What Can We Do About the Steemian Newbies That Ask or Beg for Our Support?

in #randomactsofkindness6 years ago (edited)

I, like many of you, get bombarded with new people on Steemit
asking for upvotes and support everyday.  

Some come in the way of a comment on my blog, others hit me up on Steemit Chat.  There seems to be some sort of misconception that those who have spent months or even years of their life investing in creating value on Steemit, owe financial support and recognition to those who have only just begun.  

I think sometimes these new people aren't aware of the vast amount of energy put into creating a reputation and a valuable vote - as they often want to trade upvote for upvote as if they were equal.   They also may  not recognize that we were all (at least most of us) were in their shoes once too, and have created our own realities through hard work, dedicated focus, commitment, consistency, and excitement for creating a valuable community for us all.

There are times when it gets really frustrating having people begging, especially when they do it on my blog.  I often throw out a little comment to see where their energetics are about really wanting advice, help, and what their desire is to really bring value to Steemit, or on the reverse, are just fishing for free upvotes and exploiting the good nature of others.

I do believe it is valuable to help new people on Steemit, and though I don't really belong to any particular initiatives to do so, I take steps to engage new people, giving them encouragement and opportunities to get involved.  As a matter of fact, some of my favorite people and greatest participants and supporters have come through the new crowd, looking for their niche, and I'm exceedingly grateful that they have found me and are now a part of my everyday life.

I know this asking and begging has been a topic of many a conversation here on Steemit with many people just wanting to shut these people down--as none of us seem really interested in building a community based on expectations.  A gift economy, however, indicates that we give because we want to, and we do it because we find value in a person's true desire to be a part of this magnificent platform.  Helping each other to thrive is really ideal--but with what energetics we do it is of the utmost importance to  me. 


I thought to share with you an exchange that has happened on my blog over the past few days.  I'm grateful that it's becoming a more common occurrence that my short request brings forth more conversation.  When a new person responds to my replies, instead of ignoring or running away, I can tell they are worth my investment.

I hope you'll all stop by and give muhammadhelmi92 (28) some encouragement and support.

Here are another few responses I have given over time, that seem to weed out those who are trying to take advantage, and those who truly are trying to understand and be a part of this community with us.  

I think it's great that you are excited about engaging in Steemit.  And I think it's great to experiment with ways to market yourself and your posts.  However, I believe the best way would be to write engaging posts, chiming in on people's blogs, commenting, upvoting and resteeming, earning yourself a reputation and a reason for others to follow you.  I get many requests every day from new users to upvote and follow them.  I use my voting power on those who have something of great benefit to share.  If you are one of those people, I will be glad to exchange with you, but feel there is no real value in just swapping upvotes, as your vote has very little value.  Many blessings on your path to a powerful Steemit experience.  I hope to find your posts a great contribution. 
And btw, many users consider this kind of a message spam, and some may even flag you for it.  Earning your reputation and your followers on Steemit is what brings value, not just begging for the upvotes.  Also remember, that all votes are not created equal, so if you want your votes to be valued, they must be earned.

Hi ______, just a little heads up...most people do not like being solicited for votes.  Votes are EARNED on steemit, not asked or begged for.  If you want to improve your reputation, you may want to focus on commenting, visiting other people's posts, and providing posts valuable enough that people will want to upvote you without your asking.  I see that you are new here so maybe you are unaware of the general sentiment about these things.  Just want you to know so you don't get yourself flagged or turn people off to sharing with you.
I hope your experience here on Steemit is a rewarding one and that you build yourself an incredible following.  Blessings on the way.

Just a head's up - Established Steemians, who have worked their way up the reputation scale, generally do not really take kindly to people asking and begging for votes.  We have all been in your shoes as beginners and have done our due diligence to provide valuable content that others are inspired to support. Vote for vote is not a fair exchange when your vote counts as literally nothing.   When people realize you are private messaging or spamming people's posts for votes, they are likely to ignore your requests and your posts, or even flag you for soliciting.  You will not be successful on Steemit if others are not inspired by what you share or are annoyed by your lack of adding true value to Steemit, but begging for attention and a hand-out instead.
I hope you find a way to contribute something of value to this Steemit community.  Making your own way on your own merits is the only way to gain respect, a powerful reputation and a good sustainable following.  I wish you luck on your experience and hope you take into true consideration my attempt to share perspective.  Blessings to you.

