Power of Positivity Contest #23 - Scared of Getting Old? I Know the Feeling

in #popcontest7 years ago (edited)

A Fear of Getting Old

This post is my entry into the Power of Positivity Contest #popcontest that is run by the ever active Steemian @karenmckersie. I highly recommend taking a look at this contest and submitting an entry.

I've always been one to become very introspective when reaching a milestone birthday. I remember becoming very frustrated and upset when I was about to turn 30. And questioning whether or not I had achieved anything of significance in my first 30 laps around our big flaming ball in the sky. I didn't think I had done enough, and could see that I had a long way to go in order to achieve my goals.

I was also unhappy in my job, which was leaving me feeling isolated and in an environment that was very different from what I was accustomed to. You can read about this experience in this post. In addition to this, my dog had run away. So I was panicking that I wasn't going to see his fat little face ever again (thankfully he was being well looked after by a stranger and we got him back a day or so later).

The Escape Artist

But now, I'm about to turn 40. And all those old feelings that I felt when turning 30 have returned. But this time, I'm surrounded by a very different group of people. And they've offered some advice that I found incredibly insightful, and changed my perspective on this new mile-stone immediately. So I thought I'd share this advice here.

Should you fear turing 40, 50, 60, or any other age for that matter?

As it turns out, not at all. I was having a chat with one of the members of my gym a couple of weeks ago and complaining about how rapidly I was approaching middle age with the transition from 39 years of age to 40 years of age.


This young lady, who is barely 30 years old, looked at me and said something very simple. She said that while travelling through third world countries she saw the way the people celebrated their birthdays. These nations really celebrate birthdays in a big way, for a couple of very good reasons.

Firstly, surviving another year is a great achievement. In a country where the death rate is so high, and life expectancy is low compared to richer nations, reaching your next birthday is a fantastic achievement and must be celebrated.

Further to this, in many countries, the elderly are revered rather than look upon as a burden which can happen in western nations. And while I'm not saying I'm elderly, far from it, the fact that some countries show more respect to a person as they age is a real sign of how much they respect and celebrate the ageing process.

This TED Talk highlights how the elderly are valued differently across the globe. The primary point in this talk is that poorer nations use the elderly as repository for information and advice, and western nations simply either don't need to or don't look at the elderly as useful in this regard.


In essence, many other non-western nations celebrate ageing as a great achievement and something to be respected and celebrated. It's something we can learn from too. We've grown older, gained more knowledge, experience, hopefully more wealth. And we're still alive and this is a very good thing indeed.

What if we viewed reaching each milestone as a fresh start?

I have a new business partner who is in his 50's and has experienced a lot of success in his life. We were chatting the other day about my impending advancement in age and he said something very profound. Which isn't at all surprising coming from this guy. He's a very intelligent person.


My business partner said that I should look at my transition to 40 years old as a new beginning. You see, over the past 2 years I have left a stable and high paying career, bought a business, almost lost that business, and am now working hard to re-build that business you can read about this here. And now that I have a business partner on board, we're looking at expansion plans and will be developing some new income streams over the coming 12 months.

So his view is that I should look at turning 40 as a fresh start that will be leading to even bigger and better adventures. Turning 40 doesn't mean slowing down and easing off on the exciting things in life. For me, turning 40 will mean stepping into new adventures, learning many new lessons, and having a whole lot of fun.


And I think this is a pretty sensible view to take for any milestone birthday. Every decade (hell, even every year for that matter) brings new opportunities, new adventures and plenty of new things to learn. Even this Steemit experience is one hell of a fun adventure and offers so many opportunities to learn new things and meet new people.

So let's look at ageing as a positive thing

The simple lesson in all of this is that we should look at ageing as a positive thing. We've survived for this long, we have learned so much, and there's no need to slow down the fun, lessons and adventures.

I'm looking forward to the coming decade like never before. There is so much to do, and a lot of fun to be had.

And I look forward to sharing these adventures with all my friends here on Steemit!


Mate, the hard part is adapting and accepting the physical limitations.

This is the biggest obstacle in moving forwards in life as the affects of aging and years of work and toil start kicking in!

Great post, loved it!

No need to say that I related to a lot of the points you made ;)


Thanks Jack. :)

I'm doing my best to combat the ageing process by exercising every day and trying to eat well. My only downfall is beer... I drink way too much beer.

Hey Mr. becoming 40 mazzle:-)

I am playing the devils advocate. While I was reading your article and nodded inwardly almost the whole time, I then stumbled over some language using and terms which let my spoilsport coming alive. :) You know me for quite a while so you can suspect that my intention is always good - but sometimes a little annoying.

So his view is that I should look at turning 40 as a fresh start that will be leading to even bigger and better adventures. Turning 40 doesn't mean slowing down and easing off on the exciting things in life. For me, turning 40 will mean stepping into new adventures, learning many new lessons, and having a whole lot of fun.

From my point of view turning 40 somehow marks the middle of life (which is of course utter nonsense for I do not know if I will survive until tomorrow or next week/year) but let's assume that is the case. When I look at my life I can say it was rich and full of adventures - good and bad, exciting and boring. I find it appropriate for seeing this point as a peak from where it is slowing down, getting "deep" & "intense" but also "calm/relaxed". If that is what you want to express with "bigger", "better" and a"fresh start" I am with you:)

It just appears to me that the use of words somehow contradicts the expressed positive feeling about aging. I did not count but in particular in the end I found a lot of "new" which is the opposite of "old". Can't help it to give a little an eagle eye on expressions, because I assume that subconsciousness accompanies our speech.

