Hummingbird hawk-moth / Taubenschwänzchen

in #photography5 years ago

I always wanted to take pictures of this butterfly that looks like a hummingbird, but I have always been too slow.

Diesen Falter, der wie ein Kolibri ausschaut, wollte ich immer schon mal fotografieren, bin bisher aber immer zu langsam gewesen.

Hummingbird hawk-moth

The photos are far from perfect, I know. I shot them on our balcony after one of these interesting butterflies had once again flown here after quite a while.

Die Fotos sind bei Weitem nicht perfekt, ich weiß. Ich habe sie auf unserem Balkon geschossen, nachdem sich einer dieser interessanten Falter wieder einmal hierher verirrt hatte.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 100 • f/5.6 • 1/640 sec • @105 mm

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Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 100 • f/5.6 • 1/400 sec • @105 mm

Of the more than one hundred photos I took within 2-3 minutes, about 10 photos became reasonably sharp, and those are the best 4 of them.

Von den über einhundert Fotos, die ich innerhalb von 2-3 Minuten geschossen habe, sind etwa 10 Fotos einigermaßen scharf geworden, und das sind die besten 4 davon.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 100 • f/5.6 • 1/800 sec • @105 mm

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 100 • f/5.6 • 1/640 sec • @105 mm


Location / Standort: Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Hummingbird hawk-moth Taubenschwänzchen

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so you do not miss a post from me anymore.

Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening and a great weekend,
Johann Piber

Photos and Text: Johann Piber
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Thank you so much for resteeming my little Hummingbird hawk-moth, dear @pixresteemer, I really appreciate your service 😊

Tolle Fotos. Ich habs letztes mal nicht geschafft. Die bewegen sich echt so schnell. Beindruckende Bilder, wie immer.

Danke dir vielmals 😊
Da heißt es nur Übung, Übung, Übung, oder viel Glück, so wie bei mir 😉 lol

Beautiful photo:)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much @tanja72 😊 but believe me, it was more luck than anything else 😉

Your photos are awesome! I have attempted photos of them before and know how hard they are to capture! These are really crisp and distinct!

Thank you so much Melinda, I have also tried to photograph one of them many times - see my other comments ...

I have thought of adding the FeatheredFriday tag, but it is not a real bird ;)

Slowly I am getting better with the macro lens. Next time I will try to compose the photos better, and not with the balcony in the background - less photos, but better 😉


Posted using Partiko Android

I know such photos too 😉

Richtig toll geworden. Kann mir gut vorstellen wie schwer es war scharfe Bilder hinzubekommen. Finde sie sind Dir gut gelungen. Sehr interessanter Falter hab ich noch nie gesehen bis jetzt.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hallo und dankeschön 😊
Gibt es die bei euch nicht? Hier bei uns im schönen Süden von Österreich sind sie zwar auch nicht so oft zu sehen, aber alle paar Tage schaut angeblich schon mal einer vorbei ... und dieses Mal waren meine Kamera und ich auch da ;)

Kann ich nicht genau sagen ob es die bei uns gibt. Gesehen hab ich zumindest noch nie so einen Falter. Bin aber auch noch nicht so wirklich auf der jagt gewesen nach solch Tierchen.

Es sollte sie eigentlich in ganz Europa geben. Bei uns kommen sie meistens Nachmittags zu den Balkonblumen. Als ich noch klein war, dachte ich immer, das wären richtige Kolibris ;)

They are so awesome!! I managed to catch it once only. They are just so fast and I think the prefer to feed in the afternoon hours rather than daytime (or it was just my case...). They really fly like hummingbird :)

For years I wanted to photograph one of them, but either I haven't had a camera with me or it was too dark or ... and they are fast, as you say. This time one was at the flowers of our balcony, there was enough light and my camera was in the next room with the macro lens on. The butterfly then moved so slow from flower to flower, that I could take quite many photos, but after 2 minutes he was gone ;)

Thanks for your nice comment and thank you very much for resteeming, @ewkaw 😊

I love hawk / sphinx / hummingbird moths! So cool :) Really neat to see them captured in pollinating action. I just took some pictures of one on my screen window recently here

Wow, your Sphinx Moth looks really cool and beautiful - the photos are great.
Thanks for your nice commenting @carlgnash :)

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@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

Wow, thank you so much @c-squared, I really appreciate it very much :)
You have my vote already :)

Greetings to you, my Dear friend @Johannpiber!
For me, in childhood, it was a great disappointment, to know that it was not a hummingbird, but a moth-hawk.
I have not seen these moths for a long time. Your photos corrected this moment. Great shots! The hawk moths, very careful, it is difficult to get close to them.
Good night to you my friend!

Good evening, my friend @barski ,

I have also thought, that they were real hummingbirds, when I was young :)
They are somehow seldom here too, but at least every few days one or two visit our balcony flowers.

I thank you very much for your nice comment and wish you also a good night, my friend 😊

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