[politics]Daily Popular Posts by Current Payout Value for the tag politics # 24-09-2017

in #politics7 years ago

Here we have for You Current Popular Posts for the Category --> politics!

Posts are sorted by Current Payout Value ! Listed Post here have been created within the last 24h ! We hope we can help you finding interesting topics for your posts and earning more money with them !

Monachy is Awesome
Posted by @kyriacos
Current Payout Value: $68.45 with at the moment 118 Votes for this post

Mutti Merkel and the bikini
Posted by @ladyrebecca
Current Payout Value: $4.94 with at the moment 12 Votes for this post

Why Capitalism Exploits Poor People Not Really
Posted by @stefan.molyneux
Current Payout Value: $4.25 with at the moment 14 Votes for this post

politics Top 40 Popular Posts Promotion 23092017
Posted by @lammpi
Current Payout Value: $2.42 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Anyone who has ever done this job will know how i feel
Posted by @chunkforceone
Current Payout Value: $0.29 with at the moment 14 Votes for this post

Senate Clears the Way for Ineligible Nawaz Sharif to Head a Political Party
Posted by @pakistan-trail
Current Payout Value: $0.29 with at the moment 13 Votes for this post

Election Day in Germany
Posted by @nilshuber
Current Payout Value: $0.23 with at the moment 6 Votes for this post

Everything You Need To Know About The War In Afghanistan
Posted by @truthseekereport
Current Payout Value: $0.16 with at the moment 6 Votes for this post

8 Reasons Why Communism Doesnt Work
Posted by @ffreedomland
Current Payout Value: $0.1 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

President Of Bolivia EXPOSES Barack OBAMA As A War Criminal
Posted by @truthseekereport
Current Payout Value: $0.09 with at the moment 7 Votes for this post

Mysterious Australian Band Releases AntiWar Music Blood On The Soil
Posted by @emmacairo
Current Payout Value: $0.08 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Steph Curry Its beneath Trumps position to target me
Posted by @epeakinfo
Current Payout Value: $0.07 with at the moment 14 Votes for this post

SHOCKING The Greatest Conspiracy To Start A War Against China You Need To Know About
Posted by @truthseekereport
Current Payout Value: $0.05 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

The Madness of King Trump
Posted by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $0.05 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Facebook Censors Missouri Senate Candidate Austin Petersen for Gun Promotion
Posted by @richhersey
Current Payout Value: $0.04 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

BREAKING ISIS Forces Attack Russian Forces and Syrian Army In Deir Ez Zor
Posted by @truthseekereport
Current Payout Value: $0.04 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Trump is baiting the NFL into a trap
Posted by @domedward
Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Over 25 years ago trump went to war with the nfl
Posted by @peaceloveliberty
Current Payout Value: $0.02 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Donald Trump Is An Agent Of The Rothschilds
Posted by @truthseekereport
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 1 Votes for this post

Libtard Insane Logic Leads Them To Conclude Losing A War To North Korea Is A Good Thing
Posted by @kew19d40
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Daily 30 Popular Posts with politics tag
Posted by @nodejs
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Im sitting too
Posted by @edizzl79
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Comey Drafted Conclusion Exonerating Hillary of Criminal Wrongdoing
Posted by @adrianslade
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

Jesse Ventura Just Shut down the National Anthem Debate for Good
Posted by @justastic
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 1 Votes for this post

Trump Arming Foreigners With American Guns from TYT
Posted by @crypto-pro
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

Narendra modi and his present challenges
Posted by @venku898
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 5 Votes for this post

Pics from the election campaign in Germany
Posted by @economia
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Jimmy Kimmel Fights Back Against Bill Cassidy Lindsey Graham Chris Christie
Posted by @realskilled
Current Payout Value: $0.01 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Current Events
Posted by @lefthandedtexan
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Hillary Rodham Clinton What Happened
Posted by @jinmi17
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Posted by @martins-hacks
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Martial Law Deployed in London
Posted by @xsmith
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 3 Votes for this post

Rocket Man
Posted by @amywithheart
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Theresa Mays Transition Deal is shit for everybody
Posted by @lethnpolitics
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Flint Michigan A State Created Disaster
Posted by @darienparlick
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 4 Votes for this post

Posted by @imbsnt
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 2 Votes for this post

Election day in Germany
Posted by @thatsreallife
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 0 Votes for this post

Turkey pledges security and economic steps in response to Iraqi Kurdistan referendum
Posted by @salahgheattas
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 1 Votes for this post

The NASAholes are poisoning your air See Link for details
Posted by @predator-geoff
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 1 Votes for this post

More election pics
Posted by @economia
Current Payout Value: $0 with at the moment 0 Votes for this post

Todays Top Author of category politics:
@kyriacos @ladyrebecca @stefan.molyneux @lammpi @chunkforceone @pakistan-trail @nilshuber @truthseekereport @ffreedomland @truthseekereport @emmacairo @epeakinfo @truthseekereport @o1o1o1o @richhersey @truthseekereport @domedward @peaceloveliberty @truthseekereport @kew19d40 @edizzl79 @nodejs @adrianslade @justastic @venku898 @crypto-pro @economia @realskilled @lefthandedtexan @jinmi17 @xsmith @martins-hacks @amywithheart @darienparlick @imbsnt @lethnpolitics @predator-geoff @economia @lefthandedtexan @flowpoint

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upvoting us, sp delegation or by directly support undervalued posts by sending a boost with one of the upvote bots: Here are some upvote bots you can use to help to boost undervalued posts:
@booster @bellyrub @boomerang @minnowhelper @randowhale @minnowbooster @lovejuice @drotto @treeplanter @discordia @binkley @steemthat @upgoater @nettybot @iamgrootbot

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photo by Cristian Ferronato, Pixabay!

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