But anyway: it gives me much to learn and appreciation of what you say about talking to people in your gym and your partner. I am having great respect of what you went trough and how you look on life in general.

From me to you my warmest greetings:)

P.S. enjoy the beer & have a great birthday party

Thank you Erika. I suspect you are probably quite right with what you have identified. I think that what I am trying to say is that I am moving into a new phase in my life where things will certainly get more intense, and there is much to learn and do.

I probably still do hang on to the fear of growing old. I’m not yet satisfied with my life so feel like I still have a lot to achieve.

I appreciate your insight and enjoy the fact that you see things that many people will gloss over. :)

Ageing could be very disturbing ,especially if you've not achieve most of the things you wish to.
But it should be looked upon positively because ahead of us lays new and better life ,opportunities, and experiences .

Very true @christyanthony. I see you're new to Steemit. Welcome!

I'd recommend creating a post under the introduceyourself and introducemyself tags to tell the community about yourself and what you would like to write or make videos about on Steemit/ DTube.

If you have any questions about how to go about building your profile on Steemit feel free to ask. I'm always on Discord on the #TeamAustralia channel on the Peace, Abundance, Liberty server if you want to chat in real time.

I'll do that.
Thank you so much for offering to help.

Great entry @mazzle ! I totally agree with you ! We should look at aging as a positive thing especially if we have our health , now that im 54 im looking forward an early retirement hopefully ! Thanks to Steem and Steemit !! Then I will finally be able to just relax once i get my little country house built on some property we have in the country , which will allow me to live rent free , go fishing and do gardening plus blog on steemit of course lol!! So dreams can come true , and life can begin after 50 my friend !! Wish me luck ! and The Best of luck to you !! Upped and resteemed , Good luck !✌👍😀🎂🎈🎉🎂🎈🎁🎉🎈🎂🎈🎉🎁

That is a fantastic retirement plan Karen. I've no doubt you'll achieve it in no time with your rate of growth here on Steemit. :)

And thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm quite scared of the party that the wife has planned... it keeps getting bigger.

Haha ! You will enjoy it !! Have fun and stay positive my friend !🎁🎉🎈🎂

Your partner has this topic nailed in my opinion. Each year is a fresh start; one reason why New Year's is my favorite holiday.

The only downside due to aging, for myself, is the inevitable thoughts of 'I'm running out of time...' I don't think it's an entirely negative point, but it shouldn't cast a shadow over everything, either. How much time does any of us really have, anyway? How could you know?

I want the sense of time to motivate me in a positive fashion. It's precious. It's limited. There will be a point when there is no more time. And so, with that, what shall you do with THIS day?

And 40? My friend, you're just getting started... 😉

Thanks @braveboat. You're completely right.

And we definitely do need to take the Buddhist approach of making the most of the time that we have NOW rather than thinking too far into the future.

People keep telling me that I have nothing to worry about with turning 40, and most of those people are in their 50's which gives me lots of hope indeed. :)

I remember when I had my 25th birthday. Someone said I had reached my quarter of a century mark. I felt devastated. I was approaching the downhill slope! Now that am passed the 60-year mark, I view life differently. It is a reason to celebrate. Each decade gives way to new experiences and challenges. I am not older. I am wiser!

A perfect view to take. And I’m really impressed with the diverse range of ages we have on Steemit!

It goes away... After you hit 70, you don't care anymore!

Do you mean 70 rep or 70 years :P

Thanks @richq11. I have noticed with the members of my gym who are 65+ they simply feel happy and carefree like no-one else that you meet. They have pretty much stopped being scared of ageing and just embrace life.

Sorry... 70 years (I'm 72)... I didn't even think of rep! That dog looks almost like my Bruno (He's old too 14)

Labradors are fantastic dogs. Mine is part black lab and part Australian Cattle Dog. He’s quite the odd ball.

Mine's a shepherd/lab mix...


That is a cute dog. Love the white patch. :)

And the white feet... Looks like a Tux with white shoes!

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

Inspiring post. I have been a little upset at times being 35 now. Time just seems to go faster as we get older. I cannot imagine what its like when we get older but we need to keep moving :) I talk to some older surfers and some must be 60 to 70 years old, i have so much respect for these older legends. I listen to what they say and learn so much from them. One guy had really bad legs and said 'atleast im still out here'. He was on a knee board because he couldnt stand up on a surfboard anymore. I guess we all adapt in life, allowing us to discover the new and broaden our horizons.

Adapting is what we do best :)

I have plenty of older adults at my gym and many of them are extremely limited in what they can do. They keep trying and stay incredibly positive though. They're an inspiring bunch of people. So happy and full of life despite their advanced age.

I felt younger and was in better shape at 46 than I was at 40.

Now there's an achievement. :)

Hee hee, at 67, I can confidently say that the best is yet to come for you, youngster *-). ENJOY !!!! and check my blog if you think age limits you.

We really should do an age poll on Steemit. It’s starting to look like many here are over the age of 40. :)

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