in #politics6 years ago

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Cape Town's weather department is predicting heavy rains and stormy weather for this weekend. Last year we had what was labelled "the worst storm in thirty years", and everyone is getting hyped up about how the storm this weekend will be worse than last year's.

I must say that I am not worried, as every year this time we get these massive storm warnings, and they always seem to be predicted to be worse than they actually are. We need as much rain as we can get. I am sure you have heard about the water shortage we are experiencing here in the Western Cape. This brings me to my main topic for my post today.

Theewaterskloof Dam, which is the main dam providing water for the greater Cape Town region, reached it's lowest point of 10% in March this year. We are so thankful for all the rain we have had, and every one's efforts to save water. Currently, Theewaterskloof Dam is sitting at 56.6% capacity, which has mostly grown over our rainy season in June and July.

I found this very sad video below, showing our dam and the different levels it has been over the past three years. This video was shot in March, when we were all pretty scared about the state of our water.


What really pisses me off is that our greedy government were aware of the fact that our dams and water facilities in the city were not built properly. They HAVE known for twenty years or so, and in stead of fixing this dangerous situation they have used our tax money to build our fat ex-president's home, Nkandla, said to be worth R246 million, or about $24 million.

The Western Cape is one of the areas of South Africa that has since the early '90's received less and less rainfall every year, with 2017 receiving the lowest rainfall since 1933. Source

In 2007, there was a warning about the water issue, and the City of Cape Town worked hard to fix the issues. In 2014, the COCT actually received an award for it's water management.

WhatsApp Image 2018-07-26 at 16.27.46.jpeg


With this information in mind, the fact that Cape Town experienced this water shortage might come as a surprise to you.

Let me shed some light on the situation, and a bit of my own opinion (which I know is shared by many people). The Western Cape, and most of Cape Town is run by the Democratic Alliance (D.A.). We are the only province in the country with the D.A. running things. The rest of our country is (and the overall seats in Parliament) run by the African National Congress or ANC.

If the DA was able to turn our situation around after the 2007 warning, why were we faced with a water shortage in 2017?

I will say it is because the ANC wants to show up the DA, and prove to the rest of the country that the DA is not capable of running the Western Cape. POLITICS MY BRU!

Here's a fact for you:

Acting to the extent of their powers, both the province and the city prepared in advance for the drought that was expected in 2018. While urban water demand was being curtailed, the {national} government failed to take any substantial action, even after the SAWS’s 2007 warning.

The South African government instead decided to allocate roughly 40 percent of the Western Cape’s water supply to agriculture as late as 2015, exceeding the previous capped volume of 173.6 million cubic meters per year. In the same year the government received an application by the provincial authorities for R35 million (about US$3 million as of March 2018) to finance the drilling of boreholes to increase the available water supply, but government officials refused to take any action.

In 2015 dams were still 75 percent full and the year before was characterized by water abundance. After a particularly dry winter in 2015, other requests for funds were filed by the provincial government in 2016, resulting in the recognition of five out of the thirty Western Cape municipalities as drought disaster areas (Cape Town was not included). But, as of October 2017, these municipalities had not received the requested funds.


WhatsApp Image 2018-07-26 at 16.32.38.jpeg

I get really upset as this just shows how far the government will go to play games. This is water we are talking about. A basic right. What about the poorer communities who cannot afford to buy bottled water? Or do not have the facilities or ability to save water, or collect at water provision points?

I don't think that as citizens we can be blamed for being wasteful. Yes, there are more people than there have ever been in the Western Cape. Poor planning, budgeting and management has also (very much) gotten us here.

We are so lucky the people of Cape Town have come together in our efforts to save water, and are incredibly blessed to have received all the rain we have. But what about the future? What if we experience drought like this again?

This is not the only situation we are in like this.

I found a rather angry article in my research for this post here, and I pulled this quote for you to read, so you can see I am not the only one of these opinions:

The Western Cape water crisis was caused by failure of government to adequately improve water infrastructure, capacity and efficiency to cope with the increased demand for it. It's that simple.

This was due to the blatant negligence of national government and complicit negligence of local government to hold the national government to account. This was driven by dirty politics from both sides where only the taxpayer is the loser. To blame the weather is such a poor excuse and frankly an insult to every hardworking, tax-paying citizen. The problems were known and swept under the carpet for too long.

