Steemit Portrait Photography Contest - Couples - Week No. 14..."Young Love"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #portraitcontest7 years ago (edited)

It's another portrait contest organized and hosted by @jasonrussell.
Thank you Jason for bringing us together!!

People are incredibly interesting and I love catching them in all their glory.  
I especially love the surprise capture that is natural and uncontrived.
I'm not the kind of gal who likes to ask my subjects to stand with a certain posture,
tilt their head to one side, or to put their hand on a shoulder just so.
Capturing someone's natural state is really alluring to me,
and connecting with them through their natural movement
feels so alive!

This week's theme - couples - is a great opportunity for me to share a few photos of my daughter and one of her boyfriends from some years back.  Both were raised in an unschooling atmosphere, so reveled in being real, and pushing the limits with free expression. They were super fresh together, playing off of each other's energy, and relaxed into being themselves.   It's always great to witness people who are raw and vulnerable, showing up in the light of who they really are.  

I'm entering these first three photos which I shot one afternoon in Austin, Texas,
when they were just goofing around together on the street.  
I happened to have my camera (duh!), so captured a few shots of the moment,
no set-up, and no pre-conceived ideas about taking a "photo shoot".  
I love the candid-ness of these shots, capturing the innocence of 

"Young Love"

For those of you who do not know what unschooling is, I'll give you my quick personal perspective:

I searched and searched for an answer to education and life, an answer in which I could feel joyous immersing myself and my precious tiny beings.  Though I examined and experimented with many different methods of "schooling", I didn't really find any way that really set me afire.  One day after discovering unschooling, I realized that unschooling wasn't really about my children and their "schooling" at all, as they were already whole, intelligent and capable.  Unschooling was about me looking at myself,  going deep to examine my own fears and limitations, questioning everything, and getting out of their way so they could continue to be the divine beings they came on this planet to be.  I kept reminding myself to stand back and witness in awe their magnificent life unfolding.

I had found the answer I was searching for.

I think unschooling is a silly label, but I suppose it helps us find others of shared values and like minds like @sashagenji, @samstonehill, @canadian-coconut, @stillgideon, @heart-to-heart, @creativewoman, @dreemit,  @markwhittam, @marionjoe, and @spark.  


Children with such ability to be themselves are naturally incredibly genuine.  They express themselves differently than most other people, as they have a different perspective on life.  I'm grateful to have had the awareness to have given this gift to my children, as the gift I received in return has been eternally priceless.

Taken with my Canon T2i with a Tamron Lens.

If you wish to explore more about unschooling,
here are a few of my older posts on freedom for children:

-  No Shoulds, Have Tos or Musts - Growing a Life of Freedom,
Empowered, and Immersed in Unconditional :ove
Life in Community - How That Plays Out for the Children?
-  Disciplining Children - Questioning the Norm

Check out this new Steemian, 6 year old @qiqi-power, who's father @quinneaker runs her account for her in Trust.  She will show you what it's like to live a life of freedom - Meet 6 Year Old QiQi

Also, check out @quinneaker who has an enlightened perspective on parenting that will blow your mind.  His writings on parenting will likely be more frequent as he has so much to share.  And just so you know, most everyone who has seen Quinn in action with his children wishes they had had a daddy like Quinn.  Quinn will also be speaking at Steemfest2.  I encourage you to tune into @quinneaker if you want to feel true hope for the future.  Meet 4 Year Old Noki.


This is my last week's entry to @jasonrussell's portrait contest - Week No. 13 - Black and White Portraits:

"Love Love Love in the Garden of Eden"

@quinneaker, visionary and founder of the @gardenofeden - also taken with my Canon T2i.

I really love all the initiatives that spark inspiration to share our passions.  I also really love that we are building a strong community here on Steemit to compliment my community life at the @gardenofeden.  Magical things happen in community, and I can also say that it's never a dull moment!  

Thanks for tuning in, visiting my blog, and sharing this life with me.



Love all the engaged comments and experience because of this post!

Great Job inspiring, and moving people!

