Word 'Magic': The Art of Manipulation and Mind Control

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

The word "magic" was previously identified with meaningful speech, the art of mouth and art of communication, and how knowledge of language, symbolism and word symbols as "magical" influence on consciousness, can be used for positive or negative goals, symbolically personified as a "magician" or "sorcerer". Then I covered the word abracadabra, and how it means to "create as you say", to live up to your word and live as a unified consciousness being, leading to living in moral truth and speaking truth.

This post will pick up from there and deal more with word symbol magic, the magic of words and their potential to change, influence, affect and create into existence.

Logos - The Word

I mentioned previously, how Heka was externalized, personified, anthropomorphized, reified and deified as a "god" to represent the active generative power of speech and words to create into existence, symbolized as a metaphor, allegory and analogy to have created all of the universe, reality or existence, as well as all the other "gods".

If you're familiar with the Biblical symbolism, metaphor, allegory and analogy used to describe a conception of the creation of the universe, you will recognize the similarity and origin of the Biblical "god" and the speech, word or thought of "god" to create everything:

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
- Gen 1:3


In the mythopoetic story of creation, the character "God" spoke, using speech from thought, to speak the universe into creation. The symbolism is about word symbols, speech and language, be symbolized as the act of "God" who spoke to create the universe through word-magic.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
- Joh 1:1

"God" is a symbol for the creative potential of word symbols, symbolism and language, just as Heka was in Kemet, to potentially "create", to alter, affect and change things from the influence of words and their affect on people's behavior.

Ancient Egypt (Kemet) is the source of many creation mythologies and symbolism, as well as many modern languages like English and other Latin alphabets.

In Latin, "let there be light" is "fiat lux". The word fiat means "let it be done, become, come into existence." Fiat currency is created and given a value because someone says it has value, and we agree. We create things that were not here, and then they are here, because we invent them in the phantasm of our imagination factory, powered by an abstraction engine, the abstractive power of consciousnesses. Then we act upon our thoughts to manifest it into reality by our actions and behavior.

This is what word symbol magic can do (The Word), the science of imagery to induce images in your consciousness, that can affect and induce emotional states and influence your axiomatic motivations to act/behave in certain ways. Experience and altered states of consciousness can be induced, invoked, and summoned into you, and this will create changes, alter, and affect how you think, how you feel, and how you act. Consciousness is powerful. An experience does not automatically describe objective reality. Subjectivity is a powerful factor in self-deceiving and self-deluding ourselves that others can take advantage of to deceive and delude us as well.

Experience Induction and Invocation Magic


Charisma and charm can "magically" charm and put a spell on people, emotionally and cognitively. Chanting (speech tone and repetition) can entertain, amuse, amaze, mesmerize and hypnotize you to induce a state of experience in consciousness. A con-man, a "sorcerer", can make you experience something that "feels-right" through a convincing false reality, where you judge your experience to be real, "feeling-right", even though it is false. Deceptions can "feel-good" and "right" but be wrong and false.

As I previously said: "This is what politicians do with their sophistry and rhetoric to lie and manipulate people's consciousness into certain behaviors. The entertainment industry, television, media, "gurus", politicians, priests, and more, can all amaze, mesmerize, hypnotize, induce, summon and invoke images, beliefs and altered states of consciousness to entrain us into specific modalities of living."

Derren Brown demonstrates the ability to use word symbol magic and touch to induce, invoke, inculcate and summon so-called "spiritual" experiences and altered states of consciousness into people in "Messiah" (shorter video here).

Derren Brown - Messiah

Religious figures can also do this in what is known as religious delusion, mass hypnosis and hysteria, manipulating consciousness by inducing a state of psychosis, where people shake around and go nuts, laugh, or yell.

Watch as Pastor Uses Invisible Power to Knock Down Church Members

Experience is Not the Creator of Existence

The more you understand how consciousness functions, the more you can influence and manipulate the consciousness of others, and your own. Drugs, psychedelics, and other internally subjectively induced states of consciousness, such as meditation, provide an altered state of experience as well that many take to be objectively "real", and even more "real" than reality itself. Many take their subjective inner experience that is detached from objective reality, and place it above objective reality as a new "reality" that supersedes it and has priority in their worldview.

