My entry for the Blocktrades + Open Mic Steem Fest ticket giveaway

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

Thank you to @blocktrades, @anomadsoul, @luzcypher, and @openmic for the chance to attend the event with a reduced budget.

Contest post link:

This last year has been full of ups and downs, both personally and with regards to cryptocurrency. A clear case of needing to take the rough with the smooth. Despite the current uncertainty in the markets and my work status, I know there is one thing to look forward to in November, and that is Steemfest 3.

This video is my entry to the Blocktrades + Open Mic Steem Fest ticket giveaway, complete with mosquitoes, barking dogs, and an inflatable bed.

Thanks for watching!


▶️ DTube

Nice entry dude. Good to put a face to the name also :-)

I envy you being so close to the sea. I'm completely mad for the ocean; scuba diving, snorkeling, ocean conservation, marine life encounters etc. Have you had any interesting encounters out there? I know the med isn't as bio-diverse as the tropics but there are some interesting things about. I'd love to live somewhere tropical by the sea where I could swim out to a reef every day to catch breakfast. #dreamingoffuturedreams ;-)

P.s. I agree with what you said about smt's driving steemit forward both in value of the tokens and in tackling the problem of bidbots. Gotta say though, I agree less with the idea that it becomes something other than a content/blogging platform. What is the point of steemit without good content to read? For me, I think that finding someway to highlight the talent on steemit to the outside world, without it being clouded by the absolute tones of spam/fluff posts that proliferate the trending due to bidbots, is the key to bringing more people from the mainstream.

Thank you very much @raj808!

The sea is very close, but not so 'exciting' under water around these parts. There is an island off the south west coast that is a reserve, lots more happening around there.

I'd love to live somewhere tropical by the sea where I could swim out to a reef every day to catch breakfast.

Now that would be something!

On the Steemit/Steem point, I think Steemit will be for blogging, but the future growth blockchain could be outside of blogging. e.g. SMTs for online newspapers, discussion forums, or maybe even amazon's produce reviews (we can dream!).

I think they'll still be a community here, but wondering where the major stakeholders will be is the question - who can / will want to reward bloggers when their are potentially big rewards found elsewhere - and not just in bid-bots :)

Nice scenery and great to see you talking about your Steem journey :-) Camera worthy back on stage, loved to watch these almost 10 minutes, even though it took me 30 minutes due to my ultra fast island internet connection (not).

I think you owe @luzcypher a drink at SF3, haha! One more reason to travel there.

Have a great start into the weekend, @misterengagement

30 minutes! I'm so sorry you had to put up with me for that long!

My connection is terrible too I used the phone's 4G as it's far quicker and that failed once - so that's a nice 2GB of data used today!

Plenty of reasons to make it there for sure, can't wait!

(just bought @misterengagement :D )

😁 <—- me the whole time watching this. This is a great entry! Love the little clips you added in and Carl made me laugh out loud... serious bromance there.

Your passion and commitment to this platform is shown in everything you do. I think you are the most deserving person I know for this and hope you win! even if you don’t like those flapjacks, we can still be friends

Thank you :)

The clips from Paula and Carl were so different but both contained key stuff that i couldn't have explained better myself.

I love English flapjacks!


Don’t tempt me...

That was a good watch - nice touch with the guest appearances. And one of you even knows how to use a microphone ;)

'Steemit whatever' indeed. Although aren't busy and steempeak (by the sounds of it) just really an evolution of steemit?

Also I thought SMTs were supposed to work in conjunction with 'hives' so they're not necessarily mutually exlusive?

Its such a nice day here in the UK!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you!

Yes the guest appearances were there to bring the content, only to be surrounded by a rather nervous looking English guy, who was in turn surrounded by hungry tiger mosquitoes.

Evolution perhaps, they are run by completely different people. Ones who do not need to focus on the blockchain/forks/business, and so can probably far exceed steemit incs dev. time for the 'window' to the blockchain.

Also I thought SMTs were supposed to work in conjunction with 'hives' so they're not necessarily mutually exclusive?

Good point :)

Glad you had a good day, overcast here but a welcome cooler day - barely reached 28 c!

Did I post the same comment three times?

I think that was down to Partiko... the comment must have posted even though I saw a timeout message, then posted again!

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice presentation. I feel like I know you a little more. Good luck!

Thanks @linnyplant!

I was a bit nervous, as with every presentation I've ever done!

Aww, you seemed like a humble guy, much more approachable to me having seen the vid. :)

I do hope that you will win the ticket Asher. You really deserve it!

Thank you! The other entries are solid, but you have to be in it to win it i guess. Cheers!

I am looking at it from the point of view what one does for the Steem Blockchain and only based on that you should get the ticket!
To bad, not everybody thinks like that!

There are lots of aspects to consider, but in the contest post the word 'engage' is used. So you know, from that word alone, I have a chance at least :)

Hey Asher!! Yes indeed the future of STEEM is bright and you're an important part of that! Good for you for going out of your comfort zone by doing the video! Rooting for ya all the way to #Steemfest3!! Best wishes to you!!🎍

What a great and fun video @abh12345.
You definitely deserve to win the Fest Ticket, since you are so loved here on this community for all your amazing work.
Wish you all the best.

aww thank you @joalvares :) Could you see I was very nervous, and the mosquitoes did not help me!

Its so true, @abh12345, super active in the community and all around a great dude for sure! People who put the time and much effort like you deserve a free ticket every time! AYYYA lets go!

Thanks boss! Much appreciated comments. Wish me luck!

It's a nice picture although it doesn't exactlay say 'I have a hard life, I need a free ticket!'.

I'll watch later when I'm on wifi.

Loving this Partiko thing btw. It basically just works!

Posted using Partiko Android

Just because there's a pool downstairs doesn't mean i'm not living off eggs and water!

My iphone 5 (i think) is so slow, and I don't think i have room for another app. Lots of people seem to be using it though so i could be tempted to delete some porn and have a look :)

Oh I know that! It was a semiological observation.

Will you be able to survive without a 'proper' job if steem doesn't pick up?

It seems to be levelling rather than declining further @ least!

Posted using Partiko Android

Cutting it thin at the moment, yes without any frills and trips overseas!

A consolidation period where the bears match the bulls is very promising, but I expect a few more months of this yet.

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