5 Incredible Reasons Why Steemit/Steem Will Become The Biggest Cryptocurrency in The World soon

in #promo-steem7 years ago

The statement above is really a bold statement i know and i will support it below
If someone who is not on Steemit reads this statement,he/she might geer or even not read the article!

If you are new to Steemit you can check out this article here


Did you just see that price above.....!!!! Its only guys who watch the Coin market Cap who can understand

If you have been following closely,Steem has languished around 0.8-0.9 usd for the last 4 months i have been here,so seeing 1.7 $ is really awesome news to me and the community.

Let me add you another image below...


Lets get back to why i wrote this post...reasons why Steemit will be the Biggest Crypto.

1. Free Entry As in Free..................Free


Let me be honest here,Steemit being free is the main reason it was easy for me to join and sign up.
I first about Bitcoin just this last January(i wonder which world i had been living in..!!) and guess what,i was supposed to invest some money to understand it fully.


Since i was supposed to pay,i did not take it serious and let the opportunity slide! It is the same thing when i tell them about Bitcoin and they get scared because they do not have the 14700 $...this is insane money for an average Ugandan.

Steemit being free to join is a very big advantage in the crypto world.
I am from Africa, to be specific Uganda,here people have lost huge sums of money in Online busineses like Ponzis and Pyramids....like Telexfree,Adpay and many others .

So here in Uganda we are so cautious of anything done Online.....!!
I get asked a similar question if they need to pay to join.
You should see the joy in their faces when i tell them,its free...!!!!

I can guarantee you when Africa wakes up,they will be the biggest number of folks here on Steemit.
I just need to work hard to create testmonies

When more people discover about Steemit,it will take Steemit to the top most Crypto i the world.

2. Free Crypto University

I have been on Steemit from June,by becaome active in July...that's roughly 5 Months.
Truth be told i have a lot about Crypto in this short time.

The lecturers here are real life teachers who write based on their life experiences with crypto.

The guys who here are so passionate that they would want everyone to understand this latest technology that is taking the world by storm!

If you know anyone who wants to learn about crypto,or even you who is reading this and does not understand this whole Bitcoin or crypto craze....just sign up, sit, learn and apply what you learn.

In steemit we are guided by legends who know a lot about crypto because they have been n the crypto space from way back(I am also on my way to legendary status....you can see i now use the word 'cryprto' a lot..hehehehe)

Steemit being a free crypto university makes it contend for top spot in the crypto industry.
It is easy to learn from here and then make wise investment decisions on alt coins(damn i used another word....it means alternative coins to Bitcoin....you see told you this is a university!!!)

On a side note,the knowledge i get here will help me start teaching other folks in my community,and may be some can offer to pay me for my time!

Steemit is offering me a new opportunity of becoming a crypto expert in my country Uganda.
Guys take this Steemit opportunity seriously.

Five years from now each and every region will want a crypto expert and guess who they contact,me or you who has an established blog on Steemit.

3.Mine with our Minds and Not Expensive Electricity.

If you have been following lately,you must have heard of complaints of how Bitcoin mining consumes more electricity than many African countries!
You doubt that,as my last point above states,Steemit is a learning university,i have links below of how mining consumes so much electricity.


Welcome to Steemit where we teach for free,you check out those articles,i will not even explain what mining is,that s your assignment,all answers are in those links above!

If you do a simple Google search of how to mine Bitcoin,Steemit comes in most of the searches!!

In Steemit we use our mental energies to mine and not electricity.
The more you use your mind here and influence many people,the bigger reward you get.

There is a great post here written sometime back by our very own Wolf of Steemit @stellabelle of how we mine Steem with our minds.
I have to bold it so that you do not miss the article,it is a great read,go check it out please


I read sometime back that most humans use less than 5% of their brains!!! hard fact

In Steemit though,you are forced to stretch that number to a maximum.You are made to try out different things like contests and gigs......this contest pay good money folks!

In steemit we also make you start dreaming again...this involves reactivating and rekindling those long lost dreams.

There is a great article by own @surpassinggoogle take time and read it please,


Steemit being able to make our minds active will certainly make steemit a big crypto contender.
Like seriously who doesn't want to put his/her mind to constructive use as i am doing writing this for you to read now.

I am glad you are also participating by reading this words now,i do not know,may be this post will inspire you to join Steemit or make you want to stay on Steemit for the betterment of our world!

4. Solves The world's Greatest problem Unemployment


It does not matter which country you come from,from what i read almost each and every country on this planet has high unemployment rates!

Ok may be in your country,there is low unemployment,fine....but among the employed how many are enjoying or earning a decent pay???

I will not answer for you coz its you who knows your country or community better than you.

