** Paging @Sykochica ** ... Here's some pictures of your cat!?

in #photography6 years ago

Greetings Steemit,

Well friends, I'm short on time & creative motivation today - mostly due to a raging stomach mutiny which has been a formidable opponent the last few days. In this model: I decided to fire off a short post - featuring @Sykochica 's adorable feline companion, eloquently referred to as "Gizmo" in professional settings. (or 'Mr. Mo', or 'Gizzumnz', or 'Cheesecake'... honestly, its just whichever honorific he prefers in that moment).

This post was prompted via my cleaning up space on my computer, and stumbling upon a folder of old cell phone pics. It happens to be that @Sykochica , Gizmo, and I were roommates for a time in the past, and it was then that I discovered Gizmo to be an upstanding and photogenic roommate most of the time.

As it stands: I have lots of photos of my floofy homie via our time spent together, and opposed to deleting the pics in exchange for the much needed hdd space, I've decided 'Why not put them on the blockchain instead, and publicly annoy a real life friend on Steemit in the process!'

And so... here we are.

As seen on Steemit.com - here is: Mr Gizmo the Cat. ( a Division of @Sykochica Corp, LLC)

And a bonus animated gif, that wouldn't upload:

I call this one "Rawr": https://imgur.com/q1a6FOK

Cheers Steemit!


-Who is: GiftedGaia?

-Who is: GiftedGaia 1 Year Later?

-My DJ Mixes Archive

-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)

-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music

-Photogenic Adventures Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5


That is one handsome looking cat!

Some Siamese cats appear cross-eyed because the nerves from the left side of the brain go to mostly the right eye and the nerves from the right side of the brain go mostly to the left eye. This causes some double vision, which the cat tries to correct by “crossing” its eyes.

I never knew I needed a 'catfacts' steemit account in my life until this moment.

Cats spend nearly 1/3 of their waking hours cleaning themselves.

@giftedgaia, the stomach mutiny is happening in my house too.

I wanted to ask if you would be interested in attending a Steemit meetup in SGF, MO this spring or summer.

I am trying to get an event up and running.

Awww Yisssss... lets do this!

Hey I know that cute little guy! Awwwww! :D
That second one with his face smooshed into the box was gold! :D

Ah yes, the good ol' sleeping box, which holds far more use than the file cabinet within.

Mmmm That is one tasty looking cat :)

Monkeys eat Cats now? What will the Birds say?

So nice i have great love for cats....part of my logo

I always resteem kitties. I'm cat-centric! Lol

I love the picture in which it exposes his belly.
it shows trust.

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