Experience is not de facto existence/reality. Experiences rise and fall without the need for any substantial changes in the external reality itself, without any existing real being coming into existence/reality or going out of existence/reality. Experiences happen, but many are only internally subjective, induced by internal consciousness emotional states and bio-electro-chemical states. The inner "world" and "multiverse" "reality" of subjective experience does not determine what does exist or does not exist in the objective world, universe and reality.

Some people believe subjective experience is more "real", non-illusory, than external objective reality, which is an egocentric self-deluded worldview and selfview, as if matter and objective reality is simply an "illusion". It's egpcentric because they think they have power to create existence itself, as if existence wasn't already there before they existed, as if they are so special as to be the "god" of the universe. Solipsistic views like these, that focus on the self, ego, "I", are self-centered, egoistic and neglect objectivity in favor of subjectivity, which lead many to the belief that there is no truth, that truth can't be known, or that truth can't be communicated.

The internal "existence" of experience is not the same, nor more real, than external reality/existence. Original Buddhist doctrines that talked about existence and experience relating to "illusion", were talking about the inner reality/existence of experience, not outer reality, and most people do not understand this, and apply an ancestor fallacy to give more salience, value, weight and importance to some falsely constructed belief because it is "ancient" or "esoterically" mysterious. Wonder, mystery and amazement are factors of influencing consciousness to accept something to be "real" and "true".

Subjectively knowing, from the imaginal realm of consciousness, such as dreams, and other self-induced experiences that do not reflect reality, are creations from within ourselves. I know I dreamed of a unicorn, but that is not a real knowing of objective existence, it's a knowing of subjective imagination in the "multiverse" of my inner "world" where I can create any number of alternate "realities" (unrealities).

Dreams are not reality, and so too are other internal-only derivations and creations not representative of reality. Reality is what represents reality. Imagined knowledge from the "unreality" of our "multiverse" imaginations, can be confirmed in the reality of objective existence and become real knowledge. We can imagine creating a fork in our subjective mind's eye, then create it into objective reality.

The aggregations of the diversity, multiplicity and variability in existence, the categories of being, the groupings, are how we make sense of what we experience. Objective reality, "what is" in existence, doesn't arise and fall simply because we experience them. They are already there, and they influence us to be affected and experience them. The experience of those things is what rises and falls, not the things themselves. Consciousness does not causally create objective existence itself. Actions manifested from consciousness though, can create new things into preexistence.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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@krnel - A fascinating post to say the least.
The connection between reality, existence, the body, and language via the spoken word is mysterious. Not to mention that evidence demonstrates that thoughts are replicated in the speech organs as micro vocalizations of thought. I was so fascinated by this years ago that I ended up getting a degree in Linguistics (should have stuck to engineering haha).

Would love to write a better comment, but 12 midnight where I am.

Thanks for the Derren Brown video, and thank you for the insightful post.

thoughts are replicated in the speech organs as micro vocalizations of thought

Can you elaborate?

You're welcome, thanks for the feedback ;)

Hello @kernel - The quote below is from a post I wrote a couple of months ago -

"...We can thank our neo-cortex and our unique physiology for this (design of tongue, mouth, jaw, voice box, vocal chords etc.). Our human brains allow for a level of consciousness and self-awareness that generates thoughts. And out physiology allows these thoughts to be expressed into the world.

The Ability to Speak is Hard-Wired into Humans.

The Theory of Universal Grammar (championed largely by linguist Noam Chomsky) states, in simplified form, that a universal ability to develop language is structured into the human brain. Of course what specific language you do learn is based on your location and culture etc. You can read about Universal Grammar Here

You Cannot Separate Thought From Speech

There is also evidence that the thoughts we have are simultaneously expressed physically through small sub-vocalizations. This shows the direct connection between a conscious brain activity (thought), and bodily movement (subvocalization). What this implies is that every time we think something, we are 'speaking' it subvocally.

So the connection between thought and speech is fundamental. To read more about subvocalization click Here "

-End Quote -

The context of the above was a general post defending free speech as a fundamntal human right.

For an interesting discussion on language and consciousness, including a discusson about how linguistic capacities structure thinking, see Here

Hope this was helpful, cheers!