Did you know that the municipality buys our electricity from Eskom for under 60c per kW/h and then sell it back to us at over 300% margin?? The water meters are just another meter scam to tax us to death. Sanral tried to hit the public with e-tolls. We refused to pay, and they just added it to the national fuel levy. The Road Accident Fund is beyond corrupt and broke. Don't worry, the whole of SA will cover that debt every time we fill up. SAA loses billions every year, don't worry, we will all suck it up and pay for it.


The writer goes on to speak about how South Africa is becoming a welfare state, and how we are slowly but surely choking ourselves to death. To elaborate for those who don't know :

There are 55 million citizens in South Africa. In 2017, the budget review indicated that 1,9 million people were responsible for 80% of tax paid. That means that 3% of South Africans are paying for the rest of the citizens to live. Source


I know there a lot of desalination plants being planned so far. I know Capetonians have realized how little water one can really live on. I know that there are many plans in action. My solution would be for our country to have an honest government who appropriates the funds (OUR FUCKING FUNDS, derived from OUR salaries and taxes) properly. I live in honest disbelief that this will ever happen.

To echo the sentiments of the writer who I quoted above - I do think government needs to be held accountable. I sadly think that the only way our situation can be changed is a tax revolt. People need to stop paying taxes in order to cause a bump in the road. I think that this will at first be hard for the country, but then I think it will boost the economy. Electricity, water companies etc should be privatised, so that there is no longer this complete monopoly that is held by our government. I am literally afraid that our country will become VENEZUELA.

South Africa is a very special place. We are free here. Free from the Big Brother in the Sky. I have heard accounts from friends in Europe of how they are NOT free. Their bank accounts are watched, and so are their movements.

BUT - I do feel sad and hopeless about the state of my country. I have ALWAYS said I will stay, I will not leave my beautiful country. My roots run too deep for that. Recently, however, I have really been contemplating leaving. Becoming one of millions of others who have and will leave.

I really feel that I could be living a better life some where else. My heart wants me to stay here. The freedom, the culture, the people call out to me to remain. My heart and mind are in turmoil at the the thought of leaving.




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Dear @princessmewmew take extra care for the warming of heavy rainfall, although it will bring some happiness and lessen the scarcity of water to the Theewaterskloof Dam and it is very necessary. I think governments of every country only busy in collecting taxes and making their luxury first they cares its citizens very in the last or they are last priority which is very bad situation.
If government will start acting pro actively with the help of public and government partnerships and inspire people to save water and make rain harvesting pool so we can collect the water of rain and reuse or recycle it for months then we can surpass this issue in better way.
Only the will power of Government and active participation of general public can solve these issues.
Take care dear Mam.



you are right there, matey. it is up to them to take the right steps forward, and that is why I am so worried, as I have little to no faith that this will ever happen.

Water is such a precious resource and it is not evenly distributed throughout the world. Water is going to be a massive issue moving forward for the world. If we think that the wars fought over oil have been bad, just wait until the lack of water becomes the epidemic it is on the path to become. You should check out the documentary “Blue Gold, World Water Wars”. There are several others out there as well. I like the thoughts that come from angry kitty. 😉

thank you so much for this amazing comment, as always! I am . going to definitely check out that doccie, I love stuff like that.

Angry kitty spews some interesting thoughts sometimes.

South Africa is a country I have ALWAYS wanted to visit and I have several friends I have met in my travels in your city. They all feel the same as you.
A deep love for Cape Town and Africa but discouraged by the corruption. My friends that left the Cape for London and other places mostly returned. The money was good, but home will always be home. I tend to think staying while hard is always the wiser choice. I live in the US and am very unhappy with our current president. I have residence by marriage to an Australian, so could easily leave my country and it’s troubles. But leaving won’t help my home become the place I wish it to be. Depending on where you are in your life leaving for a time could be beneficial. Sometimes coming up for air brings new perspective and fresh determination. But you obviously love your home. That love will bring the change you hope to see. ☺️

you are right, home is home! I have african blood and have never really thought I could leave until this year. I have lived overseas previously, and missed it so much.

I don't know. I want to have kids, but not here. Not like this. One needs tons of money to live well here, and bring up kids. i don't have tons of money lol!

