42 Reasons Why Scott Adams is Genius for Endorsing Hillary Clinton

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Scott Adams has recently endorsed Hillary Clinton for the presidency... or has he? Schrodinger's Hitler meets Orwellian dystopia.

Scott Adams, who has long studied and analyzed Trump's sales and hypnosis game, has come out today to endorse Hillary Clinton for the presidency, but this endorsement is completely different from anyone else's endorsement. If Trump is playing 4D Korean Starcraft and chess while everyone else is playing checkers and tic-tac-toe, then Adams is playing 5D XCOM, Go, and Galactic Civilizations. His newest post is both a social experiment and a critique of violent Democrat extremists.

From first glance of someone who is unfamiliar with Adams, it appears that he is a sellout or a coward. After praising Trump's persuasion skills for so long, he comes out to endorse Hillary. For a simple minded person, this can be seen as a huge stab in the back.

Et tu, Scott?

However, the situation is much more complicated than that. Several times in the post, he mentions President Trump. In a previous blog post, Adams has already stated that Trump is already framed to be the president. Many kids assume that Trump is the president because he shows up more than anyone else on TV. Even people in liberal media constantly talk about the Trump presidency. Even though they frame it in a fear mongering way, they are asking people to imagine a Trump presidency. It’s difficult to imagine anyone else as the president.

Also, it’s important to note that for dozens of posts before this one, he has disclaimed that his political views do not align with any candidate’s and that he is simply interested in Trump’s persuasion skills. So, it’s not a true betrayal if he never endorsed Trump explicitly in the first place. I must also make my own disclaimer: I was not interested in the Trump phenomenon until I heard Adams’s podcast with Tim Ferriss. But ever since I heard that podcast in January, I have been following both Trump and Adams very closely. Adams made me learn to appreciate Trump a lot, but my views still overall lines more closely with Adams, who has described his own political views as Libertarian without the crazy and it’s up to you to decide which are the crazy parts.

There also exists the more sinister possibility that Adams is conducting a social experiment to see if he can convert Trump supporters to Clinton supporters using his own power of persuasion. He could be challenging Trump’s title as the King of Persuaders. This is unlikely, but if this is in fact his plan and he succeeds, then he has set himself up nicely for a possible future run as the president. Regardless of what is really the case, I have full confidence that Adams can win the presidency and become one of the greatest presidents if he chooses to enter into politics, which is unlikely.

Now let’s finally get to the elephant in the room: his critique of violent Democrats acting like true fascists while framing Trump as a fascist. Let’s start the analysis at the beginning of the post.

“This past week we saw Clinton pair the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust, and whatever else makes you tremble in fear.”

Once again, Adams reinforces the idea of President Trump. He implants the suggestion in your mind that a Trump Presidency is inevitable regardless of who you vote for. Rather than stating the probabilistic world view of an accurate forecaster, Adams persuades using a deterministic world view. If you even have a basic understanding of probability or has done any experimental science, then you know that this is a terrible perspective for conducting scientific research and learning about the true nature of the world, but none of that actually matters.

Both Trump and Adams understand that during a creative process, being shallow can be smart. I believe that Adams has a concrete grasp of probability, but he needs to throw the theories out of the window when he practices hypnosis.

Next, we notice the word “fear”. Fear is a very powerful persuasion tool. It was the tool used by Hitler, so there were reasons for the Left to compare Trump to Hitler. Trump does invoke some feelings of xenophobia, but the difference ends there. However, the Left should also see their own hypocrisy and realize that they are promoting even more fear and violence than Trump. Comparing someone to Hitler is a terribly dirty reputation ruining trick. As a non-white naturalized US citizen, I do not fear Trump one bit. I am much more concerned about the obstruction of the freedom of speech by social justice worriers. That’s not a typo; they are worriers, not warriors. Warriors have honor and courage, while worriers spread fear and negativity. Bigoteer, coined by Tim Ferriss, is another great way to refer to them.

Patrick Henry has famously said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” Today, it has become transracial genderfluid Patrishaniqua Henry with unnatural hair colors proclaiming, “Give me safe spaces or fainting rooms!” This is the opposite of Nassim Taleb’s theory of antifragility. We should seek to become more antifragile, but the current political establishment is promoting fragility to control the masses. I’m sure I would be called LGBT-phobic and racist for false interpretations of my statements. I believe that all kinds of diversity can promote new perspectives that increases creativity in the universe. Creativity is based on entropy and randomness. If you have an antifragile system, diversity is great and productive. However, in our current fragile system, diversity leads to many problems. Therefore, we should minimize losses now in the system while building a new antifragile system that benefits everyone. Decentralization of monetary policy via cryptocurrencies is the first step in solving the global systematic fragility crisis. Politically correctness and censorship is one of the biggest dangers to the survival of the human species. We must avoid the dystopian fates of Harrison Bergeron, Fahrenheit 451, and 1984. My parents did not leave one authoritarian regime only to be controlled by another.

