Road to Steemfest 3 (part 5): My expectations of Krakow and the social activities during Steem Fest

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago

I feel like I'm playing catch-up with these content-focused blogs and so this one is only three days after the previous '3 facts' post - number 4 in the series. If you missed the first three posts, you can view them here 1, 2, 3, if you wish.

Insert unrelated image here

This week, the topic is based around expections of Poland and the city of Krakow, and also expections with regards to the social events that take place each evening. As I was an attendee at last years festival, I have a choice here whether to start with the totally unknown, or let my memory guide how I expect the evenings to unfold. Ok, let's do Poland and Krakow first.

Without opening google for a research session, I do expect that in November, it's going to be quite chilly. Having lived in the 'Med' for a couple of years now, this is likely to be a bit of a shock. I'm not a fan of the cold at the best of times (part of the reason I said goodbye to the UK), but going from what will be a rather temperate Majorca, to potentially freezing at night, yeah that's not going to be awesome, unless I have plenty of warm clothes in the suitcase. I'm not even sure where my warm clothes are, I've only worn shorts and t-shirts since May!

A few weeks ago, I met a girl via Tinder and her friend who happened to be Boznian and Montenegrin (?), and live in the city of Krakow. Clearly this was for Steemfest 3 research purposes only, and not to have a few drinks with two ladies from eastern Europe. And so it was from these guys that I did find out that it will most likely be cold, and it could well be rather smoggy in the city in November. Apparently, there are still a reasonable number of households and businesses that use coal. I don't know why, but I was pretty surprised by this information. The UK phased coal out in the late 80's and early 90's, as many households, including ours, switched to central heating. We did have a coal fire for years, and I remember the smell, and watching with anticipation as my mum lit the fire in the morning, freezing my ass of in a house with just this, and a small electric heater on the wall. In some ways, if the chimneys in Krakow are bellowing out smoke in November, I hope to be reminded of those cold winter days back home - but only for a few minutes or else my teeth will start to chatter.

The girls did offer to show me around Krakow, but we'll see. I'm sure there will be enough explorer types at the event, this guy called @anomadsoul makes it his business to get lost in new places - just got to try and catch him on his shower day I guess :D

Google tells me that Kraków also spelled Cracow or Krakow, is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in the Lesser Poland region, the city dates back to the 7th century.1. Also, it is known for its well-preserved medieval core and Jewish quarter. Its old town – ringed by Planty Park and remnants of the city’s medieval walls – is centered on the stately, expansive Rynek Glówny (market square). This plaza is the site of the Cloth Hall, a Renaissance-era trading outpost, and St. Mary’s Basilica, a 14th-century Gothic church. 2

Back in the UK, I used to buy Polish beer from the local shop, and so I suspect they have refreshments covered. I also assume they are not short of food, and that meat (sausages? - boo) could be a popular choice. Google also tells me Poland has its own currency, zloty, which is the nation's legal tender. Nevertheless some establishments, notably hypermarkets, accept payments in euros.

How many zlotys for 1 STEEM?

1 Poland złoty equals 0.27 United States Dollar and 1$ / 1 STEEM at present

So, just under 4 zlotys for 1 STEEM, in case anyone (probably no-one) was wondering.

Social Activities

Steemfest is one big social event, and this side of things is not reserved for the evenings. At least that is what I learned from last year. There was plenty of time throughout the day to chat, particularly at lunch and between speaker sessions.

However, come 4/5pm, folks are getting a little low on attention and you can sense that a beer and some food is what's required bring a second wind of energy for the evening ahead. This is exactly what happened last year following the talks, as we moved to dining locations serving local food and drink. After this, and if following last years agenda, is when people really get to unwind. 'Comedy' events, pubs/clubs, and a Pool hall were part of last years agenda, and I think this worked pretty well.

I would be happy to play Pool again - hopefully this year there will be more people that can give me a game :P This time of day also allows for the most mingling, you never know who you may bump into at the bar. I remember chatting to @getonthetrain, @anomadsoul, @acromott, @gmuxx, and even a drunken conversation with @dollarvigilante regarding advertising, or lack of, Steem. Could well be having the same conversation again this year then?!

My main expectation is that I expect to talk to more people. As stated in previous #roadtosteemfest posts, I was unwell for some of the event last year, and hope that this time around I'll be on full form, know faces which will help early apprehension subside, and have more time to meet with new attendees, and the ones I didn't get chance to speak to last time.

I'm looking forward to the event. A new city to visit, and lots of people who are positive about the future for Steem.

Have a great day all!



It sounds like you are quite busy Asher :), but enjoying it all! So, the cold was one of the reasons you moved out of the UK; well, the smog was one of the reasons why I left Santiago (Chile).So, I am sorry to hear that you are very likely to meet both in Poland 😅 just please don't forget to purchase some extra layers for the cold!

It was fun to read about all the activities that went on, in social terms, last Steemfest. Comedy events, pool and drunk conversations ... all the ingredients necessary for a good laughter and enjoyable times! What else one can ask for?

