Road to Steemfest 3 (part 4): Three 'fun' facts about me

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

The fourth installment of in my #roadtosteemfest series, the brain-child of @anomadsoul as he encourages attendees to write about their journey along the way and give the people they will meet a chance to get to know them.

If you missed the first three posts, you can catch up here 1, 2, 3, if you wish.

Smile on a cycle

This week the topic is 'three fun facts about me'. Should be easy enough..... 15 minutes in front of the laptop thinking about what to write, I took a trip to discord to ask a friend if what I had in mind was a 'fact'. I'm not going to tell you the fact i shared. The response was:

No one wants to hear that story
No one
It’s not that hard
If we were on the phone and I said tell me something about yourself.. what would you say?

Thanks! Let me try again....

1) I'm left-handed (and left-footed)

Yep. Fun huh? It is if you watch me try to use a pair of scissors, less so if what I'm cutting is of any importance to you. I'm not sure how old I was when someone told me that you could buy left-handed scissors, that would have made school and Art class a bit more bearable perhaps.

Left-handed scissors have the blades reversed so the top blade is always on the left so that you can see your cutting line and the natural squeezing action of your hand pushes the blades together so they can cut like a guillotine rather than pushing them apart so the paper bends between the blades. source

There you go Mrs Edwards and Mr Archer, this is my excuse for being so crap at crafts.

While we are on the subject of right handed tools, don't get me to peel anything or open tin cans - I will break your can opener in no time. I play golf right-handed, Tennis is left, Cricket is both, left and right - undecided in the crease. Football is all left side, but don't be in the way if catch one properly :)

2) I'm a bit deaf in my right ear

In what seems like a lifetime ago, I fell of a motorbike on the Island of Koh Phangan in the south of Thailand. Pretty fortunate to be here really, no helmet and some pretty fierce rocks and drops all around. As it turns out, I got away lightly with a fractured hand and skull. Not that i knew this for a week or so, but stuff was aching and my ears were ringing.

When I finally went to the hospital on the bigger island close by, the right side of my face had stopped working completely, i couldn't even close my eye - not good, and certainly not good in tropical climates. Don't worry though, after a week or so of 3 meals a day (menu provided the day prior), plenty of Thai face massages, and some face electrocution to stimulate the nerves, things were much better.

"The doctor said he would have me on my feet in two weeks."
"And did he?"
"Yes, I had to sell the car to pay the bill."

However, the ringing in my right ear has never stopped. And if you wish to speak to me in a noisy place, you'll notice i'll want my left ear to be closer to your mouth. If there is a lot of background noise, I'll have my finger in my right ear, but overall I think this is a small price to pay for what may have happened. Anyway, left ear in the the club, and I'll take a beer, thank you.

3) I used to be Blonde

When I was born, my hair was very dark brown. I learnt this about 20 minutes ago as this post is being typed as I chat with Mum. A few months later, it looked more like the colour shown in the photo below and then over the next decade or so, changed slowly to a dark brown. Yeah OK, for completeness, it's now going grey - but I am 40 in December!

Asher, circa 1981

Blondes have more fun apparently, so this must be a fun fact!? Got there in the end :)

Bonus fact

This is me!

Kawarau Bridge Bungy, New Zealand

And I've also jumped out of a perfectly functional airplane. That was a crazy week, and these are two unforgettable events. Anyone else done a bungy jump or skydive?

Well I hope the above is something to mention if the conversations around Steem dry up in November - which, based on last years experience, I highly doubt they will. There is just some time before bed now in which i'll go check out the #roadtosteemfest tag and hopefully find some fun facts to enjoy.

Have a nice day/night everyone,



You've lived a great life up to this point I can see.
Happy belated left-handed day.

Is that a thing? I learn something new every day!

Thanks @tudors :D

Oh yes! It is.
13th of August every year.

Oh wow, what a heavy experience in Thailand!! Really glad you got out of it not suffering any further injuries.

Ha, blondes definitely have more fun - now everything makes sense :-))

Nice jump of yours!!! I did a bungee jump (50mt into a river) once and also jumped off an airplane (4,000mt) once. I would love to repeat the latter one day, it's been an amazing experience!

Do you play golf right-handed because you're better at playing it right, or because most of the standard golf clubs are made for right-handers? I have a customized set and remember that my little brother (18 years old at that point in time) had to lend me money for it. I was always better at spending than saving it :-D

Have a great Sunday, Asher!

Thanks Marly!

Yes I had a lucky escape with the crash, a ringing ear is a small price to pay.

The skydive and bungy were crazy adrenaline filled days, loved it!

When we first started playing around the park (free and when you are 12/13 years old, this is key!), my friends had right-handed clubs. It felt natural though, so i just carried on with that. I can swing left-handed too, but not as well.

Its like my forehand at table-tennis or tennis is always going to be the left hand, but when I go backhand, I want both hands on the bat/club, so golf and cricket work better adopting a right-handed approach :)

Thank you, and you too!

That's funny! Well if you look at the big players at the US Open right now, most of them use both hands for their backhand. So you're actually doing it like the PROs :-)

The backhand needs 2 hands for the power and accuracy in Tennis, perhaps not so much in Table-tennis!

