* The More Money You Have .. !! More Money You Spend, Why Do You Spend More Than You Have? *

in #philosophy6 years ago

Money is not just a means to acquire goods. Around him are born and bloom a lot of emotions. In fact, getting more money is the central point of the agenda of many people and spend right and left is the ideal that stays after more than one.

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Although it is sad to admit, consumption helps some people to cover up or compensate several of their needs and emotional needs in these times. Everything works in a subtle way. What is not subtle are the accounts at the end of the month in which it is clear that he fell into the trap of spending more than he has.

"My mother started buying on credit. My father had never liked that. "Credit," he always said, "is the first step towards debt, it is the beginning of the return to slavery."
-Malcolm X-

The current economy wants us in debt, which is incredibly profitable for many. They induce us to spend more than we earn by "facilitating" our purchases as much as possible.

They force us to spend because they know we are carrying some discomfort. Advertising and marketing do everything possible to form the idea that what happens to us is resolved by buying, although not directly, but under hints and suggestions.

Spend to cover up difficulties

It is usual that those who get to spend more have a lack of stimuli or incentives in their lives. They go shopping to "feel better". This is because buying feeds an unconscious sense of power and control. The market is at your feet and it is you who decides what you wear and what you do not. The customer is always right. The customer is served with deference. There you have the first compensation for what frustrates you.

Then, when you already have an over-indebtedness, you can also find in it a mechanism to process your discomfort with life. Owe money and falling into the credit network also helps you cover up some unresolved grief, or some anguish that does not stop.

It is easier to manage the idea that we keep awake thinking about how to pay debts and not about what we do for an imprecise and latent reason. It is also easier to live in order to adjust the bank's accounts, than to assume a feeling of general dissatisfaction.

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Manipulation to spend

There are two psychological realities that make consumers particularly manipulable: fear and guilt. The persuasive mechanisms used by advertising are almost always referred to these two emotions. The message they give you is indirect. The usual thing is to stage a daily situation in which tranquility and well-being are associated with the consumption of a product. Of course, it remains to your free interpretation what happens when you do not consume it.

There are also other ways to manipulate. In 1977 an experiment was carried out at Cornell University (United States). A group of individuals were given a false test. One of the participants, who was in fact an infiltrated investigator, left the room and then returned with free soda for several. At the end of the alleged test, the same infiltrator asked them to buy tickets for a raffle. Those who had received the soda bought double the numbers.

Then they repeated the experiment, but this time there were no free soft drinks. Only a small number of participants bought the tickets. It was found that these gifts induce a decisive way to buy, to spend money. That's the reason why they give you so many free samples when you go to a supermarket. It is also the reason why you receive gifts from commerce for various reasons. They know that this way you will spend more money on the next purchase.

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The examples are many. There are areas specialized in studying consumer behavior. The system, in particular the financial system, needs us to be eager to buy and indebted for life. They sell us a fantasy of false control and false satisfaction and that's the first thing we buy them. That's what it is about.

Secret To Wealth: Spending Less Than You Earn

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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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I like the way you think Joel! I agree our economy is consistently running on debt, when that debt is taken away, our economy will implode! I find it really interesting how you talk about fear and guilt. The free sample thing is interesting. Recently, I got everyone a free drink at a company hour and everyone felt guilty so they ended up ordering food and drinks and spent more than they would have if I didn't get everyone a free drink! This is a stimulating read. Cheers.

The free drink, is to see the reaction of others when they are required to buy a ticket, they acted and bought more than they should in gratitude, in the case of your friends who bought food and drink, your friends felt guilty for arriving empty-handed ... and for them to feel good about themselves, they spent more than they had in their pockets.

A very accurate assessment. Yes they had to feel good about themselves so they spent more than they had in their pockets. Brilliant.

I will upvote and resteem your last blog post free to my 35,000+ followers if you reply with the word, "free". Blog posts over 7 days old can not be upvoted or resteemed. a-0-0

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