Guest post by @ailindigo: Places I've lived in - Naguanagua

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

On April 2015 I moved for the sixth time to another different place that was relatively close to the third place but this time we were with another friend of my mom and her daughter, a pretty old friend that even took care of me when I was a baby and later I would play a lot with her daughter that was 1 year older than me. This zone of the city is called Naguanagua but this especific part was the center of Naguanagua and I lived there till 2017.

Window glimpses sunday

What I liked the most about this place was that I had this cool window right nexr to the bed, the room wasn't little and the college bus left me in front of the building. The move to this place was almost an event for this new landlady and her daughter since they both are the most messy people I've even known, this room was all filled with all kind of things and it was a whole disaster xD so the move lasted a few days because we were helping them to organize and clean everything. At the beginning I was a little bit sad because there was no internet because of a problem with some wires I think, thank god it got fixed not so many months later.

Golden clouds

I remember I was so grateful for just having this window that was looking west, so I could enjoy the everyday sunsets! I was on the sixth floor of a building of twenty floors so I had pretty nice views. I remember I passed through hard times because of the lack of money, my mom didn't get a proper job and there was a moment in which I didn't have money to go the university, I felt pretty sad and stressed indeed. I couldn't work because I had a schoolarship that payed the university partially in exchange for working in the mornings by organizing papers, getting coffee for the bosses, and that kind of stuff, then I received my classes in the afternoon, my career was only taught during the afternoons, so I had to work from 8 am till 12 pm and then the classes from 1 pm till 5 pm, I used to spend the whole day at the university. Later, when my bosses knew that I almost didn't go to work because I didn't have money to play the bus, they gave me the full schoolarship by which the university paid the whole cost and I just had to work, thank god.

Over the mountain

Then on July 2016 my mom got a job in another part of the country, so she had to leave, I started living alone again which was great since I missed living alone a lot, so she sent me money to buy food and stuff and I was happy, till things started getting hard again due to the economical situation of the country. Thank goodness I received help of some good friends I did at the university and lived near my place, they gave food and some other supplies, something that I hope to thank somehow and someday in the future.

I spent Christmas 2016 with my mom in the city she moved in, the best city in Venezuela, Mérida. She got that job in there thanks to my uncle that lives there, so she moved with him to his house over a mountain with a nice cold weather.

navidad 2016.png

On January 2017 my dad that was all alone becase her wife died some months ago told my mom that he wanted to be with her again after 24 years of having divorced... I don't know what are the probabilities of this happening and I don't really want to know, I didn't like the idea at all because of reasons, but it wasn't my decision, finally my mom left her job and moved to my hometown with my dad on February.

I finally finished university in March but the graduation ceremony was in October, all the effort was worth the day of the ceremony which was pretty nice and I felt pretty liberated. Right after I finished I just wanted to get a job because I didn't want to go back to my hometown and less with my parents, though the crisis and protests that started in those months I got a job as an english teacher in an english institute on May, and things were pretty nice at the beginning, then everything got pretty difficult due to the country situation, transportation got awful till the point that I started arriving work late so I had to move on November, but of course that's for another post!

Thanks for watching and reading! :)

Plaves I've lived in:

1: Valencia
2: Valles de Camoruco
3: La Campiña
4: Tarapío
5: Valencia II
6: Naguanagua


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