Hello my name is Rex ,i am a dog and i got message for my friend ....

in #introduction8 years ago

Hello my friend 

I know that you miss me so much but don't worry , i'm in a nice place that you humans call heaven .

Hi all , this is me 

You know how we used to hang out all over the place , i have seen rivers , i have seen the mountains , i have seen the sea , i have seen green fields filled with million sounds and smells .

I have lived such nice life i wish that i could live it twice. I miss you too my friend .

From the day you rescued me i have known that my life is going to be a wonder . You did an a amazing job with me , i have been vicious dog , i know i know , but in a few days with you you showed me what i really am . So i did me best to keep my new family safe from harm . You know that time when i chased postman over fence , hahaha i't still brings smile on my face . 

You have done your best with me and i still hear you words in my head " Rex , i'm not your owner i'm your friend for life" . Other dogs did not have that believe me , i talk with them all time . 

Happiest day in my life was day when you introduced me to the love of my life . Oh man she was beauty , i could not take my eyes of her .You told me " Hey Rex this is Luxa i think that you two are ment to each other" . I was so happy i have jumped all over place , you remember that hahaha , it was so funny . Big dog like me makes a full of him self .

Check her out , a beauty

In time two of us made a story for us , we shared love and care . I showed her everything that you showed me , she was a happy dog . I know that all dogs from neighborhood looked at her but she looked at me with love . Nobody can't replace you Rex , she told me . Hahah , man i was a magnet for females .

Me and Luxa 

We had have such a good time with you two i still tell stories around here and everybody listen to that . My best friend here is Lotto , he lost his life fighting with other dog in arena . His life was so bad . I tellin him the stories of my life all the time just to bring anger out of him . 

I wish to all dogs life like mine was .

My friend don't worry , please don't have sorrow in your hearth , me and Luxa are doin fine up here . 

I see you when you get here , Luxa says hi to you guys .

Now a word or two from me : 

Rex was a German Shepherd dog , i rescued him from a really bad owner , he used to beat him , fed him once or twice a week , Rex was at 25-30 kilos when i got him . I quickly bring him back to normal wight of 55-60 kilos . I really miss this dog , he was with my family for over 5 years . On one tragic day a really dumb police officer was walking down the street and near my fence he started to poke Rex. In one moment Rex was over fence and he started to bark on this asshole . Police officer draw his gun and shot and killed my dog with 5 shots. I have cried like a child for few days , this dog was my family for years . I't was like someone kills your brother .

Luxa had died one year after him , i think that she died in grief for him . I could not explain that even today .

Thank you for reading this story . We all need to take care about all living things . They are here for a reason .


iggy, you made me cry...I am SO sad that you lost your beautiful, faithful friend in such a violent and senseless manner. But he is with you inside, and so is Luxa, who I am sure did die of grief - dogs are so devoted to each other, especially a bonded male and female... But I am so happy that they had a chance to experience a wonderful life together with you. You are obviously a fine human being, and now you are at least two parts dog as well :o) <3

Exactly , thanks for reading this

Thank You for this, Wonderful Story of your Friends ( Dogs)

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