You take care :)
Bye, bye for now.

We can ask for more wine :)

Red, please! 🍷 :)

Coming right up :)

Hi Abigail!

Thanks for visiting and reading through my preparations for Steemfest 3 :)

I hear that there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing choices, and so I will try to gather the right items together before I head east. I think I'll be able to handle the smog for a short period, but think, if like you, it was an every day thing then I would look at moving to breathe in fresher air.

Comedy events, pool and drunk conversations ... all the ingredients necessary for a good laughter and enjoyable times!

I can think of nothing else that is required, except for perhaps another drink when the glass is empty!

I see you 'missed' a week last week, and hope you are preparing something for us to enjoy on Friday.

Take care :)


except for perhaps another drink when the glass is empty
I see you 'missed' a week last week, and hope you are preparing something for us to enjoy on Friday.

Oh, thank you for noticing that Asher. Yep, that is what I am going to be up to this evening and tomorrow evening, writing Friday's post, which, actually, will touch on something we have discussed before! :)

Am glad to hear this. Your work is always such high quality and interest, click to follow @abigail-dantes :D

See you on Friday!

Cold weather is actually pretty awesome in case you get show to build a snowman and ice for ice skating. But for both activities it normally won't be cold enough in November.

I'm not 10! :P

I'll throw a few snowballs, and then regret it as my hands get cold and refuse to warm up.

It can get down to freezing at night in that part of Poland in November.

Did I say I dislike the cold? :P

Neither am I 10.
But I have a 5 year old boy. And annoying neighbors 😆😉

Good times :D He'll still be loving the snow. I did enjoy making snowmen and throwing snowballs, just seems so long ago.

Tinder, Polish beer, pool, hopefully some vegan sausages and not just potatoes and broccoli, and some great company ... recipe for success :)

Should be piles of fun! I'm actually really curious about the Medieval part of the city!

They sound like a good mix to me!

Medieval should be called Medevil - I can imagine some bad things took place there 😱

yep, pretty barbaric stuff I'm sure! I used to teach History, and my junior students loved all that horrible stuff from the Middle Ages ... I must admit, I did too :)

Ahh cool, I did not know that :)

More of a geography guy me if I had to pick between the humanities subjects.

So, just under 4 zlotys for 1 STEEM, in case anyone (probably no-one) was wondering.

Noone was wondering. LOL

I am looking forward to you and tarazkp going. And the posts that follow

I had my suspicions!

Paying with local currency is going to cost less I think, as long as people are up on the exchange rate.

Not sure if i'm going to take the laptop yet, so you may have to suffer a week of phone content with super-sized imagery :D

With every thing going on here I will not even notice it. And I would leave the laptop home, unless you plan on carrying it everywhere.

using local currency is always cheaper.

I might try setting my tinder radius to 5000 KM too.

It's been a while since I've hooked up with two girls in a foreign country and woken up the next morning feeling unnaturally groggy and my wallet and phone missing.

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hahaha @revisesociology, that is funny, because I just know that it's true :)

Shit... you weren't one of them were you?

Posted using Partiko Android


They were on holiday, my radius is 'cycle' zone only, so about 15 km!

It's been a while since I've hooked up with two girls in a foreign country and woken up the next morning feeling unnaturally groggy and my wallet and phone missing.

Far too much detail here for this not to be true!

how fond of tinder are you Asher?

Well its better than Grindr :D

Think I'll leave this post right here right now. 'Mr. Faulty, I know nooooothing'.

haha :D

Never installed it, just heard it's like Tinder on steroids.

Not tempted to do a nsfw 'best of Grindr' series @smasssh?

No thanks, think I'll pass this time. Already the word Grindr gives me the creeps.

Deffo! 🤢

wtf is grindr?

The gay version :/

A steemian who shall not be named told me about one called Bumble. Seems you have to pay to speak to your matches though, wtf!

hahah Glad I am not on that scene anymore lol

This might be a bit off topic, but how did you take that awesome picture?

It's a still from a video. I was planning to put it in the contest post for open mic, but went for the flip instead :D

It should be very interesting to attend this type of events and meet people with whom to share experiences. I am not a friend of the cold, especially at night when it's time to sleep. So I hope you warm up well in Krakow!

Meeting people that you know all have something in common is really cool - always a conversation to fall back on.

I'll be sure to pack my PJs and buy some warm clothes prior! Cheers :D

Amigo @abh12345, me fascina ver todo el movimiento que se da en torno al Steemfest, debe ser genial poder asistir... Wow.
Seguro es una experiencia fascinante... Espero prepararme desde ahora para el próximo año.
Te mando un abrazo y saludos desde Venezuela.


Oh man. I remember earlier this year saying hopefully I'll make it here. At this point there's no way in hell that is happening. Sincerely keeping my fingers crossed for next year though!

This year is going to be tight for me too, I have fingers crossed for a contest win but am determined to make it whatever. Cheers!