No-one likes playing left-handed people though, like Pool at Steemfest :D

Guess what, my dad is able to play Pool both left and right. Of course that is a huge advantage since he doesn't have to do all those silly moves in order to reach the ball :-P

Me too! But I only play with my right to give people a chance :P :P :P

Hahahaha, too kind :-)))

Yay you did it! See, I knew there was blonde in there somewhere 😉

Fun facts, and yes that whole left handed scissors thing wasn’t shared with me either.. just freaking struggled until I gave up and conformed to using my right hand to cut stuff.. so sad. Being called on to write on the chalk board/white board was worse though.. I just erased everything 😩

I’ll remember to yell really loudly in your left ear every time I see you at SF.... see you in a few months 😊

It's because I'm fun and not ditsy yes? :P

Writing was a nightmare, I made it worse by using a fountain pen - what a silly idea that was, the slowest writer in the class.

Yes left ear please, yell in the right and i'll jump and be cross. See you in a few :)

Fountain pen?!? Oh my goodness you poor boy... that’s horrible 😂

Yes, because you’re fun.. that’s exactly what I meant.. yep.

  1. Have you ever gone snowboarding? My brother is left footed, but uses the regular stance. I'm right footed and use the goofy stance. I think it's supposed to be the other way around though.
  2. Mate I would hate that, honestly. For some reason me and my brother both get clogged ears easily, and not being able to hear and getting that feeling of being stuck in my own head does my head in. Did you learn to cope with it at all?
  3. I used to have really blonde and curly hair, but now it's straight and sort of brown-ish. I'm really curious why this happens, haha.
  4. Don't really like heights so I would probably shit myself if I ever jumped out of a airplane. Does it not affect you at all?

I've not, but i did used to skateboard a little and it was left foot at the front, i think that's goofy stance?

The ringing has lessened over the years, but it's still pretty clear when I have silence around me. It is a bit frustrating, but I think back and have to consider myself lucky to be here. That helps.

I think you are safe to jump out of a plane unless you have heart issues? Not sure of any ill effects, unless the chute doesn't work :O :(


Left foot forward is regular, oddly enough. I am left footed in gymnastics though right handed, regular foot in surfing and skateboarding.
However, I push Mongo footed, meaning I push with the front (left) foot. This means I prefer my left both for balance and for power.

Cheers! These are fun facts!

You sound as 'confused' as me! Whatever works I guess :)

The power is in my left foot, but if I want to balance on one leg, it's the right that is usually better :/

Thanks for stopping by!

Hola Asher @abh12345
Es super interesante ver como nuestra querida plataforma Steemit nos acerca al mundo, nos permite conocer muchas personas, sus cualidades, sus sueños, y sus curiosidades.
Gracias por contarnos algo de ti, poco poco nos iremos conociendo mas.
Hello Asher @abh12345
It is super interesting to see how our beloved Steemit platform brings us closer to the world, allows us to meet many people, their qualities, their dreams, and their curiosities.
Thanks for telling us something about you, little will get to know you more.

I was blonde too!! well, light brown. A hairdresser wanted to try something and it didn't work. It looked super gay but I didn't have time for her to dye it back to black so I just rolled with it til a week later it looked like super gay tips instead.

I am pretty sure that there is going to be no need for any of these facts at Steemfest except for Eric not showering. :D

hahaha, agreed! @anomadsoul that was an over-share.

'super gay tips', any photos of these to share? That aren't 18+..

You were the cutest baby ever! Apparently the nature decided that you will be having fun , but as a brunet :-)


Thanks man! Still a blonde a heart I think, pretty clumsy and forgetful!

Lets' not allow the other blonde's to hear that last part :-)

Wow. Interesting facts and it's great to get to know you a little bit better.
Maybe you should have tried boxing, since left-handed people for some reason have great power and are great boxers. (I've been boxing for 20 years)
You were so adorable when you were younger and I was quite the opposite since I was really blonde when I was young and now my hair is pretty dark.
You were a very lucky young man and glad you came out all in one piece.
Have a lovely weekend @abh12345

Hi @joalvarez

Thanks for this comment! Boxing is not a sport for me, but it's interesting to know that left-handed people can be dangerous in the ring :D

I was very lucky, a helmet would have helped a lot but their weren't any available at the bike shop :O

hahah enjoyed this. the road to steem fest is paved with good intentions! and new facts we learn about all of you :) omg and whata cute baby!!

Yes it is, I intend to have lots of fun and learn some new stuff!

Thank you, had to show the blockchain I was cute once upon a time 😃

I would have shared different facts when this was the prompt:

If we were on the phone and I said tell me something about yourself.. what would you say?

Hehehe - but I love your answers! It's basically details about your physical being we would otherwise not have noticed. I have a father and sister in law with a 'bad' ear by the way, so I'm used to the 'ehm lets switch seats so I can hear the conversation better' :-)

Sounds like you got away relatively well with that accident! Scares the shit out of me to see people driving motorcycles, it all seems so vulnerable...

Switching seats or standing positions is a popular pastime of mine :) You cant see the injury so people wonder why and continue to forget :)

Yes I was lucky, it would have been nice to be able to hire a helmet with the bike - Thailand 2002, say no more!

Ahhh - I live in a country with too many rules but yeah - sometimes forcing people on for example renting helmets with bikes is actually a great idea :-)

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