Monday Morning Quote: "bravery is acknowledging your fear and doing it anyway."

in #quote6 years ago

Goooood morning readers! How are you? Monday is here: Head up and let's work!

Monday Morning Quotes: A place where, each Monday, I'll bring my favourite quotes to send you a bit of my positivity to start the week on full power! Hope you enjoy it.

Source: Cheryl Strayed is an American memoirist, novelist, essayist and podcast host. The author of four books, her award-winning writing has been published widely in anthologies and major magazines. There's also a movie about her life called Wild, a screenplay by Nick Hornby based on Cheryl Strayed's 2012 memoir Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

What is your biggest fear?.

We all have fears and we overcome them in various different ways; some of us live a life without knowing what is on the other side of fear. I won't judge.

Some of my friends say that I have loads of courage to do what I do, to go on adventure...but truth is, I do have many fears. Do I have bravery then? I don't know.

Every time I plan a new adventure, I live with that strange sensation on my guts, it's something that I like, the unknown, guess that's where the wanderlust comes from.

I would love to hear from you. What's your interpretation of this quote? Feel free to 'philosophize' on the comments down bellow.

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~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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Thats so true honey. Im always scared but ya gotta do it anyway.

Oie thanks for the comment dear @riverflows, isn't it good that good fear sensation? Not the panic one, of course. I guess I'm addicted and travelling causes that a lot.

Fearful....Its the way I lived my life...a life that wasn't full of wild adventures that were death feared every day life....I desperately wanted to be noticed but scared to death you did...based on my upbringing...I wasn't comfortable around people...uncomfortable as me...but...somehow I found a way to move forward....tried out for sports...asked out my long time school crush...found a date to the senior prom...made it through college...went to a big city interview...embarrassingly not knowing what button to push for the elevator in the high rise building...worked in professional settings...married...ran my own business...fortunately along the way found a program that helped me to find comfort in being me...realized I wasn't alone...and realized what courage I did have to push through my inner self doubt....

Yes...for those who suffer each day to get through the life they own...I acknowledge your bravery.

Amazing story @bobreedo! I'm sorry for taking so long to comment, I was sick in bed after a long cycling day, possibly I drank some inappropriate water.

We all have fears everyday, otherwise we'd be some sorte of robot, they are good and it's always great when we can conquer and surprass those fears. Unless we are talking about panic attacks, then it's a whole new level.

That's why I love travelling, we are always, every minute, presented with challenges - and we have to fight them, otherwise what will we do? We are always from our comfort zone, something must be done, that's how we learn.

Just like you did, simply asking the crush can be very difficult for many people, but once you do, and fail... you won't discover how easy it actually was.

Heck ya! I love the quote and your musings. Acknowledging fear can be tough, but not letting it dictate actions is the next level! I feel you on the gut feeling of stepping out into the unknown. I miss that feeling sometimes... although you did put a disclaimer so I've been warned.

AHAHah the disclaimer, I'm glad you've noticed that @mountainjewel!

The thing with fear is that we almost always need that extra push to fight it, once we do and realise it's over, it feels so simple. Isn't our body so beautiful trying to protect itself instinctively?

Why do you miss that feeling on the guts? I always have it whenever I decide to do some crazy adventure, and I love it hahahaha

I'm sorry for taking so long to answear back, I was sick in bed with a fever after a long cycling day, probabily I drank inappropriate water or something. But everything is going back to normal now.

muitas frases de superação, motivação tem esse mesmo caminho se mesmo com medo, que é normal, seguir em frente a pessoa que seguir essa filosofia só vai entender na prática, o conteúdo dessas frases.

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Exactamente @caiiiotkn, impossível vencer o medo sem que se lute contra ele, claro, em se tratando de coisas cotidianas, não de crises de pânico.

Por isso sempre trago a minha perspectiva, de viajante...em uma viagem, principalmente de mochila, tu estas a cada segundo lidando com situações que requerem uma tomada de decisões, há uma obrigação para sair da zona de conforto. Aprende-se muito viajando.

I think this is the best quote for Monday. We are acknowledging our fear that the weekend might be over and are waking up anyway :D

AHAHAH oh the mighty Monday @best-trip-eva!

That's why I quit my job to face a complete new level of fear, but at least I wont bother with the Mondays anymore, as evey day will be like Sunday.

Do you work a regular job when you're not travelling?

My biggest fear... I'm affraid of ⛷️, since i did fall and broke some bones. I returned and failed to overcome my fear... Almost 15 years ago and still not skiing because of this. Another thing I'm afraid of since that accident... I was always skating in the halfpipes here in the area. Since my fall no more halfpipes for me. I love the same feeling you describe but with those two things I really don't like that feeling anymore...

But people need fear that is part of their instinct. Without fear mankind wouldn't survive.

Oh gosh @guchtere, but your fear involved some physical damage. I think it's pretty sure comprehensible, just like racing drivers that lose their 'wild attack' after a crash.

Does skiing still represents a risk to your damaged back? Otherwise I'd take it slowly anyways.

Skiing does represent a risk for my back nowadays indeed. But surfing as well. So that's not the thing. Just need to train everything proper. While surfing I'm not chasing any speedrecords anymore. 50km/h is fast enough :P
But ski accident happened way before anything happened to my back. It's somewhere in my mind indeed but can't get rid of it. After the accident went back as fast as possible with my ski's in the hand standing on top. Well the nerves got me there, shirt drenched with sweat really unbelievable. Didn't know what happened to me. So I always learned while streetskating "when your scared you'll fall, so don't be and you'll be fine". I always learned my tricks thinking that way. Broke many bones and always got back on my skates. With skiing I had the accident because of someone else. I was out of control in that one. I think that got me the nerves, I'm still suffering. Tried walking up the hill with my skies a few times now and then, but always ended up sweaty and walking back downhill with the ski's at my shoulder...

That's really interesting, guess it's our brain working as a protective device, strange is that it happens only with the Skii.

Not only the ski, inline-skating also. But with ice-skating no brain problems. So yes it is a bit strange.... But I got no explanation for it!?

Guess we'll have to discover that doing a trip to the Alps hahahahha

I have so many fears like being unloved, regretting things i haven't done when i'm old and so on, but i feel my biggest fear is finding and facing my biggest problem and fear. I don't know why, but when ever i go deep in to my own thought, in the end i face a paradox i can't comprehend.

That's complex, my friend @sina-adventure.

You won't have things to regret when I get old if you go out there and do it, sometimes you'll fail miserably, just like I did many times. But that's part of the game, right?

Always there will be something to regret, it mostly depends on your attitude. So if i go for so many risky adventure (including unreasonable ones, but who should define reasonable or unreasonable?) you might end up regretting breaking many bones or even losing part of your body, and on the other hand if you don't do anything you will regret your own laziness. It's about balancing the two side (life is), going for a risky adventure, but trying to play it safe, investing on something risky but with money you don't really need and so on.

It's always decisions, they are in every second of our life, common sense is needed.
I like to evaluate both sides when I think of something - Both the good things that can happen and the bad, and I also find solutions if the bad things do occur. That is planning.

There's a famous Antarctic explorer, Roald Amundsen who says "adventure is the result of poor planning".

By having a good planning, facing the future fears become really easier.

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