New Tutorial Blog – Photography 101 - Basic Photography For Beginners

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I have now been on Steemit for a little over three months, and the time has come for me to take stock of what I have and have not achieved!

I suppose I have done OK. I have 560 followers at the time of writing and have a rating of 51. Could I have done better? Of Course! Could I have done worse? Of course! So, why the self-evaluation at this point?

Looking critically at my own posts, I have realized something extraordinary. I have posted a wealth of photography (all my own work), using it to support posts about travel, food, gardening, pets - in fact about anything and everything except the subject matter that I am truly an expert in (as much as anyone can become an expert in anything!) I have been participating in challenges and even competitions, but I am missing the mark entirely!

I am one of maybe a handful of professional photographers on Steemit; I may even have been in the business longer than most on here and I bet that at 70 years young that I am the oldest! I should be sharing the wealth of knowledge I have about photography – the aesthetic aspects, the technical aspects, and last but not least the commercial aspects!

I believe that on Steemit there are already some very good and detailed posts that include lots of technical information for those already familiar with and using DSLR (Digital Single-Lens Reflex) cameras. (Those are the digital cameras with the interchangeable lenses that professionals use.) My intent is not to create a set of tutorials for the advanced photographer, but rather to help those who may not own a DSLR and may do most of their shooting with a cell phone or point and shoot camera. There will be some posts about using DSLRs at a later date, but for now my aim is not to get anyone bogged down in technical details. You will soon learn that the camera is just a tool, but that sometimes you need to change the tool to meet some requirements you may have. It's not about the camera you own, but you do need to know its limitations.

As Henri Cartier-Bresson, one of the greatest street photographers of all times once said:
Henri Cartier Bresson Quote.jpg
So, let's think of what I am offering to you here as Photography 101 then – and an opportunity to use your eye, heart and head! I will give assignments and offer honest evaluation for those who use the tag #photography101. Those who post their work should expect to receive honest critiques of their work by their peers and professionals alike. When you use the tag #photography101, you are asking for critique, not niceties like “good photo” or “excellent work” etc. You are asking for feedback about your work, so that you can grow and improve as a photographer! Please don't use the tag, unless you agree to having your work critiqued.
Image © Diane Macdonald. All Rights Reserved.

So, here are the rules for each weekly assignment (or challenge if you prefer to call it that):

  1. You must include the tag #photography101
  2. In the post heading, you must include photography101 and the assignment number (e.g. Photography101- Assignment 1)
  3. You must be open to receiving honest constructive critique on your photograph.
  4. Give honest constructive critique about the photographs, not just a “nice photo” or “well done.” Tell the photographer what worked for you and what didn't.
  5. BE NICE when critiquing the work of others. Every photograph always has something good in it, so build on that observation.
  6. I can't tell you how to Upvote, but in this case I suggest Upvoting and Resteeming the photographs which fulfill the week's assignment.
  7. All work must be your own! No exceptions! Plagiarized work will be reported!
  8. This is not a RULE, but simply a REQUEST that you Resteem this post so that others can know about it!

Please feel free to ask me any questions that are photography related. I don't pretend that I know everything, as learning is a lifetime experience. I am still learning, but I have had extensive education and years of experience in a business that is also my passion!

Lesson 1 can be found here

Happy Photographing and Happy Steeming! Let's have fun with this!

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it.

To find my photography and designs on Steemit, please search on #dianemacphoto and to check out my art prints and stock images, please visit my website.


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Thanks again @pixresteemer! You are awesome whoever you are! :-) Any chance of a Resteem to get this really going, please?

What do you mean? This one is resteemed...??? Or am I missing something :-)

My misunderstanding, sorry! Maybe it has to do with the time difference when you Resteem and I look. I just didn't see it. Forgive me? :-( I see it now. Thanks again! :-)

No problem... just thought I missed something :-)
I also resteemed lesson 1 ;-)

I saw that too. Gestures like this keep me going on Steemit. There are times I feel like quitting, but support like yours makes it all worthwhile! 😊

@mrainp420 has voted on behalf of @minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond. To be Resteemed to 4k+ followers and upvoted heavier send 0.25SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo

This is a great quote! I love it because I think alike. I am not a professional photographer but I love get found by the motive.
I am thinking about joining every now and then ...

I hope you will join in. it should be both educational and fun for everyone! It is a good quote. :-)

What a great initiative, Diane! I'm in! And with gratitude! Cheers my friend :)

Great Isabel! I hope you will both contribute photography and give constructive critique on other works. We each have different reasons to say whether an image works for us or not. The aim is to help each other grow and to use the critiques only as a guide. Remember, all rules are made to be broken when you know what they are to begin with and use that knowledge to your advantage!

Yes, indeed, my dear Diane! I will give my best to help (and be helped!) photography lovers here on Steemit! We are always learning, and we should always seek to be better! Looking forward to participating and interacting in the challenge. It will be a theme, right? Will be checking out your blog often! Cheers!

Yes! And this week's theme is simply - IMPACT. So it leaves the category wide open. You just put #photography101 in the tags of an image you believe has impact!

Yes, will do that! Soon! Thanks, my dear!

Great photography post, just as in lesson 1, resteemed!

Thanks @steemulator! I appreciate the Resteem!

What an idea...! Resteemed!!

I appreciate that! I hope it will be both educational and fun!

Great initiative!
Lots of users will hopefully benefit from your experience

I sure hope so @daveks! I want to make it fun too, so when I figure out how it's done,I would like to make the weekly assignment a contest to make it more meaningful.

Good idea!

My feeling is that people respond more to contests - even for the fun of it, than to mere challenges. Am I right, so you think?

That would be true as far as I know!

Great my dear friend

You are welcome @saqib. I hope you can participate!

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