Bless it be~*~

It's time for potent exchanges and I'm truly grateful to find others who are excited to engage. Thanks for your inspiration @quinneaker, and for being such an incredible example of what love really is. <3


And for that too!!! <3

My dear, as always it touches the very deep feelings in my soul. You are one of the people who can tell the story not only by words (which are amazing) but also through your art. I love pictures you do and they always bring emotions to me. Thank you for your light and wisdom you share with us.
Re unschooling - you were the first person I met when I started asking myself the question how I would like to raise my children, what I can give to the soul which chooses me to be her guide. I think your piece here " looking at myself, going deep to examine my own fears and limitations, questioning everything, and getting out of their way" - is the perfect answer. I can't thank you enough for such a wisdom! Be blessed and keep sharing your love with us!

What a blessing it is we are connected in ways unseen! I am so grateful to share my years of immersion and to be bouncing ideas back and forth with each other to truly find our way back to divinity. Children are not only our future, they are our now! What we do with that will dictate everything!

Breaking away from what we have been taught, what we think we know, and all we have been shown to find a better feeling, more engaged, healthful, open and alive way to experience each other and ourselves is really key. I'm so glad we are doing it together and have each other to help us remember.

I am super grateful to connect with you and know that it is no coincidence. I wish to activate a reality around parenting and raising children--I'm completely sure what that looks like, but I hope you will be inspired to join me. I'll let you know what that means when I figure it out!! LOL

Much love to you--may we be blessed to continue exploring the depths of everything!!! xoxox

@everlove, I am such a sucker for love! Oh my oh my how cute this is! I can barely handle it! My mind is searching back through memories of that innocent, perfect love that is so priceless in our youth! 😘🤗

What an amazing mother you are and exactly the type of example of a WONDERFULLY SUPPORTIVE mother who has chosen unschooling as the way to bring up her children!

My mom would have lost her mind, pulled me off of the guy and then scared him shit-less from ever coming near me again which is why at this age, I lied to her constantly.

I really value and appreciate your approach and am so happy to have you here sharing with us!

I see you mentioned me here, I am so honoured! I wouldn't have even known if I didn't see this post, I think your energy pulled me to it <3


Dearest @heart-to-heart!! I am so grateful for our connection. It is no coincidence we have found each other!!!

Most parents are afraid of everything when it comes to their kids. There is so much attempted control--understandably so considering where they have come from. That control is EXACTLY why children lie to their parents and why they don't have a genuine relationship with each other. Children are not allowed to be themselves or to explore possibilities. But alas, they will explore anyway, they will just be deceitful and sneaky in doing it. And that's completely understandable too. Why would they be honest about something they know they are going to get into trouble for?

As you I am sure have already figured out, the real trick is to allow them to make choices from the moment they can decide, and with simple things like what clothes to wear, what their hair will look like, what food choices to make, what activities to engage....of course with information that can help them make a clear choice. We begin when the choices are small and are not life threatening, so they can learn to trust themselves and keep their own best interests in mind, not just do what they have to do to keep their parents happy, and always looking for guidance on the outside of themselves. Young love is one of those things that will come about. How free, empowered and responsible they are with it depends greatly on the parent's ability to honor them from the time they are born.

I mentioned you in this post because I am so grateful to have connected with you, knowing we have much to share with each other and with Steemit in the realms of parenting and considering possibilities for healthful living.

I posted this late in the night and decided to contact those I mentioned this morning. Thanks for the reminder! So glad you found your way here---and yes, I called you in. Thanks for coming!! <3 <3 <3

Wow @everlove <3 This response was so beautiful. My heart is just exploding with love for you and your wonderful philosophy on raising kids. I wish all parents could have the same openness and respect for their children as you do.

Have you had the opportunity to read "Anastasia" yet? If not, I am positive you will fall in love with it (her), as I have!

I won't go into it too much before I know if you've already read the incredible series but it sounds like someone like you is already versed in the beautiful advice she has to offer!

Our children are born with a gift, a gift of agency to make their own decisions and I think it's so important to give them that freedom to express themselves. I love how Anastasia teaches pertaining to this, it's completely revolutionized the thoughts and feelings I already held true.

Personally, I suffered greatly from being put in a box, confined and structured and my relationship with my parents is quite tattered from that.

Thanks again for sharing and for connecting this to me! I need to find out how to see mentions <3

XO Sending you a huge hug!

