Road To SteemFest - Three Random Facts About Me (Week 4)

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

Ah another week another freewrite, I’m starting to really enjoy the freedom of these... just randomly writing my thoughts without judging it too harshly. It has also been really fun to learn more about the individuals that I will be meeting in a few months, makes it all seem a bit less scary.

Well this week we are sharing three random facts about ourselves, which I love. In fact I did cover mine in my Blocktrades/OpenMic Entry but I feel like just mentioning those again here would be cheating 😆... so I guess you guys get three more, you all are gonna know so much about me come November!

Who am I?

First attempt at a self portrait (a goal I had for the year...sharing here was part of the commitment, stepping out of my comfort zone and all 😬)

My name is Justine, I’m 32.. 5’9”...150lbs (wanna see my drivers license too 😜) and living in the Sierra mountains of California.

I’m on a current journey of self discovery and self growth( You can read more about that here), am really just forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone and really live life to the fullest.

While yes that photo is me up there. it’s not the real me (which @anomadsoul pointed out so nicely). I don’t ever look nearly that cool or moody.. that was just a happy accident.. apparently wishing I had been a part of some 90’s grunge band. While that may be what I attempt to show the world at times, my goal here is to be real and share real thoughts, and the real me.

Yep, that’s more like it..

So yeah, that probably fits my personality better 🤷‍♀️. While I’m a complete dork who doesn’t take myself too seriously I also am shy and don’t like attention, so posting crap on the internet is not my thing. But hey, out of my comfort zone remember...

Anyways 3 Facts

(Previously mentioned facts in video)

1. I’m scared of heights- so no roller coasters for me in Poland.

2. I’m left handed- yes I write funny

3. I love to bake... and show my love through food

3 New Facts

1. I love music.. like really love music. I find it to be a way to express things that words cannot and quite frankly has the ability to connect to me on a deep level. I have a pretty eclectic taste but favorites would probably be metal (all genres), dark country, and classical. I have to be careful with lyrics.. if the day comes that someone figures out what lyrics swoon me, I’ll be in trouble.

2. I want a simple life- I want to live off the land, grow my own food and watch the sun go down in the evenings. I don’t need big city lights or fancy dinners but rather to spend my days in nature and with the ones I love. I’m already on the path to that style of life and love that all the hard work is starting to pay off.

3. I’m a self trained Herbalist - well sort of... over the past few years I have been teaching myself about the healing benefits of herbs, as well as identification, cultivation and foraging. I make all my own beauty products and natural medicines using herbs I grow or find growing locally. I find it comforting to go back to traditional medicine as I call it, the way things had been done by our ancestors.

It’s been an amazing experience and it’s something that I continue learning more about each day as well as sharing with my daughter. I love when we go out on hikes and she spots a plant along the way, identifies it and starts telling me what it is used for as well as it’s health benefits... proud Mom moment.

Ok, there’s 3! (Or 6 if you missed the first video)... not bad for making those up as I went. Annnnd I think that is more than enough talking about me. I’m off to read everyone else’s freewrites for the week!

Much love,



That first picture though. <3

I love it Justine!!! let you be you!!!

Second pic is my fav!

I second this sentiment.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you guys 🤗

I love both pictures 😀

Stepping out of your comfort zone is great, something i find rather difficult here on steemit.

Glad to see your on the road to steemfest, such an awesome opertunity. Hope you have a blast and share EVERYTHING with us

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you Paula! Yes, it’s a bit uncomfortable but hey I know it’s good for me in the long run. On steemit is even a bit more challenging I agree.

Yes I am excited and am going to document it the best I can. I’m hoping to do some video interviews with some of our favorite steemians to find out a bit more about the person behind the username, I’m looking forward to that.

Thanks again!

Very cool post I really enjoy the way you write! So honest and real, I feel like this is exactly how you speak and think and even if I may not be interested in the topics you write about I still read it, there’s usually a humorous twist here and there that gives me a giggle or two!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow thank you so much! That actually really means a lot.. I’m not much of a writer but just like to pretend I’m chatting with friends, so I’m glad that comes across through it. And making people giggle is my favorite past time 😉

love this post!!... Much more should go a bit out of the Comfortzone to stay themself...

my grandfather said always you have to take steps outside the comfortzone to raise yourself to more powerful as before, and he was so right and your post showed me up again... Your Photos are GREAT you really deserve a lot of attention!! im a proud dad and a lot of times i forget to be proud for my self because i invest my times into my Kids... but most of Parents do it and forget to be themself ... its good to see you catch yourself to show up its both possible...

Send hugs to the other end of this world... and hope i can see much more of this posts in future ;)

I totally agree, once you are comfortable out of your comfort zone more things become possible.

Yeah I think as a parent we are always focused on others, and there is nothing wrong with that.. but being the best person you can be I think has a positive effect on those little ones as well. So it’s always good to work on ourselves.

Thank you!! hugs 🤗

im really happy you catched the message i want to shout out ;) smile...

Well fancy pic you and normal you, cute, cute, check check!

Also happy to get to know you better, we share the three random facts, I too fear heights hahah XD so rollercoasters for me either hahahaha :)
I like when you write you want a simple life...
If you were close I'd tell you, give me something for the coughing snif! haahah :)
Off to forage blackberries now

Awe thanks love 🤗 no roller coasters for us, let’s just go and pick blackberries.. I wish you lived closer.. forest adventures would be fun!

And always marshmallow root for cough 😉

Some for you

Nom nom nom

Awesome freewrite! I can see why you are interested in traditional medicine, I haven't gone 'deep' into it yet but reading up on more and more herbs to try and find cures for some of my challenges. So much can be cured through food and herbs - it's fascinating and amazing and if I can avoid engineered medicines 100% I will :-)

We'll meet in November! :-)

Thank you!! I totally agree, it’s so interesting and I find it really empowering as well. I’ll bring my recipes with me to share ❤️, maybe we can dork out on herbs one night. Haha

Excited to meet you!

I met this great woman, she's a hottie
She lives in the mountains I think she said
I like everything that she has told me
She's doing this for her trip that's ahead

I don't think she is that kind of a girl
Stepping outside of her comfortable zone
She has got me convinced she's a keeper
Of course it figures; if only I'd known

😳 Wow, You are quick! I am thoroughly impressed that you just came up with that so quickly.. blushing.. but impressed.. thank you ☺️

My first poem (?) ever on steemit, thanks for that.. I am totally honored 🤗

I only do it occasionally.......When I get inspired. Thanks for the appreciation.

That self portrait is beautiful! (And hawt).

when we go out on hikes and she spots a plant along the way, identifies it and starts telling me what it is used for as well as it’s health benefits... proud Mom moment.

I'd be proud of my future children too if they did that. Great to hear your daughter knows all these as early as now. :D

👀 Thank you, you’re making me blush lol

Awe thanks! Yeah she’s pretty cool. 😎

Looking good!

Hey, we are both left-handed :) I had to mention this as a fun fact in my #roadtosteemfest post too. Not really that fun at times though is? The world has been built for right-handers!

Baked goods smell so good, but i'm a fussy one with pies and cakes, so the goods will have to be pretty damn impressive. Or, starve me and i'll eat lots of cake.

Hey thanks! ❤️

We will have to exchange left handed stories while we are there.. this world was not designed for us!

And my dear Asher, I do everything damn impressive ...

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