Guest post by @ailindigo: Places I've lived in - Tarapio

in #photography6 years ago

So I moved one more time to another place, not so far away. I asked my mom why we left the old lady's house and she reminded me that it getting full of people, many relatives of this old lady and becaue of that we couldn't cook nor use the wash machine, so things were getting complicated and we had to leave on December 2012 to another part of the city, to the place of a lady (not that old) that lived alone in her house.


Sadly I don't have many pictures from that place, I didn't like it so much and we didn't have a nice time in there. We moved on December, left the things there and then went to my hometown for Christmas. We came back in January 2013 and it was all cool at the beginning but then the problems started.

This woman lived alone in a place that was kind of an appartment, it was little and my mom and I shared a room with two beds; we had our own bathroom and the kitchen was very clean and organized. We even had water for free (in this city you have to buy drinking water), mountain spring water due to the location of this place, Tarapío is a zone that is located at the foot of a mountain, the bad thing about this location was just that it was kind of dangerous, you wouldn't want to be walking in the street at night.

Hi there..

The first thing that happened was that there was something wrong with the bathroom heater, it was the kind of heater that was installed over the shower, so there were something wrong with the wires because when we were taking a shower and we touched the shower knob we received some little electricity shocks, so it was dangerous but it didn't always occur, and because of that this woman didn't believe us at first, then she tried once and got the shock hahah she said she was gonna have it fixed soon but it never happened.

The mouse

Now the huge event was the mouse, one night my mom and I were about to sleep when a mouse appeared suddenly out of nothing in our room, we just freaked out and grabbed a broom in order to beat him when he showed himself from wherever he was hidden inside the room. We spent that night just waiting for him to appear but we didn't see him and didn't sleep either. We told the woman about it and she said she was going to buy poison or something but never did, in fact when the mouse appeared some other times just walking around the house she didn't seem to mind about it.

Then she started to behave like she was kind of angry with us or just annoyed with our presence, maybe because my mom was telling her to fix the bathroom heater and do something regarding the mouse situation. I remember those nights were unconfortable and we even put something under the door in order to not let the mouse get inside our room again. We started to have troubles with this woman due to this situation, she wasn't acting responsible as a landlady, so we had to leave again since the atmosphere in the place was really unconfortable.

My Nirvana shirt

We lived there like two months and that's why I don't have many pics from it, then we went back to the first place, but that's for the next post!

Thanks for watching and reading! Tell me what do you think? :D

Plaves I've lived in:

1: Valencia
2: Valles de Camoruco
3: La Campiña
4: Tarapío



Hola! He conocido personas que viven en España, dicen que prefieren vivir alquilando pisos y no tener el suyo propio! Qué opinas al respecto?

Hola :) Bueno, yo nunca he vivido en España, vivo en Venezuela, y supongo que el hecho de preferir vivir alquilando en vez de tener uno propio se ve influenciado por la economía de ese país, no sabría decirte con exactitud. Claro que al tener un lugar propio ya no tienes que seguir pagando y te ahorras ese dinero pero quizas comprar una vivienda allá sea muy costoso y dificil. No lo sé :)

Hello @bulleth, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you :D

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