What an excellent post!
As you wrote

As I previously said: "This is what politicians do with their sophistry and rhetoric to lie and manipulate people's consciousness into certain behaviors. The entertainment industry, television, media, "gurus", politicians, priests, and more, can all amaze, mesmerize, hypnotize, induce, summon and invoke images, beliefs and altered states of consciousness to entrain us into specific modalities of living."

This is the real magic of the way words are used. I think we cannot think anything without uttering words in our own mind (of course we don't realize it always). Whatever we think comes from the words which we had learnt. This fact can be used for manipulating and exploiting other persons. Successful people like politicians, gurus, religious leaders etc are well aware of this fact and so they plays with words which ultimately attracts people towards them and brings success for them.

Well said. Thanks for the feedback ;)

You're welcome!

I remember watching a programme once about the nature of our reality and im no scientist here but it kinda concluded that our reality is like a hologram. There were also a bunch of scientific tests where they were doing stuff with atoms and they basically behaved differently when they were being 'watched' I found this all very fascinating. Like what would reality even look like at an atomic level, quite tippy I'd imagine! Did u really dream of a unicorn or Was that just an example either way, I would love one to visit me in my dreams very beautiful and symbolic.

Just an example lol

The double-slit experiment is what you are referring to, and the observation is performed by technology that detects. I looked into this deeply years ago but I'm not too fresh on it. The collapse of the probability into a singular particle path is most likely the result of interaction with larger scale material constructs.

Some people believe subjective experience is more "real", non-illusory, than external objective reality, which is an egocentric self-deluded worldview and selfview, as if matter and objective reality is simply an "illusion".

This is the foundational premise of postmodern academia in the liberal arts and sciences. I think it goes back to Nietzsche's "On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense" and a bastardization of Derrida's deconstruction.

A number of the functions you are delineating above are perlocutionary in terms of Speech Act Theory. Admittedly the rather remarkable consequences of some speech acts is surprising in the extreme, I found myself wondering how much of that could be tied to something akin to a placebo effect. Great food for thought!

yeah, people actually defend "there is no objectivity" or "objectivity doesn't exist". I recently had someone do that on my post about "(Philosophical Foundations: Axioms of Truth, Existence and Consciousness)[https://steemit.com/philosophy/@krnel/philosophical-foundations-axioms-of-truth-existence-and-consciousness]"

Derren Brown never tells us how he pulled off all of those tricks. All he tells us is that he doesn't have any psychic ability but he is going to convince various people of various belief systems of his ability using some kind of tricks. All he says is that the tricks are written in books but he doesn't tell us which books. Unless he tells us how he did it, we are going to have to believe that he has supernatural abilities.

If he doesn't have "supernatural" abilities, it is clear that he is a very gifted person anyway.

He is gifted, he understands the mind very well and how to manipulate others, to "read" them and feed them what they want to hear for him to get what he wants ;) NLP teaches how to manipulate ppl as well.

The more you understand how consciousness works, the more you can influence and manipulate the consciousness of others and your own. Drugs, psychedelics and other internally induced states of consciousness, such as meditation, also provide a state of altered experience that many consider objectively "real" and even more "real" than reality itself. Many take their subjective inner experience that is separate from objective reality and place it above objective reality as a new "reality" that replaces it and has priority in their worldview.

So with the knowledge of how our consciousness works, we already have the power? How many things could we change in our favor with this practice? this is an interesting point but I don't think it's easy to get this deep knowledge, I imagine that all consciousnesses work differently, is that where the interpretation of how it works is complicated or do you think it's a specific pattern? Happy afternoon, excuse my English, use translator

The power is in indirect or direct influence through verbal expressions or physical action. Not sure if you were referring to other powers... but I only explain the demonstrable influence of the power of consciousness through words 'magic'.

its funny, while I was reading that I was thinking about Derren Brown and NLP before your brought him up! That guy is awesome.

yeah, he is skilled in the knowledge of psyche ;)

my favorite was him going to the race track and having the teller pay out on losing tickets.

The "multinational" of my inner "world", where I can create an alternative "reality" (unrealistic)
(I love this thing)
I love reading this post very well

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