I do love it here. It's a very confusing place that I am in now. :(

From a European or since that's quite diverse still, Dutch standpoint, this baffles me. We live in opposite worlds it seems.

I pay a lot of taxes, yes, but I get in return so much: no bills wen going to the doctor, clean (even no Chlorine like in the US) water which comes out of the tap without limit, the best roads (even if I cross the border to Belgium I notice how awful their roads are), sick leave (first two weeks no questions asked, salary continues for 2 years while being sick, after that you'll get government pay), minimum 5 paid weeks to go on holiday or whatever (this is law), and I don't even know what else, oh right, free education. That's a welfare state that costs but gives back a lot as well.

We've been privatizing a lot in the pas 1-2 decennia, like railways, post delivery, electricity and even parts of our healthcare, but it doesn't work as well as it should in theory. Where 'the market' should have made these things cheaper for the consumer, it became more expensive. Now Dutch people are calling for more government involvement again. Seems like something like that is unthinkable for the average person living in South-Africa.

I often think 'should we go live somewhere else?' (health wise a few degrees warmer on average would be ideal for me!), but we often realize there's no countries where we could live care-free like we do here - no worries, a phone number for every problem you have.

(And yes, when we wanted to go out of the country for 9 months I noticed how hard that was - an extremely well-organized country means there's a lot of rules here that make it hard for you to just pack your backs and leave without writing a lot of organisations to 'arrange your affairs'. A nation full of rules has it's down-side as well - but I haven't seen a perfect system exist anywhere in the world, yet.)

we do indeed live in opposite worlds. When we visit Europe we are always so amazed at how everything works so well. We can't take the trains here, it is too dangerous.

See, one of the differences is the amount of people who are working and paying tax vs the amount of people living off the welfare. here, it is only 3% of the country who is paying taxes - i am sure these stats are very different the Netherlands. This is making our economy fall apart. What little money there is being made is being appropriated to feeding and housing people, instead of back into our country and different economies. Of course I have a heart and hate to see everyone living in such poverty, it's absolutely heart-breaking. I really feel that people who are born in to this welfare state get used to the hand outs and would rather live below the poverty line with everything free.

Then, there are also those who cannot get further in life due to the welfare system; growing up poor, going to poor schools etc is not going to get you far in life - so even if you wanted to rise up, I would think it very difficult to do so.

I am not quite sure what the answer is, but the government here is so greedy and corrupt that I am sure most of our taxes go to houses, cars and Gucci suits for our Ministers. This is why I suggest the tax revolt. So money generated in industries can be pumped back into those industries, not into Nkandla or other such nonsense!

It’s a total cock up for sure! One positive from it has been how conservative capetonians have become and supportive of one another in this situation! It’s really brought us together as a city!

I’m not too concerned about how and why we ended up in this mess, apartheid government, anc governemnt, DA blame game it doesn’t really matter it’s all concentrating on the minutia!

The fact remains large centralized federal governement doesn’t work anymore it’s an old archaic system that we’ve clearly outgrown! It’s also not a uniquely South African problem it’s one the world is still dealing with

What we need to do is reduce the amount of governemnt we have, their power, their decision making and their influence! It’s obvious the countries best and brightest have no interest in it either! Government should just be responsible for certain infrustrcture like roads and social upliftment and let the people begin to govern themselves on a local and provincial level! It allows us to fund our own projects, decide what’s best for us in the immediate area and be nimble to changes!

I’ve had plenty of opportunities to leave the country but I don’t think I could I love this place too damn much! I get so patriotic when I travel like you don’t talk shit about my country, I’ll go full Nkosi sikilele on your ass!

I feel as South Africans we have been put through so much we are way too tough to let anything break us! We’re hard core and an innovative bunch, a Boer maak a plan isn’t a saying for nothing!

Unless you fuck with our braais if there’s a Braai shortage sorry I’m out! This is not South Africa anymore! Cheers, I’m off!

omg - you are hilarious. Don't fuck with our braais bru!

Your point is correct, the government involvement needs to be reduced. I feel the only way this can be implemented is less or no tax - therefore no fat cat salaries or Nkandlas.

Yup - 'n boer definitely maak n plan.

You're in CT right? where about?

Never, You touch our Braai you die! That would be the dream!

With tax comes responsibilities if you take our money you need to deliver on your promice! Tax is no different from any other business transaction..My friends and I were just talking about how we should be doing everything to get the government on the blockchain so we have complete transparency and say on where funds are going and what should go where!

