* How To Become A Great Leader *

in #philosophy6 years ago

Team leadership, especially in the world of work, is one of the skills that has increased its contribution. Now, it seems logical that any organization that wants to survive the competition places in positions of responsibility those people with aptitude and attitude to lead teams.

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If we go back a few years (it is not necessary that there are many), we will find that the image of the hard and demanding boss prevailed; However, at present, this profile has changed radically in many companies. Now, what do human resources departments look for in a person to consider them a good potential leader? Continue reading and discover it!

"In the next century, leaders will be those who push others"
-Bill Gates-

Team leadership when the work group is formed

A first key point in team leadership focuses on the task of composing the working group. When selecting the members that will be part of it, a good leader must be able to consider both the competencies of the employees and the objectives to be achieved.

To do this, you must take into account if the elected have the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out those tasks that are entrusted to them, as well as to see if they can cooperate in confidence. Once the leader is clear about who will be part of his team, he will have to focus on the second key point: defining the mission.

Here it is going to be key that the members of the group understand perfectly what is the task that they must develop, besides being clear what is expected of their performance. The latter is the third key point in team leadership: establishing expectations and goals, both for the group as a whole and for each of the individuals that comprise it.

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last one is to thank. Between both circumstances, the leader is a servant "
-Max de Pree-

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The importance of preparing the working group in team leadership

Once the above is clear, we must take into account the fourth key point: structure and plan the work. That is, the leader will have to clarify both the working methods and the roles of each of the members of the group, as well as the times established to achieve the objectives.

Then it is time to emphasize the fifth point: train and develop the members of the working group. A good leader must take into account the training resources of the company and encourage its use among employees, as well as the mentoring of each other.

A sixth key point in team leadership is for the leader to try to generate group meaning, identifying conflicts and the different important events for the team. In addition, it is important that the planning includes periodic reviews that review whether the objectives and expectations are being met. That is, it has to monitor the team, which is the seventh key point.

Team leadership when the task gets underway

Also, as you follow up, you must return the information related to your effort. This would be the eighth key point in team leadership: give feedback. It is also important that the leader manages the relationships of the working group with the rest of the company. This management of the borders would be the ninth key point.

The tenth key point is the leader's ability to challenge and motivate the team. But he also has to participate and intervene in those things that the group has to carry out. That is, the eleventh key of team leadership would be to perform the tasks. In this line, we find the twelfth key: to be able to provide information and resources (material, personal and financial) to the team.

The leader, in addition, must stimulate the team's autonomous work motivating the members to solve for themselves the problems that may arise in the performance of the task. This way of stimulating self-management is the thirteenth key point.

"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers. They can interrupt any argument, debate and doubt and offer a solution that everyone can understand "
-Colin Powell-

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But for this to be possible, it is essential that the leader attends to interpersonal issues that may influence the performance of the group. Put another way: it has to support the social climate, which would be the fourteenth key point. Finally, we must not forget the last key point: the ability of the leader to detect equipment problems and implement effective solutions.

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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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"Research clearly shows that transformational leaders—leaders who are positive, inspiring, and who empower and develop followers—are better leaders," explains psychologist and leadership expert Ronald E. Riggio. "They are more valued by followers and have higher performing teams."

So what can you do embrace these valued leadership qualities and become a stronger and more effective leader? Transformational leaders are usually described as enthusiastic, passionate, genuine and energetic. These leaders are not just concerned about helping the group achieve its goals; they also care about helping each member of the group reach his or her full potential.

Consider some of the following tips for how to become a better leader and think about ways that you can implement these strategies in your daily life.

A effective leader has the ability to change their style to meet the changing needs of the team and the person.
A great leader manage the team may include telling and directing, facilitating and supporting.
Some good qualities that a great leader should display:
Appreciative, Confident, Compassionate, Courageous, Diligent, Fair, Flexible, Honest, Impartial and Responsive.
If all these qualities are found in our life then we will become a great leader.

good comment.. thank you..

Noted!, dear @joelgonz1982 ... ❤
Very useful points.. hope they will work and have good effects on my organization, and any organizations....

Thanks for sharing... 😍

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