Dear Diary: My Endocrinologist Visit Did Not End Up Good

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)


My Mother and some orderlies helping me out on the wheelchair


Wheeling unto the uncertainty again I go


Waiting for the Elevator; The Doctor's Clinic was on the 4th Floor


I was resting my elbows on the pillow that we brought I a hope to ease up my back but it didn't made a difference as I am still in pain here


The nurse secretary taking my vital signs. The last photo taken by my brother because it is not allowed to take photo of the super important doctor

I was so happy at first but it ended up not as planned. Me and my parents plus my brother went into the hospital very early as the doctor's clinic starts at 8:00 AM. I thought that I will have to wait from the car but after my mother finished enlisting me to see the doctor, my parents wheeled me out to the waiting area.

I thought that I will just have to wait for just maybe a couple of hours as my number on the queue list is 20th, but my mother bargained for me to get a lower number citing that my back is aching and I can't sit for long. So it was successful and we got a higher number but the doctor actually was known for having a long, long time sessions per patient. I got called at around 2:00 o'clock.

Before I was called I was already in agony and just requested my mother to massage my back because I am in deep pain. I am not used to sit for long hours. There also a notice on the adjacent room where the doctor conducts her clinic where there are no cameras allowed. My brother did requested to get a photo but she refused as she was so important or a celebrity for that matter.

So I finally met the doctor. The doctor asked us what we want her to do for me. I told her not focus on the problem on my face because I want to get checked for my parathyroid as I believe that it was the root cause of my bone problem.

In that instance I think I blew her top or maybe bruised her ego because she thought that I was telling her what to do. She actually told me to tell her what to do and she started to get angry. I told her to please check my parathyroid so she writes a lab test for it. I ended arguing for her to look at my parathyroid because it was the reason for me to see her at the first place.

She was also interviewing me about my kidney history but not taking my word for it as I do not have any lab results to show so I told her to write me a lab request so that she can see what she wants, she got angry again because I was telling her that. I kept on telling her that my parathyroid had a history of lumping on my throat and that it hurted at some point in time and that she just have to check it out, she refused and told me patients cannot just say what they want and get it.

She also said that she cannot help me so we left the clinic. It was OK for me, she is not the the last endocrinologist in town anyway. But I got he lab request for the parathyroid function. We went to the other part of the city to get my blood drawn for the lab test. It was an expensive kind of a laboratory test which requires it to be sent to Manila, Philippines and we will get a result after one week. I was so in pain at this point because I have to walk and stand for a while in the laboratory place.


The laboratory request for my Parathyroid. It costed me $30 but since I am a person with disability I am eligible for a $4 discount. It's a relatively expensive laboratory procedure but I went on doing it anyway for future reference for a doctor


My Nephrologist was the second from below

We were so hungry too. Leaving our house at before 8:00 AM and waiting in agony until 2:00 PM and then arguing to the egomaniac doctor who does not want to get photographed too is just made this day a real bad one for me. The crutch courier kept on calling too, I will post that later.

I may visit a ENT doctor this time who has a reconstructive specialty. The last doctors kept on pointing me to that type of doctor anyway so in a few weeks I will as they are not available for a few weeks as I have learned from the secretary. My doctor's visit makes me want to cry as if I was denied treatment but I will still keep on going because the steemit community is behind me. God help me. God Bless you all that helps me.


What a TERRIBLE doctor!
I am so sorry.
You are very brave and amazing.

I am still mellow at that point Ma'am Linda
I am sad that I did not get the good result that I need but maybe in the next physician that I will meet that will happen.
Still I see hope because of your love and support plus the support of other friends here at steemit it will be all possible.
God Bless you and Keep you @canadian-coconut

I think about you often @cryptopie. I think you may be one of the bravest souls i've ever heard about. I learn from you that I am a coward and yet you inspire me to be better. I wish your life could have been less brutally challenging. It may be no comfort at all, coming from someone who has no true understanding of the challenges you have faced, but I believe all existence has meaning and purpose. The only thing that makes sense to me is that we are all one and once we leave these bodies, we join together and share in each other's experiences. Every tragedy and happiness will become as if each of us had experienced all of it. Your journey of pain and courage will become my journey of pain and courage.....and my journey will become yours.

Thank you from my heart Sir @benjojo for all the support, encouragement, and kind words that you had given me.
I believe that each of us have a fate in life that we have to live through. We do not know the things that God is doing for us may it be hard for us or not but the sum total for all of us all will be good in the end.
I may inspire others and I am so happy with that and I will just continue on with my life so that others will see that theirs is to cherish and treasure simply because we cannot simply buy a normal life.
May God Bless you and Keep you.

