A little rant...a little rip...'n a whole lotta something else

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

This may come as a surprise to many but what follows is not what could be considered original thinking on my part. The cheetah bot can kiss me where the sun don't shine and if I get upvoted by it I'll return it later. I really don't think there's anything wrong with the concept of making it'self known and thereby allowing others reading a post to make an informed decision about whether to comment or upvote.

What lies below is a comment I made just a half hour ago...ok maybe an hour by the time I finish this...on a post that is already paid out and headed into the depths of the Steemit ocean where it will settle with all the rest of the bits 'n bytes of Steemian history. I'll be copying and pasting it because, as the originator, I don't feel I should have to spend an hour or two rewriting my own words. I'm not one to chew my cabbage twice...I don't even like cabbage unless it's wrapped around a meaty rich sauce and even then I scarf it down without much chewing so I can get seconds before it's all gone. I do have a thought of putting a link in here...for contextual purposes...even though I've not been around long enough to be a comfortable name dropper. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

To the TLDR community (you know who you are ;-)...well hey I get it...I truly do...just let'n you know I'm always thinking of you after the second or third paragraph...but I can't seem to stop until I feel I'm done...time enough for Q 'n A later...if there are any. So no hard feelings...and that goes for any reading this...I'm not lashing out at anyone. I just think it's good stuff and a hell of a lot better than that Steam'n pile of Steemit I posted three weeks ago as my intro.

The post that inspired this post/comment was about all the different masks people wear, and why and for whom and how we can lose ourselve's in wearing them on a habitual basis. So...my dear Steemians...this is cryptologyx aka Barry allowing the mask off...and hopefully tossing it to the bottom along with this post. If you can read between the lines or already know me just a little by now you will feel I'm really not so different...mask or no mask. And that's the point of this exercise...to be just a little more real if i can be. So I won't be deleting this from the post I read earlier...and yes I think I will post the link at the end. It's a damn fine one by a damn fine mind...who admittedly wears masks as well. It's a superficial world we live in and it takes a courageous person to go about it unsheathed...or a very uncaring person. You can judge me however you like after reading this...and anything else I've laid down here since I joined. You can also tell me by the way I resteem...therein lies the content of my character as well. I'm not here to defend that character either...I just thought it would make a good post.

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think...because all I need to do now is think of a title...copy and paste my own words...and decide on some tags...a link or two and I'm done. Look at this as my second chance at an introduction. I like this place and just feel like opening up a bit more...plus I may be just a titch sleep depraved and not thinking things through properly...but I already know I can delete it all tomorrow...which I won't. So...that's enough of a preamble...on to the truly inspired babble and just one thank you...to all who have and continue to en**courage me to just be me. It's the best advice there is...here in Steemit...or out there...in the walking world. Lay down your masks I say...you're amongst brothers and sisters and fill-in-the-blanks (no offence meant)


Strange thing the conscious and subconscious minds do to one another...then there's parents and siblings wheedling and burrowing into your core like a boll weevil. It's a wonder how any of us can think we're independent thinkers.

At the age of three...or four...doesn't matter at that age I was pretty curious about everything going on around me. I was outgoing and a happy kid saying hello and smiling...just like the fool I am today...(echoes of Janis Joplin's truly genuine laughter)...at neighbors and strangers alike. Always a 'hello...how are you today?'.

I was the kid in Simon and Garfunkel's 59th Street Bridge Song but by the time that song came around I was much more introverted and pensive. I was still friendly to people but something was off. Still curious about the world and everything in it. I still wanted to make the world a better place just by being a part of it all.

By the time I was in high school I was beginning to have serious doubt about where things were leading to. Corruption was a big thing to me...still is. Honesty was always important to me and if I found a friend was disingenuous with myself or other people I distanced myself from them...and told them why if they were to ask. I still to this very day can't say if I was being unfair or holding too high expectations for myself and those around me, including family. It didn't occur to me until in my early twenties that it was the little white lies that kept the skids of a relationship moving along smoothly...more or less. I still think that's bull shit thinking but hey...5-7 billion people can't be wrong...can they?

I suppose now I would be accused of having an extraordinarily low EQ...perhaps another "expert" would say I'm somewhere on the Asperger's spectrum...while the one down the hall would swear up and down that I'm classic psychopath material. All with a different prescription for the state of my future mental health, yet none of them, or us...can point a finger at the problem and say "see there? there is the disease!" And they likely never will be able to. The brain is just too complex. It's said a lot of super smart people have tendencies to self medicate to dull their thinking...I believe that's true...and likely wise for self preservation for some of them...they...I digress...or have I?

Sure we can comprehend and even summarize what we comprehend but no one can honestly say they have a true understanding of what makes Johnny tick or MaryJane whirr...and tock. Not unless they're either delusional or a board certified psychiatrist. Which when you look at it closely are nothing but a bunch of contrarian hypocrites...even among themselves. They can't tell you what a medication will do for you but they'll prescribe it as well as a few others to cover the side effects...or worsen them...because then they can point at and say 'see it's working you're doing much better...today.' Or not.

I'm still a polite, honest happy-go-lucky person...for the most part...the world can be a bitterly cold place if you can't laugh...or at least smile. And I still feel like kick'n down the cobble stones...look'n for fun 'n feel'n groovy 'n all that. But I've learned a new tune along the way...it goes something like this...id ain't me babe...no no nooo id ain't me babe...id ain't me yer look'n for...babe.