Next, Adams tells the story about his death threats. Hillary Clinton supporters threatened his life and violated the non-aggression principle. In order to protect his own life, he most renounce Trump. This is pure coercion, much like the Jews renouncing their religion to hide from the Nazis during World War II. Clinton also has strong ties to the defense industry, so it is not outside of the possibility that she will incite a race war and profit from it. Adams shrewdly tells that Trump is portrayed as Hitler while showing that Clinton and her supporters are in fact the ones truly behaving like Nazis.

Normal nice people do not make you fear for your life, while fascist terrorists do. In San Jose and elsewhere, Liberal Fascist Terrorists attacked Trump supporters using guerrilla warfare tactics while the biased mass media portrayed them as peaceful protesters. How much longer can this go on? High achieving, law abiding legal immigrants like my parents do not deserve to be lumped together with these terrorists. Immigration is a voluntary choice to join a society you prefer, so when you join that new society, you try to add value to it to make the world a better place. Immigration should not allow criminals to rape and pillage one country after another. Once again, this is the concept of antifragility; immigration is a double edged sword, whose effectiveness depends on how you implement it. If you promote fragility, you will only cut yourself.

Liberals claim to support minorities and diversity, but the fact is that they support neither. They practice cultural appropriation to gain political power for themselves. If you are a minority who doesn’t fall in line with their propaganda, you are ostracized. This is the problem with democracy and all other forms of 51% attacks. Democracy doesn’t allow true tolerance of diverse opinions; it simply coerces the minorities into joining the majority. If you truly don’t judge people by appearances, then diversity of thought should be valued far higher than superficial diversity. By valuing superficial diversity while condemning diversity of thought, Liberals are totalitarian wolves who wear sheep’s clothing. I do not feel safe around people who blatantly lie about Trump and twist the facts in their own favor. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Finally, like in many other posts, Adams finishes with a reinforcement of his prediction: “My prediction remains that Trump will win in a landslide based on his superior persuasion skills. But don’t blame me for anything President Trump does in office because I endorse Clinton.”

Once again, he promotes a deterministic world view and reinforces the idea that Trump will inevitably be the president. Obviously, if he was trying to be a superforecaster, he would not write this way and he would lower Trump’s chances of success significantly, but that is not his objective. (I’ve bet about 0.25 BTC that Trump will end up with a narrow to moderate victory.) While the post is superficially endorsing Hillary, it implicitly endorses Trump. This parallels the Liberal hypocrisy of superficially promoting tolerance and diversity while implicitly inciting violence and shutting down diverse opinions.

A few days ago, I thought that http://blog.dilbert.com/post/145309172876/the-risks-of-a-trump-presidency was the best blog post from Adams yet, but today, he completely blew that post out of the water with this new surprise endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

Scott Adams is a genius. #MAGA … erm I meant #imwithher

Okay, apparently I do not have a numbered list of 42 reasons, but 42 is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, which is good enough for me.


Once again...Upvoting on concentration of ridiculousness in ONE spot! I have followed Trump since his ass showed up on the radar...not to mention hating him literally for years! I follow Marshall Mcluhan myself...and the ONLY thing that impresses me about Trump is how easily he tells baldfaced lies...'The Media Is The Massage'...and Trump massages the shit out of Conspiracy Theories...I like Adams...but I don't like playing with political 'fire'...Anybody with a shred of intelligence can see straight through Trump's spiel...Everybody in Media hates him because that Emperor is Wearing No Clothes to us!...Comedic value?...I'd laugh if I wasn't holding back a 'gag' reflex!...

Interesting stuff! Also checkout the Decline of the West podcast. It talks about the modern world from the analysis of Joseph Campbell's analysis of myths and archetypes. Trump is much like Caesar with his personal army and the worship of personalities and the loss of the metaphysical visions led to the fall of Rome. Both Trump and Clinton are symptoms of the inevitable decline of the government and possible rise of anarchy or factions of warlords. Resistance is futile, so might as well as enjoy the ride.

