | Just a trip, or actually quite the challenge?

Dear reader - Steem has been renamed to Hive since May 2020. My content therefore has moved with me to Hive, and I hope to see you there:


I love this post! Thanks for sharing your feelings. It will be an amazing opportunity to go for sure. I wish I could go! It is just so darn expensive to fly there from Phoenix, and money is already tight. But if I was there, it would be so fun to sit and chat with you. :) I am sure you will take lots of amazing pictures as well!

Yes, I can imagine from Phoenix it's a long long way and a huge expense - I've heard about a few other happenings on your side of the ocean as well by the way, so look those up if you want to dive a little deeper into the Steem World!

I'd have loved chatting with you! I'll share a lot of pictures for sure, so you'll be able to see it through my eyes at least :-)

Thanks for appreciating the post!

Yeah I wish I could go. I still haven't ever been to Europe. If I went I would want to make it like a 3 week trip or something like that and include SteemFest of course. Awesome I look forward to those posts about your adventure there! :) And I will definitely keep an eye out for any more local Steem activities/meetups!

Hey... I'll be sitting and avoiding walking as much as possible too. Maybe they have city bikes in Krakow. I haven't been looking into it yet, but we'll figure it out!

<3 That's one 'sit buddy' already! Maybe we can make a banner that says 'come sit with us, we don't bite' :')

Oh my! I for one was certainly not aware of the extra effort it would require for you to make the trip.

I feel like writing about these thoughts that are swirling in the back of my mind is a good first step.

Exactly, I felt the same with regards to free-writing - I guess that is a benefit of writing this way.

At the last event, the brunches seemed to involve standing whilst eating and chatting for many, but there was also plenty of seating area too and so I wouldn't worry about that.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, coming from what would be a new attendee to Steemfest. I hope Roeland checks in and makes sure the event is covered access wise!

I'm glad I wrote down these thoughts - thank you for giving me the prompt! I think I didn't even realise how much these things bothered me until I thought about what would come out if I would do a freewrite - lol.

Part of it is worrying and part of it is also practicing the 'wait and see what comes' approach I have to practice a bit more - I'll have a few more weeks to create that space in my head :-)

Thanks for reading! <3

My pleasure :)

I think we should both try a few more of these free-writes, they do seem to clear a space in your head, i appreciate that side of doing them - not so much the quality of my writing though!

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You need like a Segway with a seat. That way you could be standing height but not be on your feet. It is electric so no getting tired arms wheeling yourself around. And they do great on uneven ground.

@roelandp #segwaywithseat #krakow

Oh @dfinney, MAN! You're so close to the solution I'm looking for - I've been researching electrical transportation devices a lot the last few months. Something stable so I don't have to balance it with my feet, and indeed with a seat :-) I'm looking into something that's tiny and foldable so I can take it on public transport and can use it for those last 10 minutes towards the destination. Hadn't actually thought about having something on social events actually, lol - the extra feature it then should have it should be able to stand perfectly still.

Happy you are going, enjoy the show...

Hey Rosa,

thank you for sharing this! I hope you do make the trip to Krakow and we get to meet!

If anyone can do magic and make Steemfest comfortable for everyone, it's @roelandp!

And I for one will gladly sit on the floor with you, if no chairs are available! I prefer sitting over standing, too, and who needs chairs anyway???

LOL! I love your optimism @connecteconomy! I'd love to have a floor party with you chatting about all the people who are standing - we might have the best views on the shoes they wear and share our opinions on who wears the best shoes ;-)

Thanks for making me smile, if it weren't a freewrite I'd probably have written something like in your comment - always trying to figure out how to make my stories as positive as possible :-)

Shoes!! See, there's one important topic already covered! And I like the term "floor party". I'm sure we'll attract many people who want to join us and sit with the "in crowd" ;)

We'll just pick the center of any room and see how long it will take before everyone sits with us :')

I haven't really thought about how this event might be a bit difficult for those with limited mobility.
I makes me feel like crap for not thinking about this. You don't see something wrong and you think that there is nothing wrong ......... in some ways its even worse than callousness.

PS: I am living in Poland. So if you have any questions, I might be able to help

Don't feel bad - I'd love to live in a super inclusive world, but it takes a while to make it so. Even now I'm super aware of possible limitations for some people I'm still not seeing it all :-) I fall in the same 'if I don't see it it's not there' trap still more often than I'd like.

Thanks for you super friendly comment and offer to ask questions! I'll take you up on that offer in the coming weeks :-) Cheers!

PS: Are you coming to the even too, then?

I'll be there. Warsaw is not very far from Krakow :-)
I think its like 3-4 hours by car and even less by train

Awesome! Great opportunity for you to meet so many people so close to home. I've heard a lot of meet-ups already have happened in Poland the past months :-)

Rosanne thanks for sharing your thoughts, experiences, limitations. Being vulnerable is hard. It is so great for us to know what others are thinking and experiencing. Excited to hear more about your experience getting ready, going to Krakow and what you think after.

Thanks for your kind words @sjarvie5 - I used to be the opposite of vulnerable, but have learned, through experience and from others, to appreciate what effect it can have - both on your own well-being as on the lives of others :-) You'll see the updates on Krakow appear for sure! :-)

Would you kindly take a sit with me, NOW! :D

:') If you're there I'll try that one out on your first :D

I wouldn't mind :) but I am not going to Krakow haha

Pitty! I could have used someone to coach me being more direct :D

Hopefully next time!

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