So...if it isn't id 'n id ain't me...then who the hell's fault is it anyway? That's what id would like to know. Think I'll just sleep on that thought and let my ego and super ego try to finger it out...not that they gotten anywhere up to this point...but at least they're do'n their li'l circle jerk outta sight and in my severely apneatic mind...great post @sammok ...thanks fer reminding me how truly fucked up the world is run...and id ain't me so point yer finger elsewhere. { ;-)>

         ~smiles fer miles ~

p.s. oh and the upvote didn't move the wheel...but then again I could be spit'n dry steem dust by now :)

source of inspiration...a great read and a unique thinker @sammosk ...hit this https://steemit.com/life/@sammosk/the-onion-man-a-dissertion-on-filters-and-honesty-an-original-thought#@cryptologyx/re-sammosk-the-onion-man-a-dissertion-on-filters-and-honesty-an-original-thought-20170711t104006528z

something for the new arrivals...an oldie but a goodie by @cryptoctopus https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@cryptoctopus/the-secret-to-a-successful-introduceyourself-post--and-the-1-mistake-to-avoid


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this is just too too ironic :p

Perhaps rather than copy pasta you could just do a running update each week of all your previous posts?

Rather than fight the existing system (bots never sleep, and you have too) you could learn to work within the framework.

Just a thought, thanks for sharing and dropping my post! I was/am proud of that one. <3

I'm sorry if I offended you...wasn't my intent. Testing the bot was something I decided rather than deleting the comment. I don't see how I could've plagiarized my own words an hour or so after writing them...just curios what the cheetah might think about it is all. Don't get sarcasm at the best of times so I'll just look at this as a TLDR reply. ;-)

~peace out...in~

great work! keep it up!

you again? I'm gonna iggy yer ass if you don't say something different!

No offense...how's the family?

~smiles fer miles~

Slow down, you're moving to fast ;)

gotta make the morn'n last...just... ;)

Kickin down the cobblestones

look'n for fun...and feeel'n...

Groovyyyy da da da da da da da

di di di da...da...da...daaaa...feel'n...groovyyyy

             ~smiles fer miles~

I haven't thought of that song in years. Now I may have to dig out my guitar and see if I can still play it. Thanks for the duet ;)

the pleasure was mine...
...now howz'bout a round of Down With the Sickness ~smiles~

So... yeah... I saved the heavy reading for when I wasn't in full-blown keeping up with some posting and commenting ninjas who didn't think they were ninjas! Would you believe I was assessed with Asperger's as an adult? Yeah, in my late 30s. By then I didn't really give a shit because I'd finally felt comfortable in my own skin and stopped worrying about what other people thought of me. It was liberating to have "a reason" for feeling so alone and rejected when I was young. School sucked. I hated every minute of it until I went to college.

I take partial responsibility for being an outcast in my youth. I'd been kicked too many times that I just kicked back before someone did it again. It hurt less if I was the one calling the shots - even if it meant being lonely. So... what changed?

The moment I realized that I had control over who I kept around me and stopped giving power to the people who didn't matter in my world. If someone doesn't like me then they don't deserve me. If someone wants to be negative ALL THE TIME, I don't need that kind of energy eating away at my happy place. buh-bye. What I've found is that I like being authentically me. There are no more masks - though, if you want to call diplomacy and biting one's tongue a mask, okay. I mean, I'm a nice person overall. My filter has gotten a lot smaller as I've gotten older. But I'm not out of control like a monkey throwing feces around. LOL Still, when I mean what I say and say what I mean people migrate toward me, and I'm not so worried about anyone hurting my feelings because... well... they don't have the power to anymore.

I am a rock...

Wow, thanks for sharing that. I didn't like bullies in school and I don't like them now. In school back then I could shove back...and I did...hard. These days it's a different world...I ain't pack'n nuth'n and you don't know who might be so it's best to stay outta that kinda action. Guess I got my frustrations out by play contact sports...which I excelled at.

I'm glad you got your diagnoses, and that it was a confirmation for you. I've fought a few diagnoses but let the last one go and just said I'm not taking that medication...after a good amount of research. Sometimes sad is just an emotion, and hyper is a phase.

The idea that because I'm on some kind of spectrum they've decided on which there's a point (low bar) where drugs that change your chemistry is the best course of action in my mind misuse of trust, abuse of power and for some more accepting than me bullying. By that I mean they (the doctors...ok some) insist that commencing a mind altering, body breaking and soul sucking course of trials until the right "mix" for your make-up is found. They insist and badger people who have never harmed themselves, another or have needed to be restrained because they had been lost to real reality. Sure many find relief and perhaps the benefits do outweigh the risks of such course of action. But I'm not a statistic and nether is anyone. They should be more willing to take each person on an individual basis. They've lowered the bar so much to bring in customers they have no time to help those who really need it. It's a mess...and I don't know anything more I can do about it than to stay the hell away from those people.

Thank you for sharing Meredith, I'm glad you did. And yes...you are a rock...you're an island. The salt of the earth. I'm happy you know better to allow anyone to try and tell you differently.

                                        ~peace out...in~

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