You right mate.

awww that was such a sweet comment @benjojo. @cryptopie, I feel the same, you so strong and brave and more of us need to be like you! I love how you always try to stay positive and that you keep your chin up! Amazing. Will keep cheering you on.

This is beautiful, @benjojo. ❤❤❤

Sometimes doctors can be such egomaniacs! I know that as a nurse!! They don't want to be told, by a patient or a nurse, what to do... Fortunately there are some gems as doctors, I know many and it is a blessing when you have to deal with them... big hugs to you my sweet @cryptopie xx

I hope to see a doctor that really have a wider perspective on patient's needs.
It's hard on my back stumbling upon such doctor that I had met today. I hope the next one would be much more at least caring @jamisa
Thanks for the support.
God Bless you and Keep you.

Thanks for posting. I have messaged you. I figured it didn't go well, when I didn't hear back. I know the emotional, physical, financial and spiritual toll of the investment in these visits. I want to help you liaise with the right doctors, and with your permission email them. More details in message.
Don't feel pressured to respond, sometimes after these kind of visits you just need time to bury yourself and cry. Do that, give yourself a time frame to grieve, because it is a form of grief. But then we will fight again.

What a bitch. Excuse my language but this pisses me off. Ive dealt with so many doctors that are exactly like that B&*#$. Im happy you got your lab and yes we do got your back. There are good doctors out there, stay strong, praying for ya @cryptopie

Yes I hope to find a better one next time.
Thank you for the care and support @weirdheadaches
God Bless you and stay safe too for that storm.

I would say "stay strong" but you clearly have that part covered. You are clearly one of the strongest people around. Please know that there are many, many people who are thinking of you and wishing you the best.

My heart is filled with joy @hanshotfirst knowing that many people here at steemit particularly cares for me as they are helping me like you without asking for anything back. It's just like more than a community butt like a closed-knit family as it seems when it comes too supporting each other and I am grateful and thankful for it.
So I am staying strong and keeping the faith that I can at least lessen my misery out and maybe off for good.
May God Bless you and Keep you all.

aww no! I hope you find a better doctor that can help you. Sent you some Steem to help cover the cost of your laboratory procedure! :)

Thank you @karensuestudios
God Bless you for all your unending support for me.
May God repay you.

you take care of you! We all want you to get better! :)

I would like to knock his or her head to shake the brain!!! Brainless doctor!!! Her brain is in money! Not in the patient!! Brainless doctor... She's make me mad... But I have another solution for you... In Gods will, I will visit you and recommend you to the Doctors that i know! We will go there... I promise...


I find that doctor cold and heartless.

I would gladly receive you from our home @kennyroy
Thank you for your support, I just need some medical care, I am on a panic mode really as my Leontiasis is progressing exponentially. I didn't look like this six months ago.
God Bless you Sir for all your support.

Ugh! What a terrible doctor and I've had a few of those myself, but her attitude takes the cake!
Hopefully once you get your PTH level checked and they see that it's through the roof, they will move forward with a parathyroidectomy . It won't correct your current condition, but at least it will halt it so you don't develop further complication with your bones.
So sorry about today :(

It was not a good experience but I left the clinic without any worry as I have still many doctors to consult maybe far more caring and wide-focused than this last one.
II will be getting the result after one week, it was an expensive laboratory procedure @lizzyib
They will going to bring the sample blood to Manila for the test.

she refused and told me patients cannot just say what they want and get it

I Don't know what to say. That must be hard to deal with. Please keep faith kuya better days are comming.


Hi @markush
I need help badly as I am realizing what Leontiasis is, it will take out my eye sight.

Te bone overgrowth is near my eye socket now on the left.
The condition must be stopped and fast immediately.

Thank you for all your support.

That sounds really scary to experience. Im a bit speechless to be honest. I truly hope you will get help asap. Please keep fighting dyan


Yes I am just rattled from my rickety foundations as it is really a terror to my emotions and mind realizing that I will be blinded by this condition. I just need help.

God Bless you @markush for your efforts for me.

Wow, that doctor's ego went higher than her head, covering what is more important in her body which is her brain. Not even thinking the reason why her head is located on the highest part of her body, is because to tell her that her brain is more important and she should use it wisely, not letting anything get more higher like her ego, and as a doctor she should know that she is not a lord but a servant to her patient. That is not how to treat a patient in need. She should understand the situation of her patient physically and emotionally

I hope and praying that nexttime on your next checkup, it will all be ok

I wish to meet another doctor with a wider insight about my situation @smokinglems
Please pray for me.
God Blesss you.

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