myday #32 - Have You Seen a Southern Yellow Billed Hornbill Before?

in #photography7 years ago

Hello Steemit Followers!

One of my all time biggest dreams since I was a child was to go to the Kruger National Park in South Africa, to photograph the wildlife. I'm a huge fan of David Attenborough so that's probably why I had such an urge to go!

I spent a total of two weeks driving myself around to capture everything and I quickly realised toward the end of of my stay that two weeks was not enough! I have since gone back to do it again, with the hope to return for the third time in the next three years.

Southern Yellow Billed Hornbill 001.jpg

Southern Yellow Billed Hornbill
Canon EOS 1D MK III - 600mm - 1/1000 - f8 - ISO 400

If you are heading over there for a self drive tour, what I found to be quite helpful was my monopod. If you have one, I would recommend wedging the monopod between the drivers seat and the closed door.

Once in place, your camera and lens can mount in the middle of the window, allowing you to quickly swivel your gear in the direction of your chosen subject. On the plus side, if a lion does get close this setup allows you to move the lens back quickly into the vehicle to wind the window up! This happened to me on a number of occasions and fortunately I'm still here to tell the tale!

Are you a photographer or a traveller like me?
Use #myday to share your posts and let's see where this goes!


I'm Leigh, from Sydney Australia and through @steemit I'm seeing what its like to explore @myday. Not in any particular order, or particular time frame but just parts of @myday through my eyes and sometimes the cameras lens.

If you are interested in reading about myself and my beautiful partner Grace - @photooftheday then have a read of myday #0 where everything is explained. If you enjoyed reading this post I welcome you to upvote this article and follow me. Please drop me a comment as I would love to hear from you!

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how's Sydney? We've always wanted to travel there. Maybe one day :)

Sydney is nice. Thanks for asking?

Great post! Look at some of mine there are some animals too! Upvoted you!

Thank you for upvoting. I'll check out your posts now.

Great shot! How do you like that 600 lens? Is it a Canon lens?

@brendanwenzel. I love the lens! It's a combination of the Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 with 2x teleconveter! Works a treat and is very sharp!

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I have no idea what you said or what it means @brendanwenzel.

hahah I have no idea why that happened. It was supposed to say something completely different. Weird. Well, great shot man! You've motivated me to take the 200 out with the extender this week to see what I can find. :)

Look forward to seeing how you go!

OMG! No I have not seen this before! The usual Sarawak Hornbill is a lot different. This fella looks harrier!
I finally got a chance to sit down and update my photos here after a LONG day yesterday being out.
Colour Challenge: Tuesday Orange - The Vibrant Blossoms!
This is my latest with my D90, but I think the settings were off a bit, everything looked smoky. I tried with macro settings it was fine. When I tried to do shutter settings, it kept saying "BULB" maybe I forgot to switch off my long exposure settings. Either way I might have to reformat and reset everything.

Steem well help me to go travel soon :)

Awesome! Hope it goes well for you!

Once again beautiful capture. Sorry dear for lack of upvote but my voting power sunk as Titanic 😒

Hey no problem @dikana969. Thank you for the kind words :)

That photo is really nice. U got a good one there. Can't remember if i asked you before- hard to keep track on past conversations here! lol. Are you on Shutterstock? I think your pics would sell nicely- bit of extra cash too.

Heres my link- try signing up if your interested.

@thinkit thanks for the invite. I do sell my images elsewhere and do okay so I'm not looking for any new sites at the moment. Just happy here on @steemit. I'm two weeks in and I'm loving this community. Thanks for commenting :)

Canon 1D and 600mm ??? Wow. You are really chasing your dream buddy!!! Good Job. Awesome portrait of birding.

Thank you @panknil. I'm a huge fan of photography and use a broad range of equipment to take photos. There's no one great camera for me. Currently I'm using a medium format Fujifilm GFX 50S. I really want to test it out for some wildlife shots and try and do something different with it. I have posted a few photos from the camera a few posts back. Feel free to check them out if you want to see what the colours are like.

Sure I'll. I love trying new equipment as well as end result from those gadgets !!!

Gotta say, that's the first time I ever said "That bird looks Bad Ass" lmao so I quote me on that :)

Haha! Certainly I'll remember to quote you if I every use that phrase :) Thanks @antoniowest

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