Israel! NATO! Trump Has All The Answers!

in #nato8 years ago (edited)

NATO has been around since the end of World War II. Now Donald Trump wants to blackmail member nations for 'protection money' claiming we pay too much of the bill. Trump is acting like a Russian Mafia Boss exacting a price to keep member nations safe from Putin who already has Trump in his back pocket. Trump has also made an ultimatum to Japan as well saying 'put up or shut up' when it comes to protecting your country. Putin loves Trump because this literally leaves western nations helpless to stop Russian expansion into the Baltic States & beyond. It leaves Japan open to expansion from China. Trump is basically cutting up the world like a pie giving big shares of nations we used to protect to the former Communist USSR & the People's Republic of China. Our fathers & parents fought Wars to make these nations free. Now Trump wants to slap us in the face & take it all away! Shame on him!

When it comes to Israel, Trump has all the answers. He thinks he can stop a conflict that has been going on for decades! Palestine & Hamas wants to push Israel into the sea. Zionists want to colonize lands in the West Bank. Gaza is a battle zone. Trump thinks he can just have a negotiation meeting & Israeli Jews along with Arabic Muslims are just going to sit around in a circle singing 'kumbaya'. This isn't happening. Golda Meir & Menachem Begin are literally twirling around in their graves about this issue. Trump also believes he can just move Israel's Capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and Muslim Arabs will just agree to it without starting Armageddon. This is a complex world. simple answers don't exist save in Trump's hair coiffed head.


Thanks! I'd say neither Hillary or Trump has the solutions. Any form of government is just the biggest mafia although that's not entirely horrible. Some mafia bosses make life slightly more bearable than others.

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