* Truths About Love *

in #philosophy6 years ago

To love is to love without condition and to give yourself to another person. It is respect, understand, accept and let you love. But behind all this theory, there are great truths about love that either go unnoticed or we take them for granted.

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Is love unlimited? Do I have to demand the same thing that I give? Is there my Prince Charming? These are questions that we have all asked ourselves on occasion. But, even so, we can continue without having them clear. We give you certain keys so that you can deduce yourself, how much truth is hidden in love.

Beware of falling into the idealization

Believing in a blue prince or a pink princess is an idyllic vision that we should forget after adolescence. No one is tailored to anyone, nor is it predetermined by another. Love at first sight does exist, but this overestimated crush depends on the circumstances. In our experience, the context in which we find ourselves and the culture to which we belong will occur or not.

We all have positive and negative qualities. Therefore, a loving relationship will also have them. There will be strong points in which we will remain more secure and others weaker that we have to strengthen. Having this in mind helps us to be aware of the type of relationship we have and of what aspects we can work on and which advance, positively.

The wealth of love is obtained by giving

The richness of loving your neighbor is that you are loving yourself at the same time. One of the great truths about love is that you can only love another person when your self-esteem allows you to love yourself. Love is a delicate gift that is in the deepest part of your being. Therefore, only through a prior acceptance of yourself, can you admire the other.

To love is to feel the welfare, pain or happiness of others as their own

If you share your happiness and delivery with others, they multiply. You will feel that you grow, you will find yourself in fullness, overflowing with love and joy. Why deny that feeling and impulse that we all carry within and need to demonstrate?

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With time it strengthens, it does not disappear

Think of love as in a tree. At the beginning, a seed is planted, which is full of strength and desire to sprout. Little by little, watering it with constancy, a small tree grows. The first year, it may still be somewhat weak, but as we pour more water, its trunk becomes more robust. If we take care of it, over the years, it becomes even stronger.

At first, the illusion for a new love is such that everything seems to go smoothly. But when a storm arrives, if the roots have not been buried well, it is possible that the tree will deteriorate and the relationship will break, without further ado.

It is durable, not momentary

Zygmunt Bauman coined the term liquid love to refer to those fragile relationships established in social society. Relationships in which each member asks without giving practically nothing in return. A way of loving selfish, banal, superficial and fruit of a prevailing consumerism. This means that when the other is no longer useful, it is discarded and a new one is sought. The kingdom of substitution.

One of the great truths about love is that it is not fleeting, or momentary, or frivolous. It is normal that there are small crises or moments of inflection, but it is a lasting state, which requires commitment and will.

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Durable, but not infinite

There is a widespread belief that the fact of being in love with another person is enough to keep you together forever. This is one of the truths about half love.

It is an indispensable condition to have deep feelings towards the other, but it is also necessary to feed him daily. The small details that your partner has keep the flame of love alive and remind you why you fell in love with him and how much you deserve to be by his side.

The easy thing is to fall in love. The hard part is staying in love.

Therefore, it is essential that each year you spend together, you get to know each other more. Thus, small gestures that for one do not suppose too much, can make the other very happy.

Who loves you well will not make you cry

Many people think that it is better for the other person to tell you the great truths, even if they hurt and make you cry. Up to a point, it may be something to be grateful that you open your eyes to reality. But, really, there is no greater deception than believing that your partner makes you cry as part of their demonstration of love.

A person who loves you does not hurt you, tells you things in a way that knows they will not hurt you and tries to understand you. His intention is not to make you cry, or to ignore your suffering but to be with you. Be your support and your shoulder.

Melanie Greenberg, coach and versed in mindfulness, says that love "is one of the most important emotions, but also the most misunderstood". It is something irrational, a capacity that is exercised and requires effort. It is not automatic and is subject to the will of oneself.

From love to hate there is only one step

It has been shown that hatred and romantic love maintain an intimate relationship. Both generate activity in the same subcortical areas of the brain: The putamen and the insula.

Although normally, hatred is considered as something tremendously negative, we must recognize that it is a passion as interesting as love. Not for that, we must stop being careful.

Hate in relationships is often related to an accumulation of small episodes of disagreement. Something like the drop that makes the glass of poison accumulated. Although it is also true that can occur abruptly after a serious offense.

As we see, the truths about love are very far from the romantic relationships offered by movies and books. It is a feeling that requires effort, care, intention and will. The most beautiful that the human being can experience, but also the most ephemeral if you do not take care of yourself or the most dangerous if you cross your limits.

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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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Yeah! you are right.
In my opinion love is that spirit which does not decrease to find any fault in our lover.
This is great spirit.Thanks for sharing nice post.

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