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RE: Monday Morning Quote: "bravery is acknowledging your fear and doing it anyway."

in #quote6 years ago

Fearful....Its the way I lived my life...a life that wasn't full of wild adventures that were death feared every day life....I desperately wanted to be noticed but scared to death you did...based on my upbringing...I wasn't comfortable around people...uncomfortable as me...but...somehow I found a way to move forward....tried out for sports...asked out my long time school crush...found a date to the senior prom...made it through college...went to a big city interview...embarrassingly not knowing what button to push for the elevator in the high rise building...worked in professional settings...married...ran my own business...fortunately along the way found a program that helped me to find comfort in being me...realized I wasn't alone...and realized what courage I did have to push through my inner self doubt....

Yes...for those who suffer each day to get through the life they own...I acknowledge your bravery.


Amazing story @bobreedo! I'm sorry for taking so long to comment, I was sick in bed after a long cycling day, possibly I drank some inappropriate water.

We all have fears everyday, otherwise we'd be some sorte of robot, they are good and it's always great when we can conquer and surprass those fears. Unless we are talking about panic attacks, then it's a whole new level.

That's why I love travelling, we are always, every minute, presented with challenges - and we have to fight them, otherwise what will we do? We are always from our comfort zone, something must be done, that's how we learn.

Just like you did, simply asking the crush can be very difficult for many people, but once you do, and fail... you won't discover how easy it actually was.

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