I’m in the northern suburbs, Bellville! Got my CY number plates to prove it and yourself?

yah, that will be the day. the government wants to hide everything, no ways will it all be in the open.

I'm in town! Let me know if you ever here, I'd love to meet up. I never really go your way unfortunately - typical townie hey!

Lol indeed wishful thinking! Cool would be great to meet a fellow steemian never done this before so be gentle! LOL totes typical townie behaviour, but yeah I’ll let you know and we can link up you do discord or the gram? For stranger danger chat?

the gram? lol, I am guessing instagram? heheheh!

i'm on discord - princessmewmew#8501

Lol shot sent you an invite! Have a good evening, lekker slaap!

I remember the Cape town motto when there was a water shortage. (Every year almost!)

"If it's yellow, let it mellow"
"If it's brown, flush it down"

The corruption in all levels of the administration have led to this.

Corruption happens all over the world.
Stand and fight or do what I did and invest in a borehole and a generator for when Eskom screw up again.

Things haven't changed much since I left and to be totally honest.

If it wasn't for family commitments. I'd still be in Cape town right now.
Warts and all it's still a beautiful place to live.

Governments all over the world are ripping off the public. That's nothing new or surprising.

Decentralize everything.

hehe! You still didn't tell me if you are South African, and where you are now?

Unfortunately, we are still renting, so don't even have our own garden to create a borehole in. We have thought about those kind of solutions, but it will only be when we own our own home.

Cape town is truly amazing, I do love living here. If I am in SA, I will live here. I am originally from the Eastern Cape, and would not a fuck live there! Maybe on a small holding somewhere in the middle of the Transkei, but definitely not in PE, EL or any other place.

I absolutely and wholeheartedly agree - DECENTRALISE EVERYTHING!

I'm a hybrid :) Born in England to Irish parents so I'm a citizen of both countries.
My wife's father was a saffa so she got SA citizenship with no problem.

We only went to Cape town to see her family and maybe to buy a holiday home and ended up staying for nearly 8 years. lol

One of her cousins told me this quote.

" When the lion put's his paw on your shoulder.
The longer it stays there the deeper the claws go"

We are in the UK now. Family commitments. I'll never forget the Cape. It was a magical experience.

Hi Princessmewmew, Oh you are so on target with your post, but you are not the only ones with a water crisis. Yes in KZN we are told to conserve water but some folk that I know who live on the South Coast of KZN have not had any water supply for months. The joke of it all, is that they still receive an estimate monthly water bill for consumption. Talk about a mess, this whole country is a balls up. Services are appalling or non existent, Today I received my municipal account for electricity, water rates etc. This was the bill for June. I was requested to email my meter reading to them. Guess what? The bill is all for estimates. What goes on in these departments, Who knows. I too am GATVOL of this government.

This is what really frustrates me. We pay huge taxes AND rates, and they can't even be bothered to come to read your meter?! I mean, really now!

Politics are not about the people..they are for the government.. sorry about the water situation.. in the future we can expect water wars.

yes, many people are saying this. I really hope it does not turn into this!

@princessmewmew My dear princess we are going to face a very difficult world because of water in the future, wars will be for water, in USA are expecting sand storms due to fracking. We in south America didn´t have that problem but the president of Colombia Mister Duke is going to use the fracking and the countryside people are starting to suffer because the rivers are drying and in Venezuela we condemn the abuse of our waters, the goverment is making efforts to suply water to all the communities. We have water to throw to heaven but when the climate become to hot the rivers start to dry. Amazon river and Orinocos river suply plenty of water but there some countries putting an eye on our water. Don´t worried too much the world is for valients. We learn to live as it comes, all goverments are making stupids mistakes, they think with the feet and not with the head jajajaj

yes, you are not the only person telling me this. It is very worrying!

i do believe we will all be okay in the end, of course, but I really worry about the whole situation :(

@princessmewmew I store water in refreshment bottles and put 3 drops of chlorine that to wash dishes and bathe and buy small bottles of water to drink for emergencies. Things will improve be patient, we had terrible problems with water in 2010, our dums were drying, now they are ok

I really enjoyed this article. It is sad to see how much the gov't can mess w/ peoples lives!

yup. Africa, hey.

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