If you want followers and voters, it would be wise to invest your time in providing US with something to upvote and follow!!  Begging is considered spamming, and you may find that others will flag you for such activity and ruin your reputation.  Hopefully we can inspire you to step up to the plate and contribute to make Steemit an even more amazing experience for us all.
Most everyone has started at the bottom, with low reputation and very little voting power. As you contribute to Steemit in some way, your reputation builds, and your vote becomes more valuable. Many of those who have started at the bottom earned their way toward the top by bringing value to Steemit, by creating great content and getting people interested in what they have to share, by engaging the community through upvotes, thoughtful comments, resteeming, supporting and following others. 
It is considered spam to be promoting your posts on other people's blogs, and fishing for upvotes. Many people will even flag you for it.  If your content is of value, people will find you, even it it takes some time. Patience is a virtue.
It is valuable to consider why you are on Steemit. If you're here for the money, you may get discouraged at first as it generally takes some time to find your niche. If you're here to build community, you will make lots of friends, have lots of support, and enjoy a potent experience that rarely comes around. What goes around comes around, so if you build community and support others, so shall it be for you, and the money will come because you earned it, not because you asked for it.
You have a lot to gain by giving your best to Steemit.  It's a great opportunity to be a part of something bigger than yourself.
I hope your experience here on Steemit is amazing!
I see by your reputation that you are new to this platform.  It is generally looked down upon, even considered spam here on Steemit, to be requesting or begging others to vote for and support you. Many people will flag you for this type of comment on their blog. The way to gain followers is to provide valuable content, to interact in support of others and the content they are generating. Bringing value to Steemit is the way to build community and to get others involved in what you are sharing. I hope your experience here on Steemit will grow to something you enjoy, and that others find excitement with your content to support.

I hope we can all be better support for those in need -
we all know some of the trials and difficulties of being a noob.  

And I also hope that we can show these new,
potentially one-day powerful Steemians,
how to help us build the most beautiful place
of love and support we have ever experienced.

This is OUR time!!
Let's go out and give someone some love today.


thank you very much @everlove for your advice and guidance, i'm really happy to hear it.
May god bless you

Thanks for being brave enough to stand up and just ask for help. Many people get offended or want to blame Steemit for not giving them the experience they had created in their mind, meanwhile not giving anything back or making a personal investment. I'm always grateful to help you though I'm most inspired to see you make a true presence here by building this great platform with us, being a vital part of the community, and truly bringing your best to Steemit so we have great appreciation for your presence..

Infinite blessings back to you, @muhammadhelm92.

yes @everlove, you have helped me so much that I am excited to join and give the best for this community, even though I have just joined, but I have learned a lot here, which indirectly I have met great people like you even though I have not met face to face with me, but this should be grateful, so I can be more confident and keep working and wish me success like you @everlove, thank you very much...

I'm excited to hear that @muhammadhelmi92. When I met some of these amazing people at Steemfest2 (November 2016) and Steemfest3 (November 2017). I was astounded at how much they felt like family. Though we had come from all over the globe, I could tell these were my people. This is an incredibly rare opportunity to build a community, and support each other in living the dream. You made it to Steemit, so you may as well do something magnificent with it. I hope to see a lot more of your inspiration flowing through here on Steemit. Thank you for being here.

I am very grateful to hear this all @everlove, I am very grateful to you who have helped me so much and motivated me all this time, and I want to write a story about this, to be a lesson and inspiration for beginners in this steemit community. thank you @everlove

You're very welcome @muhammadhelmi92. I think many people come for reasons that don't actually bring them satisfaction. When we come for community and in support of each other, we all win. Thanks for asking the questions and for being so open to advice. I truly appreciate you.

If you do write that story on your blog, please come back and share the link with me.

yes @everlove, I will send you a link of writing, I really hope your guidance and improve where there is a mistake in my writing, because a beginner like me, is very much a mistake, and I apologize to you if you find a mistake on me, and for everything, thank you very much @everlove

No apologies needed @muhammadhelmi92. I'm excited to see what you share and I'm sure your writing will be great to experience for many.

