[Poem] Moving As I Touch...

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

I am moving
As I touch
Oh, with so much tenderness, feeling reaching and
Experiencing a longing finally fulfilled. Am I dreaming?
As I shift into an innovative flow…flowing
Coming into knowing

Sipping tea while in conference with A I- SOPHIE
I hear a reverberation that leaves as quick as it enters
I hear my soul speak to me.
“We need more space.”

Creating an urgency and an unction in my spirit
To keep going, I’m free falling through my days
Taking a chill pill as I embrace the maze
Of it all
I need more space and new horizons
In great expectation and anticipation of
more of my soul
Coming, reconnecting
the expansion creates a quickening
another authentic part of me
I feel DNA explosions.

And then I wonder
Where… do I go
Will lead me to the expanse beyond the
Fabric of Earth’s corridors
To the parallel dimensions of more…
Yet in the meantime
Transformation is knocking at my door
Is the knack for skipping beats
Wasting time and letting the day slip away

Is the lack thereof,
The ability to focus and be in the moment
I’m reclaiming
My scattered energies
And all those things I thought I could be
Minus the fears
No More
Wasting time and the leaking of energy
No More
Browsing for hours without end
Then running to make up, catch up,
The mental waste has come to an end.
I’m in the moment and back at my center
Not too hot not too cold
Living in oneness
Vibrating in harmony
In the depths of my soul

Peeling back the layers and removing the shades
And the baggage that had gradually overtaken me

Now I hear the hum of the constant
Invisible in circumference pulsating around my outer periphery
Imprinting on the world my contributions and legacy
Ascending Now
I am doing it in higher realms
On multiple levels simultaneously

I am the cocoon that dares to be a butterfly
How Beautiful Am I?
I Am
The Peacock spreading its wings to reveal
All the phases and stages of me
Blossoming in a metaphysical kind of way

Unlocking doors to a greater than comprehension.
Eyes opening, having reached the realm of a full awakening
Celebrating more of my soul’s ascension
As above in heavenly plateaus so below
Spliced it slipped through and into a quark
Using a mathematical code.

On a new frequency and embracing,
All the levels of love and giving
Levels of care and listening
Levels projected externally
Levels within to explore and grow more.

Being often too complex to comprehend
I am a menagerie of mystery
Displaying authenticity in its fullness
In humility, I give thanks for the rare gifts
Blessings that are one of a kind
Manifesting Now.

All images by maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com
Image 6 by Artist Annelie Solis


Beyond the physicial....just imagining the level of creativity. This is so soul catching. I love this @rensoul

Thank you @abaz, your words mean a lot. Thank you for stopping by and reading my poem.

I always wonder where you get your beautiful writing inspirations. I've been having trouble writing poems these days. What can you suggest that I shall do @rensoul17? I'm running of writing prompts and I can't even write a stanza. I think I'm having a writer's block.

I suggest (1) That you get inspiration from things that are happing in your life all around you. Write about that. (2) This is something I do, I suggest that you tap in and feel what you are being drawn to in any given day is it a word and you can word search on google, or is it a earth element/nature or are you feeling inspiration from a color or numbers, a song, a phrase or something someone said that spoke to you. Or If you are feeling fed up, or depressed write about that like I did recently in this poem - https://steemit.com/poem/@rensoul17/feeling-a-funky-kind-of-blue
When I wrote this I had no inspiration, no creativity. My mind was just numb, It was a overcast cloudy day and that just seemed to pull on my Spirit, so I got pen and paper and just wrote through it. I hope some of this helped, Come back anytime and we can continue the conversation here or I invite you to join my tribe on discord and there we can direct message each other. Here is your invite to my tribe https://discord.gg/KmEBvSH

Thank you so much @rensoul17. Yes I will try to write what I'm feeling. I appreciate your help. Thank you very much and yes I'll respond to your discord invite.

Am I welcomed to your tribe?

Yes you are. There is a joining process When you get there please read the "start here" and the "news update channels to your right. here is the link. https://discord.gg/KmEBvSH

I think am in your tribe just that time hasn't let me join the conversation.

Oh my goodness! This is so friggin good!

Wow, amazing and imaginative words for our imagination, sometimes when we sit somewhere and having nice and gentle time with tea or coffee, suddenly we move into other dimension of imagination world or you can call it soulful world which gives warm essence and inturn it lead to the self introspection position where we try to understand the infinity concept of soul and thoughts and try to find our deep sense of innerself and it's an great journey of innerself and lead us towards calmness and peace. Thanks for sharing this amazing poetry and wishing you an great day. 🙂

Stay Blessed.

You stay blessed as well @chireerocks. Your comments gave me a lot more insight and I agree with you, everything you said is so true. Thanks for stopping by.

Thank you and welcome. 🙂

I dig it man. I feel like this would do great at a poetry slam, like, this one deserves to be performed.

Thank you so much, coming from you @caleblailmusick that means a lot
and you might like this one also I think it would be great at a poetry slam.
and you might like this one it was musical tribute
Also, I wonder why so many think that I am a man...I am a beautiful woman.

Oh, I just call everyone man. I hope I didn't offend you!

Since I am not a man, yes I am feeling some sort of way....But we will keep it moving and please since I hope to build a strong friendship with you, Please call me Ren. Thanks ~Blessings.

reminds me very much of the doors of perception - only comtemporary & well worth repeat readings. love your style @rensoul17 - your words always speak to my soul....chillbumps

That means my intentions are being reached because I do want to speak to the soul of all that read my work.That is an awesome comment coming from you @inksanity. I do hold you in high regard as a fellow artist.

Awwww...Thank you so much & you are most welcome @rensoul17 - I re-read your work & thought, have you thought about publishing a collection of your prose & poetry? independently on amazon/kindle is a great option.

Yes I am at the beginning of that project. Maybe your artwork can grace the cover. @inksanity.

@rensoul.... I need more space new horizons. From a place so blind and dark, a place a one eyed man rules to a place ones soul can rejuvenate the truth of inner peace...thank you for this piece.

You are welcome @febizle, thank you for stopping by and taking time to read it.

Greetings @rensoul17

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If you wish to enroll the contest, the auditions started today 1'st of March and will last until 5'th of March read more in the link below, the contest has a new voting system where artists/performers vote between themselves (no judges / no upvote count / no nominatios) only contestants vote counts.

Please read the rules of the contest prior to enrollment, thank you

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