Road to Steemfest 3 (6): Funding my trip to Krakow

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

The sixth installment in my #roadtosteemfest series, and the brain-child of @anomadsoul as he encourages Steem Fest 3 attendees, and those trying their hardest to get to there, to write about their journey along the way.

If you missed the first five posts, you can catch up here 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, if you wish.

And now that you have totally not clicked any of the links above, let's begin...

Only 2356 km to go...

I really hope this post doesn't turn out like another sob-story effort, I feel I've moaned too much about being pretty broke over the past couple of months. It's my choice though, so please don't feel like you have to send me STEEM or beer money, just ramp it up to a SF3 ticket and let's leave it at that 😛 In case i don't receive random gifts, I have been doing a few things to bridge the gap to Krakow in November, and these are:

Posting most days

This should really be headed, 'Posting Every Day', shouldn't it? The honest trust is that I can get bogged down in discord, spend hours thinking about what would be interesting, and end up with absolutely nothing added as a top level post. Today was one of those days actually, I managed a few paragraphs on a #iamutopian post I'm working on (I know you cant wait!), and that was all. I've been curating a bit more the past week for @pifc mainly, and have been consuming (not just cats and twerk videos) content more than recently. That doesn't pay the bills though does it? I should try to get to a post a day.

Self-voting like a mo-fo

Nope. That would help a little I guess. I decided to seek out more of the potential attendees and vote for them more often.

Got a job!

But you know this already of course, being keen watchers of my feed.... Yes, I finally caved in and took a friend up on the offer to work in her bar to serve drinks to other friends and my mum. And actually, it's not all that bad. I'm out of the house and socialising a bit more, and the break from the screen (while I'm not writing posts on my phone) is probably a good thing. You listening @janton? 😛

So yeah, some euros in my pocket at the end of the week will slow the drain on the already pretty drained bank account, and hopefully I'll not need to pull out any more STEEM at these 'low' prices. Of course the current price of around .7$ might not look low in a month or so's time, but I'm not going to think about that right now 🙈

Entering contests

This year I've entered two contests to try to win a ticket to the event, one of which is still underway and will require another video, the other is in the process of being judged.

@smooth asked:

Tell me about yourself, what you have done for Steem, and why you would like a free ticket. The two best answers will win. Votes don't determine the winner but may influence the judging. The judge is me. My decisions are final and arbitrary.

And so I gave that a good go here:

Hopefully he will decide before ticket prices go up on the 22nd September.

The second contest is the on-going @openmic contest. My entry for the first round was a ten minute video (ouch) in which I had to talk about myself, and what I do here with regards to engagement. And I made it through to the next round!

The remit for the final round is community engagement. And well, I'm going to need some help from you guys there as one of the points includes:

... we want the community to speak in your behalf. We want the different communities you are engaged with, to tell us about you and, in their own words, tell us why you should go to Steem Fest.

Don't worry, I'll be sure to remind you again! And I guess that if @smooth were to pick me in his contest, I would take myself out of the running here.

Being a tight-arse

To myself though mainly. This involves little beer, no meals out, basic foods at home, and a limit of 3 pieces of paper per toilet visit. OK, maybe not the last one, but budgeting at home is another thing I've been doing to help out. And this is felt pretty good actually, with less crap food consumed and less general waste.

And finally, I've been putting off buying a new phone cover. The current effort is a pretty busted Otter-box with the rubber being loose, split, and barely hanging on to the plastic cover which itself is scratched and was massacred due to the requirement to push a larger lead into the earplug socket. This purchase though is going to have to be made, but that does mean I have a secondhand iPhone (5?) case for sale, anyone?

See some of you in November with any luck, and the rest of you on the Steem blockchain.




with little beer


yeah :( I'm tuning into your feed for the beer at present!

Damn, I had better double up now that I have good reason ;0)

That will do nicely. Two of those 8%+ dark brews and you'll be f'ing and jeffing to the masses :D

These days one is enough to kick me off, lol!

Lol, my favourite superman!

I voted your content because you are on my whitelist.

Join our army of good authors, delegate to me to apply: 2000 SP JEDI | 1500 SP **SITH Lord | 1000 SP Skywalker | Less Stormtrooper

Witness: @castellano

Use SteemConnect to delegate safely: 50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP
JEDY 2000 SP | SITH lord 1500 SP | SkyWalker 1000 SP |

Thank you witness @castellano!