Stalkers.... lol

I think you have a nice balanced approach to all of this. I bet there are many accounts made by people who know that this type of behavior is frowned upon here, but they are using their bots to control hundreds of accounts and posting tons of begging comments fishing for the occasional upvote. But there are also many people who are excited about the opportunity and try desperately to get some attention the wrong way.

Responding with a message that explains to them what is wrong with that approach seems like a really good and kind way to deal with it. And while some will not take the free advice, I'm sure some will and some will even become successful on the platform because they were told the right thing at the right time before being labeled a spammer and leaving the platform in frustration.

Thanks for that thoughtful comment @naydenova. There are indeed lots of spamming bots. We don't have to give any of them our upvotes or our attention, which will make them eventually go away because they aren't getting what they want. Those people don't actually ever answer or come back asking how they can improve.

When someone does ask, it really makes me feel grateful I have taken the time to help them. It can be a very frustrating beginning, depending especially on their intentions of getting on Steemit in the first place. It's really rewarding to feel when I have made a difference. We all know it can potentially be a bit hard at the beginning.

Great to have you here. I appreciate your sharing on my blog.

It's a real pleasure, so I'm happy and grateful to be here! :)

Yes Bless!!

Great post, and great question! There are so many ways to deal with this.. and we can see them all on display on Steemit! Im totally against being 'unfriendly' or posting lengthy comments as it gets in the way of the whole feed..

These days I just say something like

Hi! Thanks for commenting. Steemit can be a confusing place, and sometimes it is not clear what is right and what is wrong. Rather than beg for up votes, please read the post and comment something relevant.

If we like what we read we will naturally up vote and look at your posts.

The @ecotrain have written some great posts for you to learn more about how to succeed here in Steemit. Best of luck, please don't beg for votes or comment with out reading the post or people may even flag you!

Check it Out Here:

The ecoTrain wrote on this topic a few weeks ago and there are some beautiful gems in there.. WAY to much to read all of it, but a treasure trove of heartfelt ideas and feelings for minnows and people unaware of how to make Steemit work for everyone including them!


Great comment @eco-alex. Most of the comments I've written above were my responses on Steemit Chat. I do feel though that if someone like @mulhammedhelmi92 comments more from my short statement on my post, then it is worthwhile taking up some space in the comment section. Perhaps some other person promoting their blog will catch a glimpse of it and learn a little something.

The eco-train really does have some great topics. So many treasures in there---oh so much to share. Thanks for engaging my post. I appreciate your being here.

Awesome!! Can I use some of these? I have tried to engage as well and some have been open to learn but others want to argue which drains me emotionally. It is exhausting and I know important also to give a hand up to those who are genuine.

Thanks for putting into words what I have been feeling for a while now. I appreciate it @everlove!

It can be really draining if others just want to argue or make excuses or keep doing the same thing. I simply give them no attention and ignore all of their requests. I don't give them my energy as I have better things to do.

I would be happy to share any of those quotes, or any version thereof you wish to make. I'm grateful to help in anyway I can. Thanks for your comment and interest in helping @countrygirl.

Thanks soooooo much! I am grateful that you posted this. In keeping with your gratefulnessvibe tag - I think :)

Living a life in gratitude really is a much more joyous experience. If they don't bite at my offering of assistance, I have lost nothing and I just move on. And if it peaks their attention, we are both generally blessed to have made a difference and upgraded Steemit. A few loses, a few ties, and moving toward many more wins for everyone.

I think it’s admirable that you put in the time to have those conversations with the people that stop by just for their own reciprocated upvotes. I’ve just been ignoring those comments on my posts but it may be worth following in your footsteps and striking up a conversation about the most advantageous and positive way to use Steemit: to keep creating good content, instead of spamming people’s posts! Thanks for sharing your strategies.

It has been working for me so far, and as I say, I have received some true blessings by helping and knowing those who really want to contribute. I'd love to hear how your experience with it turns out. Feel free to use any part of anything I have shared here, if that helps.

Blessings to you @erb.

This is another demonstration of true love by @everlove. Others just flag the guy for attempting to do that,but you choose to do otherwise. You are a big role model for me,i just want to love people more and more just like you... Thank you for correcting the guy rather than sanctioning him.

