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RE: Power of Positivity Contest #23 - Scared of Getting Old? I Know the Feeling

in #popcontest7 years ago

Hey Mr. becoming 40 mazzle:-)

I am playing the devils advocate. While I was reading your article and nodded inwardly almost the whole time, I then stumbled over some language using and terms which let my spoilsport coming alive. :) You know me for quite a while so you can suspect that my intention is always good - but sometimes a little annoying.

So his view is that I should look at turning 40 as a fresh start that will be leading to even bigger and better adventures. Turning 40 doesn't mean slowing down and easing off on the exciting things in life. For me, turning 40 will mean stepping into new adventures, learning many new lessons, and having a whole lot of fun.

From my point of view turning 40 somehow marks the middle of life (which is of course utter nonsense for I do not know if I will survive until tomorrow or next week/year) but let's assume that is the case. When I look at my life I can say it was rich and full of adventures - good and bad, exciting and boring. I find it appropriate for seeing this point as a peak from where it is slowing down, getting "deep" & "intense" but also "calm/relaxed". If that is what you want to express with "bigger", "better" and a"fresh start" I am with you:)

It just appears to me that the use of words somehow contradicts the expressed positive feeling about aging. I did not count but in particular in the end I found a lot of "new" which is the opposite of "old". Can't help it to give a little an eagle eye on expressions, because I assume that subconsciousness accompanies our speech.

But anyway: it gives me much to learn and appreciation of what you say about talking to people in your gym and your partner. I am having great respect of what you went trough and how you look on life in general.

From me to you my warmest greetings:)

P.S. enjoy the beer & have a great birthday party


Thank you Erika. I suspect you are probably quite right with what you have identified. I think that what I am trying to say is that I am moving into a new phase in my life where things will certainly get more intense, and there is much to learn and do.

I probably still do hang on to the fear of growing old. I’m not yet satisfied with my life so feel like I still have a lot to achieve.

I appreciate your insight and enjoy the fact that you see things that many people will gloss over. :)

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