It's amazing how tapped in we become when something really rings true to our soul. Truly honoring a child is extremely rare in our world, in fact most people have been shown, treated and taught the exact opposite. Adults are always telling children what to do, how, when and with whom to do it. But when we challenge ourselves to acknowledge and hold space for their divinity, free, responsible, capable, inspired and empowered children emerge!! They are our greatest teachers, and simply knowing it is possible to give rise to such magnificence, is a lesson that changes EVERything!! Just that one single shift in perspective makes everything much easier and more enjoyable in raising children (raising ourselves!) I'm so grateful for my children as they have taught me more about release, awareness, myself, the world, and infinite possibility than I was on track to know before they came along. Thank god for divine guidance by these incredible beings.

I have read 4 (I think) of the Anastasia series many years ago. Mind blowing!!! I had already been living many of the realities she brought to light, and my experience has been SUPER CHARGED through my relationship with @quinneaker. He is the oldest grown unschooler I know, who has used his superior focus and intention to tap into the infinite realms of source. He is a living example for me everyday of divine light. His children are beyond magnificent because of his own awareness and the space he provides for them.

I have been exposed to MANY children, as our home was always the place where freedom of expression was encouraged, delved into, and examined! It seems that sadly very few children are really alive these days, you can see it in their eyes and the way they are in their bodies. Most parents simply do what they know, which is what their parents taught them and the way society is structured. There is so much we all have to overcome and any hope for the future depends on our ability to create change.

This is Steemit Mentions by @blueorgy. It's an incredible tool and so easy to use.

I'm sure grateful to share with you heart-to-heart. I'm going to activate a discussion about parenting in hopes that those of us who are questioning and implementing new awareness can share some insight on this blockchain. I hope you will join us. I'll let you know how I make that happen!

Hug received and amplified back to you dear one!! <3

Hi @everlove, I see you have mentioned me.
This is automatic response so that I may respond to your mention later.

Thanks again for the mentions app. Grateful to keep sharing it! <3

This is the first post i read from you. Starting with some beautiful innocent love pictures, going into the beauty of innocence, unschooled children, listing a wealth of other beautiful souls here on Steemit and then another beautiful communication with heart-to-heart.
I just decided to lower my activity on Steemit as I feel less present with my family, i am way-too-much busy with it. It is hard to understand for me how e.g. quinneaker can post twice a day and still be there fully for his children, it is hard to believe, do i notice some jealousy in myself here? :-)
Anyway, i delegated 90% of my steem power and will probably go from 1 post every week to 1 post every month, life is a live thing but guess what i will do in the late and the early hours when my family is in dreamland? I will enjoy reading posts like these :-) Very beautiful. Much love.

Connecting with people like you and heart-to-heart is what makes spending time on Steemit so rewarding. If we can share possibility then we have made the world a better place. At the @gardenofeden we are dedicated to and focused on being a part of the change, and raising awareness is a grand part of that reality.

@quinneaker gratefully doesn't have to go to work, or have obligations to others that would take him away from his family. Being all together at the @gardenofeden all day long is truly a blessing. Children do have to sleep some time, and though Quinn also gets great rest, he spends many nights up in silence sharing on Steemit. He is a master of efficiency, focus and productivity- along with many other masterful skills. He is indeed an incredible example on many levels.

I don't blame you for wanting to be more present with your family---the time flies and all of the sudden they are grown! I am grateful that we are connected and that you felt good engaging my post. Holding space for children is really the most valuable thing we can possibly do. So grateful for your awareness of that and that you have your priorities in line!!!

Thanks for these nice words @everlove. It feels good to see @gardenofeden is working out. We had the same intentions with Karuna Farm here in India. Great people, great land, great opportunities. @ eco-alex building his earthship, @ecoknowme a master in permaculture and a few more like that, we had great times and were building out something beautiful. The only problem was that the land was actually not ours. The owner - who was a big smoker - got a serious heart operation, stopped smoking and became an ... hole. Foreigners were not pure anymore in his new spiritual eyes etc. etc. Now we all built these houses and it's a big attachment to let go because selling is not straight-forward as the land owner needs to cooporate. Anyway, i am drifting off, seeing the possibility of the @gardenofeden has given me a serious push in saying goodbye to our current situation and we are planning everything to explore new horizons. Just to say that your positive vibes over there are reaching the other side of the world :-) Much love.

YAY!!!! It's working!!! Sounds like your situation may be beyond repair to something functional and amazing. Most often endings are just beginnings and though it seems like your had a great thing going, it obviously had its drawbacks too, since everything can be brought down by someone who does not have the heart you do, but has the land instead. We are grateful at the @gardenofeden to have the same interests, the same focus, and blessed by the master Quinn in maintaining the integrity. I'm glad to have met you and will soon know @ecoknowme, thanks to you. Blessed are we all to share and hold space for a more sustainable and enjoyable reality. Thank you so much for the comment @bubke. I love exchanging with you. Love received and returned a bazillion fold.