If I begin on the premise that they don't have a clue what they're doing, then I feel I can help them rather than judge them. It's quite the shift in perspective that has brought about many really worthwhile people to this platform and into my life through my blog--at least my experience has been thus.

I think the energetic coding of "I'm excited to help you" over "go the fuck away" type mentality really brings forth the people who want help, and helps them to open up to receiving, not resisting. My experiencing has been that the people who I have reached out to me on my blog are much more in tune with what I care about and as I open up, so do they. A very interesting shift in energy!

Grateful to share with you @emmakwisequote.

Hmmm,many will never think from your angle and that still makes you unique... God bless you big ma.

I'm sure that is so...and that's okay. We all get to be the directors of our own experience. Bless you back @emmakwisequote.

Thanks ma... I wish everybody become exactly like you so that our world become better.

Everyone exactly like me would be pretty boring!!! I'd be glad more people who challenge themselves to love this much!! I've been working on it and pushing my own limits. Grateful for the investment. Grateful to share it with others too. Thanks for bringing out the best in me.

Any time.... One good did deserve another,you have brought and still bringing best out of millions of souls all over the world. Doing that to you is nothing but just a privilege....

I appreciate your appreciation @emmakwisequote. We truly have an incredible opportunity to connect and support one another. We're truly blessed to come together.

I think steemit is just a microcosm economy that reflects the real world economy in a few ways, once people secure all available assets there's nothing more to do than hope that you get some if you're late to the party. Creating valuable content is just a more elaborate way of begging for upvotes if you think about it, if you have capital to begin with you can just extract value from the platform passively through various means.

Beggars and spammers on steemit are just an outwards indicator of the global economy's health, there's way too much economic inequality and the lack of access to education, add to that the fact that not many whales speak anything other than English and we're basically reaping on steemit what global economic hegemony for centuries past by a few nations has sown.

Very keen observation @charitybot. And I agree with you--as within, so without.

Steem is also an incredible opportunity to help change the global economy, starting with a fresh perspective and rewiring or own ideas and beliefs about things of past and step into new potential.

Steemit is what we make of it, so we can either keep living a life based on money, scarcity, greed and control, or we can shift to being in service, supporting, honoring, respecting, and doing the loving thing.

Of course value can mean many things. It can be equated to having a financial reward, and/or a human heartfelt passionate value. I care more about community and connecting/helping others - money is sometimes the means to be able to facilitate that. But I would way rather have posts full of love and passion than one strictly created for monetary value. I feel it is a "build it and they will come" sort of scenario, so if we do what we love, the money will come. Therein lies the true value.

Contrast is essential to experience. Perhaps we need to experience one extreme to appreciate the other.

I loved your comment @charitybot! Thanks for engaging my blog.

Sooo... For years I've said facebook needs a specific "sarcasm" font. Maybe a idea for Steemit? My saracsm button gets pushed every time I read a post like this, I want to comment "plese follow and vote my blag" lol On a more serious note, finding a post like this was like an "aha" moment for me and Steemit. When you're new, and see other people commenting "follow & upvote me" and you don't really understand reputation scores and you're just posting content and using tags and not engaging other people with comments, it's not hard to make the assumption that maybe that's the way to go about it.

A "sarcasm" button!!!! That would be a fun one!!

When I started here on Steemit in August 2016, this asking for votes was not the case. But then, all of the sudden, it seemed there was a rush of people asking, then more asking, then more begging, then more more more. I believe it became the example of how to engage Steemit, because so many people were doing it, and the new users didn't really know any better. So I think it is important that we share how it can be done, and help them to see the true benefit of belonging to a community like this. There will always be takers and givers. It would be great to tip the scale in favor of the latter.

I'm grateful to provide an "aha" moment, and I'm grateful you found your way here.

Those of us here long enough know how we work hard and be patient. You can help ine or two but We cannot save the whole people. People got to find ways to learn themselves.

Just like you can take a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink! Simply providing opportunity is often the best we can do. Glad to see you here @ace108.

Glad to pick this. Been busy on so many work here. I ran some stats query for collaborative art 2 weeks back but got side track.

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