Acapulco Sunsets: Late Night Thoughts on Change

in #photography6 years ago

Okay, I'll finally admit it. After the fork I kind of gave up in some regards on getting things done. In some ways I started to get caught up but in others I stayed stagnant or even fell behind. Steemit is one of those things I feel I've fallen behind on. While I've been posting I'll admit it's been hard to muster the enthusiasm I usually have for sharing posts. It's been a stressful few months and after overworking myself during the fork (my own fault, terribly behind on the fork making myself terribly behind on everything else) it was hard to muster willpower to do anything.

My days currently consist of taking care of my chickens, attempting to start a new garden, crochet, cooking and posting on Steemit. Like everyone else I have those days where I just don't want to do anything. I used to spend my days doing honestly nothing but sitting, reading, doing school work and the like. Life is very different and I'm honestly grateful, I used to be so bored.

And honestly I had a lot of anxiety at that time. I had many interests but was heavily schooled into believing i had to just pick one, that there was something up with me if I wanted to bounce around to interests. My family said I didn't stick to anything and when they said that I believed them. Honestly had they said nothing I likely would have come back to those things instead of abandoning them like I often did.

I've now learned to embrace the fact that I have many interests but that doesn't stop me from feeling overwhelmed from time to time. I'll be the first to admit that I have likely taken on too many interests, but have a hard time dropping them because they're so damn useful and fun.

And honestly I'd rather learn a new hobby and have something else to juggle (like I recently did with crocheting) than have nothing to do.

It's been a long time to get to this point but now I am finally gaining confidence in my ability to learn new things. This isn't to say I don't struggle. I'm prone to asking bad questions (not helpful to me, they don't give me the information I'm actually looking for and my google foo is non-existant. I often find myself telling John I cannot find information on something when he's able to find it with one three word google search. Simple things like that.

Something I've been hearing a lot of anarchists touching on lately is the importance of fixing ourselves before we can fix the world. It's hard to not see the value in that. Actually fixing ourselves and facing our personal demons is a totally different thing from talking about it as many people know. It's just not that easy to do. Hard on the ego!

It's not easy to admit we've been doing things wrong but I'm starting to see it's the only way to start doing things right. So I'm here to admit I've been doing a lot of things wrong (things wrong being things we don't like behaviours, habits actions) guys and I'm ready to start finding more ways to do things right.

Who's with me?

I'm interested in changing things because while my life is awesome I'm not happy and I'm starting to realize that's a personal problem, not a life problem.

Did you enjoy this post? Check out the links below for more like this one!

Acapulco Sunsets: Rays and Colors
Acapulco Sunsets: Start of a Nice One 1
Living in the Clouds: Acapulco Swallowed by a Mist!

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Basic Crepes Recipe (Revised in Method)
Mandarin, Almond and Goat Cheese Breakfast Salad
Back on the Torch! Cobalt Blue Glass Pipe Photo Shoot

Hi there, if you're new to my blog here on Steemit check out this for more information on who we are and how we got here.

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Thanks for following and supporting us, until next time!


@lily-da-vine welcome back. Enjoy your varied interest they will all come in useful at some point and you will be a happier person doing the things you are motivated by. Personally I believe I am sane because I find new things to engage my mind. Everything would eventually run it's course, some shorter than others.
Everything has its time and season, and then comes a transition to the next. Who is to say we are supposed to stick with one? even nature does not teach us that

Well said. It's better to embrace the changes than to shame them.

Hope I will be there oneday @lily-da-vine..

If we can get here, anyone can. Making it here is a different story. If you're not afraid of culture shock and interacting with locals you'll be fine :)

You are speaking things I have thought many times. What do we do when we have lots of things we are interested in and cannot choose just one? I, too, have felt the pressure to specialize, narrow it down and focus on one thing. But ... I just read an article about this very topic. Apparently, there is even a name for this type of person ... a polymath. And it is a good thing.
So I will enjoy my diverse interests and will excel in the ones I like the best. Thank you sharing.

Hey I didn't know that word but it makes sense, thanks for sharing!

I'm with you. So important to recognize where we have done wrong as it is a big part of learning lessons and growth. Thoroughly enjoyed this post in it's entirety, both the photos and your writing. The way the pink and purple colors reflect off the ocean is heart-breakingly beautiful... beaming love your way ♡

Miss you girl, thanks for the love.

Starting my own natural dye adventures soon on some bamboo yarn that's on it's way, wish me luck!

SO excited for you! I just received 11 yards of hemp blend not even half an hour ago. Missing you lots - I cannot wait to see your colors. What are you thinking of using as dyestuff?

Tumeric.....beets....the typical ones. Likely blueberries too. I'll have to do more research when the time comes :)

Fuck yeah, Lily. I like everything about this post. Made me happy to read it. I'm with ya!

I figured this'd be up your alley, good to hear you're with me :)

photography Nice post, success is always for you friend.

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