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RE: Word 'Magic': The Art of Manipulation and Mind Control

in #philosophy6 years ago

I remember watching a programme once about the nature of our reality and im no scientist here but it kinda concluded that our reality is like a hologram. There were also a bunch of scientific tests where they were doing stuff with atoms and they basically behaved differently when they were being 'watched' I found this all very fascinating. Like what would reality even look like at an atomic level, quite tippy I'd imagine! Did u really dream of a unicorn or Was that just an example either way, I would love one to visit me in my dreams very beautiful and symbolic.


Just an example lol

The double-slit experiment is what you are referring to, and the observation is performed by technology that detects. I looked into this deeply years ago but I'm not too fresh on it. The collapse of the probability into a singular particle path is most likely the result of interaction with larger scale material constructs.

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