Guaranteed Basic Income: Canada, "It will cost 43 Billion per Year"

in #politics6 years ago


Guaranteed Basic Income:

What does that even Mean?

How we think of "costs" is a bit of a weird thing in and of itself. It's weird because the whole money system is weird. Taxation being made to believe that it's a necessary integral part of the system and structure.

We have a highly inefficient, ineffective, and insensitive monetary system within Canada. It's important to note that Canada is just an example of the draconian approach to law and order through a subservient class system.

Source: Anonymous Canadian Politician

Basic Income Guaranteed is an interesting topic of investigation and study. It sounds pretty straight forward. A point of regard for human decency. Basic premise - poverty prevention and the recognition that everyone needs the most basics of things to survive in this world.

What's questionable about many of the investigations reported is a real lack of vision with regards to how to practically implement such a structure.

The focal point always seems to be that of a Burden.

The narrative of social assistance being a burden on the majority of participants within a nation is not a new thing. It's arguably a propaganda ploy that has been effect for at least the last 25 years. The basic rhetoric becomes a point of inferiority/superiority judgement. Many Canadians for example wouldn't dare collect employment insurance when they lose their job because of pride and the collective stigma of their peers and a sort of high/low brow social policing through looking down on people.

This judging social assistance as an inferior thing....for people who are less than - who you can't help but look down on...Is a point of massive dissonance. The dissonance is perpetuated by the propaganda pieces that make out basic income guaranteed to be a huge tax cost to the majority middle class of Canadian citizens.

There's this idea that anything that really gets accounted for and funded must be paid for by the by the tax payer.

  • In this regard this rhetoric makes the government more and more of a useless tit over time.

There's also a general regard that if you're in poverty it's because you're an idiot of some kind. That if you weren't so would have yourself at the very least some kind of hourly wage job working at mcdonald's or cleaning the shit off the toilets in public restrooms.

It's unfortunate that much of the journalists reporting on these matters are also mostly wage slaves to media agencies who are just looking for a finished product in terms of producing content. It's like a protocol almost that you shouldn't introduce solutions that are viable - you should only mostly poke the bear by stirring the emotional trigger stick.

Perhaps a bigger question of concern is the money itself.

Wouldn't it be possible for any government to manage and control their own money system? Wouldn't it be possible for there to be an allotment and percentage of the annual inflation of government currency to function for the funding and distribution of social assistance programs?

If the government controlled the money system as their own money systems - Isn't it totally possible to remove the burden of income tax in its entirety?

The answer is Yes.

There's a poverty mind set that plagues all of our societies. whether you are rich or poor is somewhat irrelevant on the consequences of this treacherous mind set.

Our modern world is a giant example of this poverty mind set.

It's some serious inferiority and inadequacy programming. Which in a lot of ways makes perfect sense for a society that was born into a gongshow of disorder that is perpetuated as law and order by the previous generations of heinous abuse.

Point is this:

  • Things don't have to suck.

  • Things don't require to be inferior.

  • It's possible to create well balanced solutions.

  • We shape the overall fabric of reality with our individual mind sets. Our mind sets are like the software to our body's hardware, and our basic functionality and participation here is what we are broadcasting as our vote.

So when somebody gripes about what it's going to cost the tax payer

  • Dare to question the legitimacy of taxation.

  • Ask the individual if they believe it's possible to create superior solutions.

  • Learn from the people who parrot the legitimacy of the current structure of government/policy affairs.

  • It's in the majority everyday people having conversations about the narratives that are parroted and exposing the bullshit and coming up with creative solutions. This is how the majority of players throughout the globe - move mountains here. It becomes a bit by bit process of sound bite accumulations as the very fabric of society we shape and mold.

My sharing here today was inspired by the post, Guaranteed Basic Income for All Canadians would cost 43Billion a Year.

It's like my body is a "ball of clay" and I've decided I would like to take responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."





The basic income may sound expensive but when you take into account all the other benefits that would be abolished, plus the lack of means testing and the lack of fraud, it works out a lot cheaper than you may think!

Scott Smith of has a plan that easily would fund a UBI, its changes the point of taxation and would open up the economy like no other.

thank you for sharing that with me - it's appreciated.

Government funded basic income sounds nice, but I'm not so sure it would work in practice. Offering resources in another currency (even crypto) would help offset the natural inflation that would occur with handing out cash to everyone.

Crypto solutions like Manna and others are probably a better option to supplement income, even if it's not enough to live on. @ironshield

Crypto solutions like Manna and others are probably a better option to supplement income, even if it's not enough to live on. @ironshield

Looks that way at the moment for sure

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. I'm stuck in terms of what I can make, so I really don't work harder. if I make more, the government takes more. If there is no room for profit (or reward), then you take away any initiative to work harder.

Thanks for your comment - I will expand upon it in a post - you make a lot of very interesting points.

It is indeed a quandary:

I'm stuck in terms of what I can make, so I really don't work harder. if I make more, the government takes more. If there is no room for profit (or reward), then you take away any initiative to work harder.

a very good post in basic income, I really like his friend's posts

Their basic policy (common to all governments):
As long as it doesn't cost us, anything goes. Because as long as this shitty media exists we can put any kind of spin on any kind of story. Serve shit for food, if you will and get away with it.

Canada already pays 50% of its provincial taxes towards a healthcare system where people wait 9 months for an operation and then die first, where doctors openly laugh at you if you want an MRI. Universal basic income is what Venezuela did and look where they are. The only place this leads is Zimbabwe, next thing it will be white farmers having their land given to black lives matter once whites drop a few more percent into the minority.

A bigger issue will be universal income when the robots eliminate 40% of the jobs in the US within the next 10-15 yrs.

Now if they can do it the others will soon follow it the new revenue models will also be set up

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