corrupted mind "one day money is trash"

in #philosophy6 years ago

Nobody knows how deeply he is immersed in the corruption of money. It does not matter that you do not have money, or that you say you do not have many economic aspirations, that you settle for what is fair. In the same way that there are smokers, who would play the role of corrupted in this simile, there is a passive smoker, who is corrupt even if he does not want to.

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all without exception, we are all traffickers of the poison that money supposes: they force us to do so, hence the new slavery; We are intermediaries, ants that move capital from one place to another without anything being ours. Deepening this has brought me to the point of convincing myself that cleaning up our entire society and our own body and mentality will be a task that will carry with it the dragging of many generations and a revolution that will take all that is established ahead. A society that does not think about money constantly, that does not think about dirty and disgusting money twenty-four hours a day ... will have to wait.

The poor man thinks constantly about money, and the rich one even more, the one who is just trying to have a little more to go more calm: in the end it turns out that they are all crooks who speculate with four bitches, who get into debt ... and then they can not pay ... and pay the rest of the mortals, some to a greater or lesser extent. And here I do not want to socialize the fault, no; because I do not mean the poor old woman, or the poor illiterate deceived with a preferential one (although seduced by money and scammed by her greed: basically it's like that, do not underestimate our weakness before the seductive of this infamous system) .. I refer to the neighborhood speculator, the stock market speculator, the financial speculator, the evaders, the account holders in Switzerland ... Although obviously I can not stop pointing out those who wanted to be new rich, and some who got it.

The capitalist system is clear: take the money and run. Give nature letter for it. And I do not care if the liberals are thrown at me with legal gibberish or with grandiloquent words defending justice and some perspective of the just. That's talk, ethics for the good thief. Because the capitalist system is founded on the foundations of legality, a legality that is difficult to understand, that gives free rein to looting and exploitation, or to invading a foreign country, or to starving millions of people.

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How much stress, how much complication, everything should be much easier than basing everything on profit or loss, at least in a society that aspires to be fair and equal among its peers; and here equal does not refer to any type of "Marxian equalization". The equals are ours, they are those who share a common past, present and future, a people that identified in a nation, today lives a slave of a state, of a state of occupation. The state is not the people, no, the state is the result of a power delegated by the people ... the town is something else quite different. And today the town is clumsy, has lost the course, the projection, the unit, and is at risk of perishing, if the thrust has not been fatal.

What life is this in which "we can not live", in which money is means and end; a life, the human one, in which money is everything and that makes us at the same time nothing. It does not matter the person, but their money. The system is that cold, and everyone seems to be content with four petty liberties: the system laughs at us. Because freedom begins by fighting against the society of money, against the world of finance, of the dealers of the stock market ... Money should be a simple means, and I would say that in a healthy society it should disappear, replaced by the change of goods and other different patterns.

To us, nationalists and freethinkers, what does money tell us? Nothing. And whoever says something is neither a nationalist, nor a socialist, and lives in the most miserable corruption. That for now it is a means for our ends, but come to power, mortal blow to everything established by dirty money. And to think, to fantasize, to dream about how well we will spend it passing our steamrollers, crushing everything that reduced man to an insignificant life, to a slave of capital. Think of all those institutions shattered, those enemies killed or imprisoned. We will hang them from a lamppost and fill their swish with coins until they drown: Here is your life! We will tell you.

The market is a key issue in every movement. With him a good people must show their good health. But the market is just one more plot of our lives, a secondary plot that should not interfere in the affairs of nationalist politics: that is, it must be an element of the national state, not another power outside the state. We, men of life, heroes of force majeure, want to live above money and all the material reverie that leads us to be slaves of things: a sovereign must circumscribe himself, and never delegate his freedom to something external. And we dream of work, of work as our authentic strength, the only thing that belongs to us; and that this has its impact on us and ours, building the foundations of a strong people. That our work be reinvested in the nation, and not in the usurer, not in international capital, not in the stock market ... Let no one traffic and speculate with what is ours!

                    Let no one steal our future!


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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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It is quite right that society today moves through money, but it is unfortunately EVERYTHING in society costs money, and there are basic needs that sastisfascer. I agree not to end up being a slave to the big guys who know how to take advantage of everything in this society. Thanks for sharing.

I understand your point of view if it is true in this system everything moves with money this is the reality, but that is not why we have to corrupt our mind and let ourselves be trampled by the piggy money.

That I think is the idea of the new bockchain platforms, democratize participation and profits, and not continue to enrich the great world monopoly. Although I also believe, like you, that money is not everything in life. There are people who, having money, prefer to take their own lives. Which shows that there are other better values to cultivate. A pleasure to make you.

Yes, as you say, there are people who have too much money and who take their own lives due to emotional problems. that to some extent enters a depressed state. I always say that "money does not buy happiness only gives you comfort"

Totally agree! Regards!

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