On International Dog Day - Be More Dog

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Over the years I have given my heart to many dogs. Every ounce of love and attention I lavished upon each of them came back to me tenfold, for there is no creature upon the earth who can love as freely, as devotedly, as faithfully as a dog. Dogs are, quite simply, love made flesh.

Each of the dogs I have lived with full time died in my arms; the last two (both elderly rescue dogs) passing peacefully and naturally in their own good time. Each of them owned my heart, and then shattered it to the four winds by having to leave. But each of these wonderful beings lives on in my soul. I am 'more dog' because of our love for each other. And I would not have it any other way.

I do not celebrate ANY 'organised' days, but a day dedicated to honour the most noble spirit of the dog? How can I resist...? I am proud to share these images of my canine companions with you, today or any day:




(Original photo by John D Moulton, tweaked by Jay Taylor)

All photography © Jay Taylor. Please do not reproduce or use in any way without my express permission.


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Great Pics - Keep on Steeming!

Thank you, robinhoodwhale - I really appreciate that :o) And I will! Steem on!! :o)

I like this!

This will make it a lot easier to find related posts.

I actually made a post about it; no links to related posts on the pages, and this kind of solves that ... I like it!

And it's good for SEO!

Steemit took of like a rocket in Google

and those extra link-backs will make it even better!

Adorable, I wish I had a better camera and photographer, lol!

Madhatting, I am SO glad that I have really lovely shots of my faithful friends - it is well worth the investment to get a really good camera, even purely to that end ;o) By the look of it, your buddies are super cute and very photogenic! My 'top tips' for the shot above would be 1) get down nearer the ground, so you're at their level and can really see the interaction and find good angles ; and 2) put the camera in shutter speed mode (or sports mode, if that's what you have) and select for a fast shutter speed to freeze the action without blurring. Thanks for the upvote and comment! Jay x

Thanks, an actual camera, instead of phone, would be a lot of help! lol

I had 15 Dalmatians when I was a child. I vote for "Be More Dog". J.

15??!! Wow - that's a LOT of spots!! (and love xD) Thanks for the upvote! x

anyone who loves dogs and treats them like one of the family gets my vote..i have 2 rescue dogs who rule the roost, according to hubby!!! - beautiful dogs

Oh, what sweet babies! Dogs are such lovely companions - mine are almost always within arm's reach (four full-time, one every other week). I miss my old boy, Woody so much it hurts, even a year and a half after he died. Knew I liked you - fellow dog lover!

I feel you, steemitpatina :o) xx

Thanks, iggy - I will do that :o)

I just read your post, iggy - I am in tears :'(

Don't be , i have loved them as my friends . I miss them but ..... I wanted to take other dog now but my wife can't handle that. She told me that no dog can replace them now .

It was the way your beautiful boy was taken from you, iggy. It hurt to read that :'( And with regards to being open to a new canine friend, I'm in the same position as you - after losing Milo in April my OH is still not ready to adopt another dog, although I'd love to do so. But it will happen if the time is 'right', for both you and I, I guess...I am OK with the tears - I feel the pain, the tears fall, the tears stop, and I have expressed the grief. "Better out than in", as they say :o) x

Beautifully said, I couldn't agree more. My dog is also a rescue, and I think the saying "who rescued who?" applies to our relationship well. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing!

Exactly that, birdie - I feel the same way :o) And thank you! x

Oh, very, very VERY cute :o)

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