You can check out these links below to see where your country belongs



I donot really need to dwell much on this topic because may be some of you now reading this have ever striked because your government does not provide enough jobs....!!! Striking is good for mostly venting your emotions,but rarely solves problems...!!!!

In some countries like in Ugaanda recently,doctors striked and some of their demands were met...
You can read some of that here


Folks if you are reading this,the energy you would spend striking and blaming the government,please come and sign up on Steemit start growing a following and start earning.

Yes the start is hard in Steemit as in in anything worthwhile in life....my firts 3 posts made a mere 0.57 $ thats 57 cents!!!!

As i type this Steemit is helping many folks not to think of looking for jobs! we are now creating legacies by uisng our minds by posting on Steemit.

It is nos surprise the most active folks promoting Steemit are Africans,you all know how unemployment rates are high in Africa(Go make a simle Google search to find out by yourself and also dont foeget to search the reates for your couuntry!!!).

Steemit is not just a job,it is alifetome opportunity for the sharp folks who have been looking bfor ways to better their lives.

I presume since you have reached this far in this long post of mine(i need to write a book!!!)it means you are looking for ways to better yourself.

I can rumble and ramble about how Steemit can solve the unemployment problem,its until you try it out,then you will understand what i mean!

If you understand how awesome Steemit,you will be able to write your thoughts in such a post.
I do writ this post,not because i want to earn the money(which i might),but to tell and show the world there is a solution to unemployment.

Just may be may be i can inspire someone to sign up and create a new life for themselves !

If many people realize this amazing community we shall surely beat Bitcoin in the crypto world.

5.Free Transactions....free

I remember teling you above joining Steemit is free and now i am also telling you transferring Steem/Steem Dollars amongst us users is free...............what you send is what the receiver gets...isn't that wonderful.

For anew person you might not believe this,let me drop you a screeshot

Did you see any fees above???
This what makes Steemit the best,i can send money from my account to another person freely....

Did i also tell you the transactions take only 3 seconds....yes you read that right 3 seconds

Another thing we also used customized usernames and addresses
@jaraumoses is my username and also at the same time my Steemit address....simplicity at its peak.

There a great recent post by our Steemit admin that compares Ehereum fees and transaction speed to Steemit.
Obviously Steemit is faster and zero fees.
For more on this check out the article here please.

How Steemit handles 700000 Transactions per day!

I believe with these 5 reasons above Steemit will become the biggest crypto currency in the next few years.

If you believe my posts are undervalued,you can consider donating me some crypto to my newly opened cryptonator wallet

Bitcoin : 16w9BJWvowKYtGKixmw9GZvRDuWzVjcJt1
BCash : 1E2rn1f1DuvNDyafRSwuvtY9WKG36aQi4W
Ethereum :0x094597400f5da358cbace0ec0eb7eaa8649012a3
Litecoin : LMvjyYToFnYBhkp9mxKJbFw65NWC6qAY8K
ZCash : t1TLctasqCqgWn81wxg4Rjq8AgqYtganv8y
Primecoin: AVFAfHz8n1Burc7Mj7SKgqL61wgbicCq6h
Bytecoin: 23cjGcpmarpihRjnRWXCRjZjzmUeqBzF4ELBFFgY82xe6NJxLMPTtncFr6MNqj3PGR4PGXzCGYQw7UemxRoRxCC97pVpGTJ
Blackcoin: B8Bas6tGJmiw1XVaLcvoD6zrV1bWStYjYc
Dogecoin: DK8a4Sjtd5cPAHa18SriM2vzewkwuJcfrM
Dash : XppUA25h1bgKBu48XpfBRmAoiCsGRKZ4kh

###If you missed my previous posts here they are

I shared Steemit To thesharesguy Faceboom Page

Ignore Bitcoin Naysayers...Bitcoin and Steeit To The Moon

Free Multi currency Cryto Wallet

If you are new to Steemit thses posts below will help you.(Do not upvote these posts please.

3 Tricks that Made me Grow on Steemit Quickly

How to Add A Steemit Profile Pic..Step By Step

If you like this post please upvote and resteem

If you find this post after 7 Days please do not upvote,go to my recent posts and upvote them

Jarau Moses


I agree with you, I hope the value of steem will continue to rise up!

We just need to keep spreading Steemit and the price will keep increasing,the introduction of SMTs will be an added pump to the price in early January.

Thank you for Using #promo-steem tag, Promote steemit by inviting your friends and your family!

Hey! This is super cool, i just saw this in the promote section of the discord and had to read it :o I never knew all of this!! where did you find it out?? Also followed you and hope you want to check out some of my content and follow back if you like it :)

Thanks for reading and appreciating my post.
I have followed you because you appreciated my work and hope to learn a lot from you too.

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