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RE: Word 'Magic': The Art of Manipulation and Mind Control

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

@krnel - A fascinating post to say the least.
The connection between reality, existence, the body, and language via the spoken word is mysterious. Not to mention that evidence demonstrates that thoughts are replicated in the speech organs as micro vocalizations of thought. I was so fascinated by this years ago that I ended up getting a degree in Linguistics (should have stuck to engineering haha).

Would love to write a better comment, but 12 midnight where I am.

Thanks for the Derren Brown video, and thank you for the insightful post.


thoughts are replicated in the speech organs as micro vocalizations of thought

Can you elaborate?

You're welcome, thanks for the feedback ;)

Hello @kernel - The quote below is from a post I wrote a couple of months ago -

"...We can thank our neo-cortex and our unique physiology for this (design of tongue, mouth, jaw, voice box, vocal chords etc.). Our human brains allow for a level of consciousness and self-awareness that generates thoughts. And out physiology allows these thoughts to be expressed into the world.

The Ability to Speak is Hard-Wired into Humans.

The Theory of Universal Grammar (championed largely by linguist Noam Chomsky) states, in simplified form, that a universal ability to develop language is structured into the human brain. Of course what specific language you do learn is based on your location and culture etc. You can read about Universal Grammar Here

You Cannot Separate Thought From Speech

There is also evidence that the thoughts we have are simultaneously expressed physically through small sub-vocalizations. This shows the direct connection between a conscious brain activity (thought), and bodily movement (subvocalization). What this implies is that every time we think something, we are 'speaking' it subvocally.

So the connection between thought and speech is fundamental. To read more about subvocalization click Here "

-End Quote -

The context of the above was a general post defending free speech as a fundamntal human right.

For an interesting discussion on language and consciousness, including a discusson about how linguistic capacities structure thinking, see Here

Hope this was helpful, cheers!

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