@bubke---just when we're getting to know each other you disappear!!! Hmmmm...well at least it is for the best cause on the planet!!! Grateful to be connecting with you and know you are connecting with your children--such a profound reality on all fronts!!!

Hi @bubke, I am sad to hear you won't be around as much but happy to hear you're designating that time to your family! I am sure they will be super happy and grateful for that! It does make things a lot easier with limited outside pressure or obligation, I know I am incredibly fortunate to be in that position similarly to @quinneaker.

Thanks for popping by here, @everlove is an amazing soul and I am so happy her and I could have this conversation here so others could join in!

Give your family extra love <3 I'll see you around when you're here! =D

Just hearing how you speak about your children is so special and rare in our culture. You're talking about them like they are their own entities with their own powers (can you imagine?!) I am blown away by your incredible outlook and wish that more people follow in your footsteps.

I talk about raising kids and unschooling as though I have my own, I don't know if people think I have a band of merry ones already but in truth, I have been awaiting the day where I am consciously responsible and prepared enough to honor them with this life. My mother and I have been through some very rough times, I was going to write about it recently and then pulled away but I do think I will share it as it's incredibly important in terms of the effects we have over our children's psyche.

I have been exposed to many kids, loving them as much as I do which is where I pull my information and experience from. I believe they are a gift and I think their potential is so much greater than our skewed perspective as they are born with naivety and love that gets tainted in our world and so many adults no longer have that same ability to look onto the world through the same eyes!

There are 9 books in the series, I have the PDFs if you ever want them, let me know! It seems as though you very much embody already what she promotes though, regardless, the books and spirit within the text is uplifting and enchanting in a way that begs to be shared!

Teaching children is one of the most important things we can do here and as someone who has been taught in our educational system's way of relating to kids through curriculum... I could not get behind it anymore and that's what landed me here, amoung you wonderful, inspiring people <3 I hope one day I can actually visit you all in Texas. I am just currently not wanting to come back to the US any time soon as I am sure you can understand ;)

People have mentioned Steemit mentions to me before but I keep forgetting to use it, so thank you for the reminder <3

Absolutely let me know when you begin that discussion and you know you can count on me to be there!

I'm sorry I have taken so long to get back to you, I wanted to give it the attention it deserved and we're dealing with some volcano craziness right now so I haven't had as much time as usual and need to play catch up!

Thank you for this heart felt conversation, if only we could all find such meaningful and loving conversations! <3

I will be back to respond to you and to give you the upvote you deserve. I'm out of power and very behind on my responses, taking yesterday to paint Steemit gear for Steemfest2. I'm super grateful for your well-thought out comment and will be back to rally with you. <3

Hey you don't owe me a thing my dear, I can't wait to see the gear you guys make <3

I'll talk to you soon, I know it! =D

Talking with you already!!! YAY--here we are. You are going to SF2, yes?

I am so glad you can feel the love I have for my children. It is a love that spills over into all the new little beings on this planet. They deserve our highest honor and those of us who know the possibilities for the shining of their divinity, get the joys and responsibilities of holding space for them.

@quinneaker is the oldest and wisest "unschooler" I know. In our early days, when my children were just teenagers, he was giving me parental advice. I felt the twinge of "you don't even have any children and are half my age, what could you know about raising children?" But that twinge quickly shuddered through and flushed out of my body as I KNEW his advice was sound and really spot on. My biggest "problems" were my ideas, so I listened. His wise reply was "I was a conscious child, and I know how I would have liked to be treated". Who can argue with that?

I am astoundingly encouraged by your awareness of raising children without even having any. But, as you say, our childhoods do dictate our experience as adults and often we at least know how we don't want to raise our children. Hopefully those of us who remember and come to the awareness of the grace and glory that could be, will step up and show there is another way. The children are a testament to our thoughts, our actions and our abilities--there is no hiding in that! Good for you for knowing you want something better and are exploring the potential. It is indeed commendable that you are searching for answers, even before your children get here. What a great life you will be able to provide for them. The real work is within ourselves, and getting a jump start on that will benefit all. What a great service to them and to the world!