You are not going to bike to steemfest, are you? That would be the, like, most amazing way to go there.

Haha naa, that would be too much. 2 flights from here, probably 200 € return - much safer and quicker!

With all this work you're doing, something's bound to work out for you, even if it is you get there by the sweat of your brow. Of course, STEEM could reverse itself by then, we could all be singing Happy Days Are Here Again and then even I'll be Krakow in November (we're talking $1,000 USD STEEM as a floor, though, so no real chance of that. Okay, maybe I'd make it on $100 STEEM, too. :)

One year, Steemfest will actually fall on a date in which STEEM isn't dragging its feet along the floor - this will be the 3rd year in a row that prices have looked pretty dire in November.

I'm pretty disappointed, seeing the photo and reading the title I was expecting to learn how far you had been biking yet :-)

You can do it in ten days if you bike 235.6 km pr day. With an average speed of 23.56 km/h, that's ten hours of biking per day. ;-)

Whoops! Not very far on that bike - it was the one stolen recently :(

10 days, is that all - now I'm half tempted. Pretty sure that 23.56 km would not be my average speed, and being 30 mins on a plane from mainland Spain puts a spanner in the works too :D

Hitch hike is faster, and works better (than biking) at sea. :)

I wonder if Lufthansa have an option for hitchhiker seating :)

Not sure if travelling for free with a passenger airplane (or a cargo plane) would work out in the present time, earlier it could probably work out if you just would ask the right people.

I do know people that have managed to hitchhike with private airplanes, and even cargo trains as well as cargo ships. One of them has done not only one but several trips around the globe by hitch hiking - the Bering straight was covered by hitchhiking with a private airplane.

What you can do is to walk to the nearest marina and ask if anyone is sailing to the mainland (we've had hitchers with us that way). Or, you can try to do it through Internet through sites like crewbay or findacrew.

Last hitcher I served ... that was epic, I will write a separate post on that soon. She came swimming while we were by anchor.

Hitch-hiking has much longer traditions than the cars after all :-)

I hope you win the contests. It'll be nice to join the steemfest!

Don't worry your not the only that's broke here. My bank is also drained and if you remember me I told you one in of your comments that I would sell some coconut farms, good thing I didn't have all the paper works and that farm is still alive! hahaha!

I wish you luck, Asher!

Thank you @purepinay :)

Yes I remember that conversation about coconuts and I'm pleased to find out the farms are still in production. Try your best to keep it that way - everyone likes coconuts :D

I have nothing to spare but gave you my .007 upvote hahah! I know you can get there Asher. I would say “hope to see you there” but it’s not happening for me this year. I’m already starting a change fund for next year, however.

Good luck on your journey. I am definitely guilty of not clicking those links(I did catch a few however) but am heading to check out the rest of your journey now. You got this!

Ahh that's enough for me :D I must sound like a real charity case at times, and I really don't want to come across that way.

No problem about not following the journey so closely, many of the posts overlap (as not much happens from week to week), but I appreciate the time you have spent reading the updates. Cheers!

No problem man! Truth be told I don't know a ton about Steemfest so reading your articles has given me a little more insight than I previously had. Things like this never seemed on my radar until recently

Well it's only once a year and so I can forgive you for that. Expect posts with the tag #steemfest to increase over the coming weeks, and skyrocket around the event :)

Fair point. I guess I just figured with the amount of time I've spent on here these past 8 months I would have picked up something or other. Anyways, I will definitely be lookin at that tag. Thanks, and good luck on your journey!

I somehow feel, you will definitely come out as an winner of these contests, and fly to SF3.

That would be super if your prediction came true @sanmi, thanks!

Looking forward to meeting you in November!!!

Have a wonderful day:)

Ahh! Another attendee I wasn't aware of, nice one!

Just read Roeland's blog and seen you have already been to check the location out, sweet!

Now you know :) Super excited for it !!

Well, I hope you realize there's a huge school of redfish and minnows out there, pulling for you. We may not have but a few cents each to give... but in the end, it all adds up. And especially when it comes to backing up the "engagement" part...


Yes exactly, voices mean more than SP here - thanks for the support in advance!