Monachy is Awesome

in #politics7 years ago

The more people one has above them the more shit one gets

I had a friend that moved to Kuwait from the United States. This individual lived in many countries so he has an extensive experience about living under different forms of government. Personally, I don't adhere to any political system but I would have to agree with my friend that if I had to choose from the current political systems I would pick monarchy without a second thought.

The reason is rather simple. In all other systems, whether it is a Democracy, Republic, Communism, Fascism and all the flavours in between, one has to deal with a lot of people. In other words, you are liable to many individuals and due to the bureaucracy of every system the hassle multiplies when you try to do anything. You need permissions from almost everyone. You are like a baby asking the teacher if you can do something all the time.

In Kuwait, where monarchy thrives, people have to follow simple rules and basically adhere to the prince's wishes. The prince of the small country is rather reasonable and offers a lot of freedoms to the citizens. My friend enjoys the best time of his life and on a daily basis regrets to have wasted so much time in the United States, undergoing all that brainwashing in order to be kept in line.

I lived in the States for a few years as well and I thought the country was pretty fucked up when it came to basic freedoms. It would never cross my mind though that so many Americans move abroad to countries that have monarchy as a system and have such a great epiphany when it comes to politics.

It makes one wonder how much brainwashing goes on in the media from a country that basically controls the entirety of the world when it comes to culture, economy and politics. It makes one evaluate many things that we have been taught to believe and sometimes hate, just to serve specific agendas from our dear governments.

I would rather get fucked by one individual rather an group of individuals. This is my simple logic when it comes to political systems which I am not involved. I would rather be controlled by one guy rather than have ultimate power trickle down to thousands of authoritarian autobots that dictate every move of my life.


Erm... You don't have to choose between one ruler or numerous rulers. You can choose liberation and the absence of hierarchy. 'Democracy' was designed from the beginning to be little more than a facade for the purpose of control.

This is so apt. I could not put it any better.

So the current prince of Kuwait is wise and benevolent. There is absolutely no guarantee that his son will be.

Not in the short term, but in the medium and long term, a people gets the government (or no government) that it deserves. "The cost of Freedom is eternal vigilance"


It'll be up to the prince's way of raising his children.
But then, education of the young is probably what affects the success of every form of government.

Democracy is a superb idea in theory, in my opinion, but it's implementation is a bit lacking (Ok... VERY lacking in many aspects).

Personally, @kyriacos, I'll refrain from recommending the local populace to switch back to Monarchy here in France... I don't want them to overreact and start a new Guillotine trend ! (this is a Joke, just in case it isn't clear ;) )

From what I understood is that as long as there is money for everyone, everything runs smoothly.

There is absolutely no guarantee that his son will be.

Even if his son is evil, he can't undermine the court. In Kuwait,

The parliament can be dissolved under a set of conditions based on constitutional provisions.[199] The Constitutional Court and Emir both have the power to dissolve the parliament, although the Constitutional Court can invalidate the Emir's dissolve.

So, if the evil son you speak of dissolves the parliament, the court will reverse his decision.

The National Assembly is the legislature and has oversight authority. The National Assembly consists of fifty elected members, who are chosen in elections held every four years. Since the parliament can conduct inquiries into government actions and pass motions of no confidence, checks and balances are robust in Kuwait.[198]

Checks and balances are robust in Kuwait.

Kuwait's checks and balances are better than that of UK, where the queen can theoretically block any or all actions of the government.

In "theory" checks and balances are extremely robust in many countries (ie. the United States). Unfortunately, in practice, unconstitutional activity is a constant and increasing phenomena.

One of the better things about a monarchy is that you know who is in charge. In The USSA you don't. There is no person to call out for Obomba-un-care. There isn't even any accountability in local police. Its, well, if you don't like it, then vote against me in the next election.

precisely. democracy actually dissolves any sense of responsibility. it is always some other guys fault.

I have family who stayed in Kuwait and they tell me how curropt the government is all the time

This sounds interesting. Keep elaborating. It is important for people to hear about other forms of government than their own.

Any examples of what is so great compared to what was so bad?

I strongly agree that democracy has split the population a lot. Especially if the candidate fighter for the government very much. Not infrequently people also come out with the number of candidates.

America many years ago had the same political system but had a vision, the American dream. then everything was great. I think that it is not the fault of a country, but the culture and education of those who govern. The monarchy also has in North Korea but...

Interesting opinion. I guess it always depends on what happens in a crisis.

In good times, every system thrives and it is almost irrelevant, who is in charge. But as soon as problems occur the differences of the system and the individuals in charge become apparent. Sometimes a ruler is more beneficial and sometimes, in case of bad judgment or other personal shortcomings he is a burden. It is the other way around but not different to a democracy, where you have complexity as a burden but also many hands and minds to prevent bad things from happening.

If you can't have anarchy, a benign monarchy would be a close second. Having one leader can have its downsides, looking at North Korea.

I am not even sure if North Korea is as bad as the west advertises it to be. I mean Dennis Rodman visits all the time! :)

You are correct to be skeptical comrade, but we've always been at war with Eurasia Eastasia. ;-)

Yea but Rodman is friend with the head of the state

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