Donald Trump Is An Agent Of The Rothschilds

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Economic Hitmen hired by the Rothschilds may sometimes compete against each other or take each other out but every single one of them has the same goal but a different method of reaching that goal.

The Vision of an New International Economic Order aka The New World Order has different iterations by different billionaires and different secret societies.

Hence, the competition between Rothschild agents(some of which is merely for show to make it seem as if there is an actual rivalry) such as George Soros funding protests against Trump might give rise to a dangerous misconception and allow disinformation agents to portray an agent of the Rothschilds such as Donald Trump as "Anti Establishment" when he is not "Anti Establishment" at all.A fact that could be best demonstrated by the fact that he selected a Rothschild Banker,Wilbur Ross as Secretary For Commerce.

By all accounts, Donald Trump is very well-connected to the Jesuits, Raytheon,the apartheid state of Israel,the Knights of Malta, the Federal Reserve Cartel and the Rothschilds to even consider him to be "Anti-Establishment" despite him taking the U.S out of the Rockefeller TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership) and defunding the eugenics obsessed organization known as "Planned Parenthood" but it's not only his current/former connections to Wall Street Insiders and puppetmasters that causes the "Trump Is Anti Establishment" narrative to slwoly crumble but the fact that he used to be the head of a pyramid scam known as "Trump Network" which scammed thousands of people and the fact he also conducted a raid in Yemen which killed an 8 year old girl.Anyone who is psychopathic enough to do such a thing is clearly not a good person regardless of what controlled opposition like Alex Jones would like to say.


Video Source:Break The Spell

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If you have read their protocols you will see that they will put opposition against themselfes just to play games for masses so they think something is happening and they can support the otherway something like with democrats vs republicans, or comunists vs faschists..Upvoted and followed as i am truth seeker by myself!

Yeah. They are all controlled opposition. Politics are not the answer. Whoever still believes in politics is in deep, deep sleep.

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