I do believe it is our most important responsibility, indeed what greater value could we bring to the world than an empowered, joyous, capable generation of human beings? Are we blessed, or what?

I'm excited to open the discussion, and see that it is sparked already. I too hope to meet you in person. Steemfest may be a more realistic and exciting opportunity that coming back to the States. Though I must say, being at the @gardenofeden is a far cry from what most people experience on this planet, especially in the western world. I would be so honored to connect with whenever and however that comes about.

Thank you for your amazing interactions on this post. You inspire me to re-engage this subject on a deeper level. I have written many posts about children. I'm grateful there are new people in my Steemit life to share them with. Thank you for being! <3

wow @everlove
little wonder they say from where i come from...if you searching for a beautiful wife... try and take a close look at her mum... beauty truly runs in your family... nice photos and very good read... my regards and best wishes to your daughter and all the folks keeping it rea and beautiful in eden!

As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!! She is a lot like me, and also very different. We have a lot of the same interests and think a lot the same way. We have a really beautiful relationship and I'm grateful for it everyday. I appreciate your comment @kenhudoy. It's akways fun to share with you.

Thanks and who my next world as i do belief in reincarnation... 😉 We might be inlaws...😎

I do believe in some form of reincarnation too...but hope to do it up super powerful this time around--who knows if I'll come least to this planet!!! LOL I hope to meet you in person this time around.

meeting you in person and eating your natural meals is a sure deal... thanks for pushing me on in steemit as i know with your support will be a baby whale in the nearest future!

Any change you're going to Steemfest2?

nope... not qualified... but i plan to sometime in the future as steemit is only what i do these days...

How are you not qualified?

I agree about the label, in fact I'm not a fan of labels of any kind, but as you said, it can be useful in finding like minded people :)

I love the pictures, your daughter is a beauty. More importantly it sounds like that beauty is far more than skin deep :)

She is quite the beauty--inside and out. Truly a genuine human being. Grateful to be her mama!! I appreciate your presence and comment dear @dreemit.

Beautiful pictures it's like their happiness is reflecting in their eyes just being their natural self's and loving each other , beautiful couple may they stay strongly in love forever , so true I think natural pictures are the best then arranging for poses it feels constricted then when u just get a click unprepared :-)

They were indeed very fun loving and so accepting of each other. I love how that shows through in the photos. They still have great love for one another though they are not together as a couple these days. I appreciate your time to make a comment @moonprincess!

Aww it's sad when couples break up , I'm sure they have their reasons though , hope they both find someone who will love and stay with them for eternity .

They have a love that will likely last an eternity, but they are not suited in this physical realm to be partners. They were in their mid teens when this photo was taken, so it would indeed be a surprise if they truly kept the relationship going throughout all time. People change so much as they mature. These two are still friends as are our families.

There are definitely some sad moments in break-ups, but I feel it's rare that people are suited for a dynamic, powerful, evolving and expansive relationship with one other human being for a life time. Most of us have our own paths, and living true to the self without becoming complacent or compromising one's ideals can be hard to maintain through all of time.

I appreciate your comment @moonprincess!

Upped & resteemed with pleasure. What a wonderful life journey this is!

Thanks for the mention. And I agree it is a strange label, but as you say, it enables us to find each other!


Blessed are we to have such potent awareness and the ability to share it with each other. No matter where we are, we are still powerful together. Thanks for the up and resteem. I so appreciate your comment and presence here @samstonehill.

Wonderful @everlove.

Your daughter is very lucky to have such a beautiful soul as a mother, I'm sure she appreciates the love and freedom you have blessed her with.

I am very honored to be mentioned in this powerful post that shares your passion for spreading love and inspiration far and wide.

I feel blessed that I will soon get to meet both you and Quinn in the near future.

Blessings to you and yours. :)

It's truly a blessing to have you visit my blog @markwhittam. We have much in common and I'm grateful to share such powerful possibilities.

I believe my connection with my children has much to do with living the philosophy of freedom. It can sometimes be intense for them to be out in the world as not many people have as open minds as they do. I find the same when leaving the @gardenofeden myself, especially when seeing all of the depression, sadness, stress and frustration that is present in most people's lives.

I appreciate your comment on my post, grateful for the blessings, and also excited about meeting you in Lisbon! I presume you and all of your clan will be there?

@everlove Thank you for your work, I invite you to evaluate my work.

not bad...

Interesting comment @sizuka!

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