Love this!...I agree with you about 99% of the time!...It's that 1% that scares me! @limitless ...my friends call me 'ellipses'...because I use them a lot...my train of thought is hard to put into paragraphs...Being a Classical Anarchist you would think I would be loving this...portraits of the fall...but I would rather follow Sanders & take the Revolution from within...We've planked the Democratic Party so it's just a matter of time...By the way Trump is more like Caligula!

Both Sanders and Trump see the problems but neither have great solutions, while Clinton denies the problems completely. The best solutions will inevitably come from the private sector. What the government does will make little difference, as it will just destroy itself. As see fear of Trump as a denial of the problems inside of people's minds. It cripples and blinds them from focusing on how to solve the problems. Trump is bad in a crude way, but not sinisterly plotting something evil, unlike Clinton. That makes damage control easier. Ideally there are thousands of people who could do a better job, but realistically we are down to pick between Trump and Clinton. So I bet on Trump winning, but 3rd parties gaining as much support as possible., especially locally. I believe in diversification of my views rather than going down one tunnel too far. I'm a non-white immigrant, I've handled plenty of assholes calling me mean names. That's not the biggest threat to the world at this moment. There will always be asshole, but it only takes one black swan event to push the world into chaos, and we are on the verge of several from multiple perspectives.

Also I am going to share this big time because even though I don't fully agree with it...it is still an excellent read...but you got to share my stuff too...https://steemit.com/nato/@terryrall/a-little-bit-is-not-too-much-nato

Also to make a point...if you don't have 'fear' of Trump then you haven't been listening to the Fascist POS...He has asked multiple times why he cannot use 'nukes' because we 'have 'em'...Also as president he can literally call for a nuclear strike without permission from Congress or the Military...he is as comforting as a 'scream in the dark'...

So I’ve decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for President, for my personal safety. Trump supporters don’t have any bad feelings about patriotic Americans such as myself, so I’ll be safe from that crowd. But Clinton supporters have convinced me – and here I am being 100% serious – that my safety is at risk if I am seen as supportive of Trump. So I’m taking the safe way out and endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

That is Hillaryous.

Make America Hillaryous again!

If Trump changes his slogan to that, then it still wouldn't be as bad of a slogan as "Love Trumps Hate".

Hahaha. That would go viral on twitter.
There is already some funny stuff under hashtag hillaryous.

Pretty good. I'd like to see someone like Al Franken endorse Trump and try the same kind of stunt. Ultimately, this stuff is both helpful and entertaining, since it causes people to take a closer look at the whole picture.

Is this going to make me want to 'puke' too?

Last time I puked was on ayahuasca. Very enlightening. Sometimes great entertainment and knowledge comes at a superficially unpleasant cost.

I wish I knew who the writer of this article is so that I can follow him on Twitter and read more of his writing. My mind is still digesting all he said. It's going to take a while to process all he said. But I WANT MORE!!!

I wrote this... I don't use Twitter, but thanks! Follow me when Steemit adds a follow button. :)

You should because you're brilliant and Twitter needs more brilliance. You really made me think of things that I hadn't thought of. Opened my eyes, I felt like I had entered a new universe. One, of many reasons, I enjoyed your article is because I love multi dimensional thinking. Scott Adams is out there in the 10th or 20th dimension. Even though he's the MASTER, in my humble opinion, you're not far behind. You should reconsider Twitter, it's a powerful tool which will expand your exposure to many new fans. Will be looking for more of your articles

Haha thanks. I'll consider it.

Just voted for you. Since it's my first time on this site I didn't know what to do so thanks Tinfoilfadora!

Did you, Tinfoilfedora, write this article? I like your name lol. It's my 1st time on this site. I want to read more of your articles. Loved this one! As I said before I'm still processing it yet hungry for more.

Hello, thank you. Nope, not me, I just quoted the funny part.
The person who posted this on steemit is listed at the bottom just to the right of the voting buttons and post earnings. Limitless wrote this one.
The author who wrote the article this post is about has others that are pretty funny too http://blog.dilbert.com

Thanks, I'm a YUGE fan of Scott Adams. Have read all his blogs, follow him on Twitter and read his book. Yesterday Scott was on FIRE. He was firing from more cylinders than humanly possible. I had so many things to do yesterday but spend most of it reading his Twitter feed and laughing so hard for so long that I got a good ab workout. IT WAS WORTH IT!

I was not aware he is a twitterer, will have to check that out. Thanks for the tip!

The writing style and wording is identical to Scott Adams blog.

This is Scott.

Haha I wish

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